Self-Death Path

In the back row of the auditorium.

Zhou Chong and Chen Shuai were dumbfounded when they saw Han Qingwu, and a chill ran up their spines straight to the back of their heads. Other than the different attire, the looks and figure were identical, so it was absolutely Han Qingwu. The duo recalled the time when they tried to talk to her, and as they thought about how mistaken their actions were, they were so scared that they nearly wet their pants.

"Gulp… it feels so good to be alive." Chen Shuai's throat squirmed, and his trembling right hand wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead. He was afraid to even imagine what would happen if Han Qingwu were to hit them back in the Red Pavilion. Even if they did not die, they would be left only half alive!