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Two days passed in the blink of an eye. Soran spent most of his time analyzing Invisibility and finally managed to learn it. Unable to stand the anticipation any longer, he eagerly constructed the spell in his mind, which took him over an hour. Soran filled both of his Level 2 spell slots with Invisibility, while the four Level 1 slots were stuffed with Arcane Missile.

Although he could also learn Level 3 spells, Soran did not have so much time now; it would have to wait. For now, he needed to quickly obtain more funds. Although his Scribe Scroll skill was now 36, he had spent over three hundred Gold Derahls and was a bit tight on money. As it was only afternoon, Soran decided to rest for a while to recover from his mental fatigue after learning spells for so long and to wait for night to come.