Devastating Oppression

“He’s Hong Changyin, the boss of Imperial Water Royal View City Real Estate in our county. A few days ago he and the businessmen from Blue City wanted to build an industrial city in our place. I don’t know how he got the government’s approval as well as dragged the government’s participation in this, but the government issued a land requisition.” Su Ben forced a smile and said.

“What’s this Hong Changyin’s background?” asked Tang Xiu.

Su Ben said, “He’s Mr. Hong’s nephew, the head of the county’s commissioner court.”

Tang Xiu suddenly realized. He finally understood that Hong Chanying’s big influence, to even be able to buy the county hospital’s doctors. But no matter the other party’s background, he didn’t care. Since they dared hurt his grandmother, he would definitely make them pay a bitter and painful price. Not only just Hong Changyin, even that Commissioner Head, Mr. Hong, as well as the county hospital’s leadership would have to pay a painful price.