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Tang Xiu rejected Su Lingyun’s proposition. What he needed to find were medicinal herbs and silver needles. Because he came in a hurry and didn’t know what exactly happened to his grandmother, he didn’t bring anything to treat her injuries.

“Big Brother Ben, are you sleepy?” asked Tang Xiu.

Su Ben shook his head, “I’m not.”

“Alright, then come with me! I need to find some things as fast as possible and then come back to treat grandma’s injuries.”

“Alright!” Su Ben nodded.

Tang Xiu knew Su Ben very well. He was simple and honest ever since he was small until he grew up. Usually, he rarely spoke. But no matter which family faced hardships in the village, he would lend them a hand. This trait was inherited from his father, the honest and considerate Second Uncle who died young. A typical peasant who was resigned to his plot of land and toiled over it with his back to the sky.