Immeasurably Deep

Li Qiang hastily sent out such a psychological attack just now out of anger. He was so anxious to catch up with Tang Xiu and, without thinking, slammed the door and accused him. But now, after Tang Xiu asked him, his rage couldn't help but swirl around and around inside his chest, unable to break out from his gaffe.

'What and how should I explain? No way do I tell him that I've tracked them, right? Yeah right, that will be so damn embarrassing!'

At present, his face was flushed red, wishing he could find a hole he could burrow himself into. After standing stiffly for some time under the strange gaze of everyone present, he coughed twice and bit the bullet, "I've got to deal with you for something. Ah, no. I'm looking for her."

"There's no rush, you can talk with her later," said Tang Xiu casually. "Let's talk about how I toyed with you."