Losing Patience

The Long's Dining Hall.

Lights brightly illuminated the wide corridor. The winter had come, but the corridor was as warm as in Spring and the Bonsais and potted plants around the corner still looked lush and grew well.

However, a faint bloody smell permeated the air in the corridor and brought with it a hidden killing atmosphere. To make it worst, some ghostly figures also had destroyed all the monitoring equipment in the corridor. The situation caused the four security guards of the Long's Dining Hall to come to check as they appeared in the corner.

"Mindless vandalism…"

The four people finally reached this conclusion. But there was something else they couldn't believe, however. There were six CCTVs in the corridor, four of which were installed at the center aside from the two others that were installed at the end of the corridor. Yet, none of it captured anyone's figure or shadow before they were destroyed.