Problems with One’s Attitude

The entire day was spent in the consultation room receiving patients. Despite being working fast, there were too many patients, and he couldn’t handle more than his limit. At 10 PM, he sent off all the patients who were still in the queue, yet he was quite helpless since today’s treatment was not yet over for him; there were still six more patients who needed his treatment. Their treatment would need a lot of time, and they were all waiting in the Inpatient Department.

“Are you tired, Xinyue?”

Tang Xiu got up to stretch himself. He turned to look at the faintly pale Dai Xinyue, whose forehead had thick beads of sweat running down her face.

“Yeah, I’m very tired, Master. I’m afraid I’m going to faint if we have to treat a dozen patients more,” said Dai Xinyue with a smile.