Sword Offering

After saying what he needed to say, the Elven Blacksmith fell to the ground.

The others were shocked by what they saw. Soran thought that he had died after exhausting himself, but soon, there were sounds of snoring. He waved his hand to the apprentices, motioning them to move the Elven Blacksmith to the bed, and then left a dozen Derahls by the furnace. During these three days, the apprentices had been very exhausted. They all had bloodshot eyes and very tired faces. Since Soran was satisfied with the result of the forge, he did not mind giving an extra tip.


Soran caressed the blade gently, and with a slight curl of his mouth, he said, "That name is too unlucky. Let's call it the Slasher."

There were many pieces of equipment in this world with the name Dragonslayer.