Prohibited Goods

Xie Zhiqiang was a very cautious man in nature, and he cherished the life of the men associated with him unless he was forced into a critical juncture. He did not delay in the slightest when he had to retreat from the underground base because he did not know whether the enemy had found the third exit, and if so, whether they were trying to destroy the door.

When he finally noticed the six SUVs from its roaring engines, he stopped at the gate of the factory and finally felt relieved. There was a side door in the company that only a few people knew about. His escape route would not be affected even if the enemies were to block the company's front gate.

As he stopped in front of the car, Xie Zhiqiang turned his head and shot a deep look at the inside of the warehouse, muttering to himself, "This place will become a hell on Earth shortly. Only death shall come to whoever dares to eye the results of my research."