The Fish Is on the Hook

Walking between the two men with a faint smile, Tang Xiu then turned to look at the two severely injured men on the floor, saying, "I don't think you both got no brains since you can be trained to be the Chess Pieces by your Palace Master, no? You must have realized something after your last move, right?"

Daikura and Ozawa struggled hard to climb up from the floor. Both men exchanged fast glances, then the former stared daggers at Tang Xiu and asked, "Who exactly are you?"

A smile sketched on the corner of Tang Xiu's mouth. He hooked a finger at Kuwako nearby. After she came to him, he gently put his hand on her shoulder and spoke to the two men smilingly, "You both are gonna die today, so I'll do you a service to fulfill your curiosity. Kuwako, let them see what you look like."

Kuwako let out a light smile and changed her appearance—a technique Tang Xiu taught her. She controlled her facial muscles and eventually restored her original looks.