The Growing Charm

Tang Xiu took out a cigarette, ignited it and took a few deep puffs before saying, "Everything is ready and just needs the right time to move. Once Awu has bought all the herbs I need, we can leave this place to get rid of that decrepit Dao Master Poison. For safety's sake, however, I already contacted Dark and Light to come here."

"Dark and Light are coming here, Boss?" Jin Shi was surprised.

"Yeah. This is the issue I'm about to tell you." Tang Xiu nodded and said, "I asked Awu to contact them. I expect them to arrive in Qinglin County this evening, so you are to go quietly in the afternoon, precisely to the hotel suite we checked in last time. You'll wait for them there and then bring them over."

"Understood." Jin Shi nodded without a word and then flew away to the distance.