Crucial Intelligence

Night Specter curiously sized him up and carefully observed him for half a minute before she nodded with a smile, “So, you were that miserable fella who got a lesson from Mo Āwen, huh? Ah, right. You shouldn’t know about Mo Āwen. But I’m hella sure you know about Thousand Threads, no? Mo Āwen is that Thousand Threads!”

Thousand Threads?

Intense hatred suffused Turtledove’s eyes. He clenched his fists and imposingly said, “I’ll never forget Thousand Threads even if I become a ghost! If it weren’t because of him, I wouldn’t have been captured by those guys from the United Kingdom’s Secret Intelligence Service, nor would have I been forced to be their slave, nor would I know that fucking bastard, Shi Biao! Likewise, I would have never joined this organization, neither would I have ended up meeting you and being aimed at by your damned gun today!”

Night Spectre jeered, “So you got enslaved and must work for that bunch from the United Kingdom’s SIS, huh? You should die in that case.”