Smooth Solution

Seeing Kuwako’s oath to the end, Tang Xiu then said serenely, “Get up!”

Kuwako stood up and asked, “Master, are you really able to make me strong?”

“If in the future, your way of handling my matters and your performance pleases me, I’ll make you very powerful, to the extent that you’ve never dreamed of. Don’t doubt my capability nor question my words. I might be unable to accomplish it now, but you will see for yourself later,” said Tang Xiu.

Kuwako nodded and suddenly asked, “Master, you…”

Tang Xiu interrupted her and spoke with a deep tone, “Don’t call me Master, just call me Boss.”

“Understood!” Kuwako answered immediately.

“Alright. Now tell me what you wanted to say,” said Tang Xiu

Kuwako asked, “Boss, can you also use the controlling arts on those five? I think they also have heard the contents of our conversation. I’m afraid…”

“I’ll kill them,” said Tang Xiu.