It's summertime.

The night skies are full of glittering exploding stars. The light showered upon the atmosphere as the happy cries of the people watching this fireworks festival filled their hearts with hope. This is actually the first time Brightmore Town is holding a festival of this sort, so all of them are having a lot of fun.

Unexpectedly, the cliff at the back of the shrine gives a wonderful view of the fireworks, so I don't have to go down to the town proper just to watch this awesome display.

"I have fixed all the issues in the Black Cross, Tiara. The Legionmaster accepted my proposal to pardon you for the crimes you have committed. It's not even your crime in the first place, it was the curse that was controlling you and everyone around you. Sister Amanda Cryst is now lifting the manhunt, and you are now free to go back to Dradecim and continue your studies."