Common Enemies

Song Guanghui's eyes glinted in the dark. He had been concealing his identity in Saipan for 20 years and had severed nearly all contact with anyone he knew of in mainland China. He knew very few people who still remembered his real name—Song Guanghui.

Who is this young man, and how does he know my real name?

Shooting a deep look at Tang Xiu, he said, "Young man, are you not mistaking me with someone else? I'm indeed a senior official here in Saipan—you can call me Sen Hui. What's your name?"

"I'm surnamed Tang," answered Tang Xiu with a smile.

Family name of Tang?

Song Guanghui pondered for a short while. Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat and his hands trembled. He rushed to grab the door's handle and, while trying hard to restrain his emotions, he intentionally let out a relaxed smile and said, "I have a good impression of China as I once had a friend surnamed Tang there. So, what situation are you in right now, exactly?"