Speaking More is Useless

On the bow of the luxury liner, Mo Awu moved over a sofa. Tang Xiu let out a smile and sat on it, put a leg atop the other, and then lit a cigarette. Looking at the two men with a happy smile, he grinningly said, "You see, I don't think there's a need for you to know who I am for your most respected god, the Satan himself, would feel ecstatic to see you and won't ask who has sent you to him."

Angelo Dolan stared daggers at Tang Xiu and asked, "Is there any enmity between us?"

"The grudge is there, and the hatred is as deep as the bloody ocean." Tang Xiu nodded. "It's not only you, though. Those men you brought with you and all those shits in House Dolan are damned, including the ones in the SOE company under your family's control."

Angelo shifted his gaze to Demonfreak geezer and furiously shouted, "Demonfreak geezer, we've been friends and worked together for many years, why the hell did you choose to betray us?!!"