Huge Undertaking

Shanghai Airport.

As the private jet slowly landed and touched the ground, Tang Xiu slowly came out of the cabin with his hands behind his back. Shortly after, tens of Tang Sect experts came out from the cabin and landed behind Tang Xiu. Nearby the ladder, a row of 10 black Audi sedans were parked with sturdy men in black suits sitting on the driver seat of each car.

With a smile hanging on her face, Kang Xia paced forward. She hugged Tang Xiu and then smilingly said, "I heard you bumped into some antic gags in Shanghai several days ago."

Tang Xiu stared for a moment and asked with a puzzled face, "Huh? What antics?"

"Andy told me everything. Something like the house nearly catching fire." Kang Xia chuckled.

Tang Xiu's expression instantly turned awkward and he snappily said, "You really love hitting people's sore points, don't you? Bah, let's set off!"