You Got Cuckolded?

The morning sun shined on the whole world and pierced through the French window, illuminating the king-sized Simmons bed. Last night's madness caused a problem with Tang Xiu's fixed biological clock. He quietly woke up at ten and sat up, stimulated by the smell of the food.

"It smells great."

Tang Xiu sat with his arms propping him up while watching the small round table in the room full of delicious food. Xue Yu had changed clothes, but she still wore a long white dress accompanied by her black and soft long hair. She looked even more conspicuous by donning a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a platinum bracelet on her wrist, making her look more beautiful.

"You're awake?" Xue Yu let out a smile and said, "The waiter just sent the dishes over. I just bought some toiletries from the outside for you. Come on, hurry up and take a shower! Let's have a meal together."