
He really got a blessed ability.

Soran looked at the crowd but could not see the figure of the woman anymore.

"Who was she?"

Blessing ceremonies shouldn't be this easy right?

Just a kiss on my forehead, a kiss on the side of my face, and a few words?

Soran remembered that he had been previously blessed by the Queen of Spiders and the Goddess of Riches, neither of the rituals seemed so simple. The Queen of Spider's blessing ceremony was completed by the Priests of Lolth. The ceremony included some evil taboo rituals to please the Queen of Spiders. After completing this relatively degenerate ceremony, the Queen of Spiders would bless the target. (The Queen of Spiders must be delighted in order for the ceremony to work.)

The ceremony for the Goddess of Riches was relatively simple; either you made an equivalent contribution, or gave a large amount of money.