
Xia Shishu returned home and sat on the sofa. Other than his quick breakfast at home in the early morning, he didn't eat anything at all!

Xia Shishu repeatedly told himself that he should take care of his health since he can't be the main character if he doesn't.

After waiting for a bit, Xia Lina returned home. As she had just replenished their stock of groceries, she didn't need to do it again. In their household, Xia Lina would buy enough food so that it can last for a few days before buying more. It saves her a lot of time.

Why didn't Shishu cook? Well, it's because he felt really lazy. Ever since he began reading novels on the net, his laziness bar got even larger. Only when he is really starving would he take the initiative to cook.

That being said, he had waited for Xia Lina to come home and cook for him. A really lazy brother indeed.

After changing her clothes, Xia Lina went into the kitchen. Looking at the kitchen table, she saw her brother who was sitting with his chin on the table. It was quite funny because he was in the living room when she returned, and he is now in the kitchen waiting for his food to be served.

"Brother, will you begin playing Second Reality today?" Xia Lina asked curiously.

"Yeah, I got my Second Reality device today. Look!" Xia Shishu said as he showed Lina his Second Reality bracelet.

"Lemme see!" Lina ran towards her brother with haste. Seeing her brother's violet bracelet, she was jealous and a little bit sad. She had wanted to play Second Reality with her brother for the longest of times.

Since her brother got a violet bracelet, she promised herself to request for a violet one too since she wants to match her brother.

"Hurry up and make the food okay? I'm famished! I want to play right after I eat." Xia Shishu said as he pushed Xia Lina to the kitchen counters.

"Eh? Are you sure you want to do that? Brother, I'll really starve you. Gosh! Do you need me to remind you to clean yourself?" Lina puffed her cheeks while lecturing Xia Shishu.

Xia Shishu laughed like a robot with a Ha Ha Ha sound. He really did forget. Even though it's hard to get up and clean oneself when they want to do something, good hygiene must not be disregarded. He wanted to log in and get used to Second Reality so he can show off his skills to Ji Anyi when they play together later.

Even though he stopped bothering Ji Anyi at school, that doesn't mean he won't try to gain her favor. When she invited him to play, Xia Shishu's inner beast came to life! He was going to show off with his beautiful moves like how some paradise birds dance for their mates! All in all, he just wants to be cool in front of the girl. Maybe she'll stop hitting him with her pencil and talk to him in her moe form at school.


Xia Shishu went directly to his room after chatting with his sister and cleaning himself.

By the time he began playing, it was already 5:30 PM. His parents were home on schedule today, but he didn't bother them. They probably needed to rest.

As he laid down on his bed, Xia Shishu activated his gaming system by saying, "Second Reality Connect."

Xia Shishu passed through a multicolored tunnel and soon arrived in Second Reality. He arrived at plane shrouded by darkness with fuzzy balls of white emitting light.

A female angel the size of one's palm with three pairs of wings appeared in front of him.

"Greetings player, welcome to Second Reality. A quick introduction will be given and I will also be assisting you in the creation of your Second Reality Character. To let new players adapt to the game, all players stats will be the same and you will not be able to change your class until you reach level 10. All players will also start with the same equipment, no exceptions."

[Ding! A lower class system detected. System will begin overriding.]

"Eh?" Xai Shishu heard his System speaking as the chibi Angel was introducing him to Second Reality.

"Second Reality has many contents and commodities could be added when certain requirements are met by the players. Be sure to expect changes."

[Ding! System Overriding]


"The goal is to make this world a true Second Reality and having the game globally synchronized will make this goal possible. To accommodate for the millions or billions of players, the lands of Second Reality will be extremely vast. To make sure language is not a barrier between players, players will only be able to start in village/towns/cities within the country. Different countries will have different cities. Teleportation of characters to international village/towns/cities could only be done once per year."


"To reassure the players, everything in Second Reality was randomly generated. This prevents the developers from exploiting the known information."


"Players will gain 5 fixed stats and 5 free allocation stats point per level up. Other information is for the players to discover and explore. The different ways players used these points would result in their own unique playing style. Strength increases Physical Attack Power and the weight behind each attack. Agility increases Attack Speed and Movement Speed. Stamina increases maximum HP and the player's stamina. Intelligence increases Magical Attack Power and maximum MP while wisdom increases the recovery rate of MP and HP. Now, let's start with your Second Reality name creat-..."

[100%... Overriding complete! Second Reality System is integrated into the System. In Second Reality, the Second Reality System will be replaced.]

[Host, please choose your Second Reality name.]

Xia Shishu smiled faintly as he saw the Palm Angel spoke in his System's monotonous voice, confidence welling up within him. This was his advantage. THIS!

"I choose the name [GOD SHISHU]!"

[Sorry this name has been taken.]

"Ehh? What?!" The hardest thing that most players have a hard time with is finding an awesome name…

"System can't you make exceptions??" Xia Shishu begged the System.

[Cannot be done. Host does not have the item or the power to change the rule of this world at the moment. Please choose a name.]

"Fine. I choose the name [Immortal Bastard]!"

[Sorry this name has been taken.]

"Creamy Left Hand!"

[Sorry this name has been taken.]

"Benevolent Friend!"

[Sorry this name has been taken.]

"Xiao Wugui?" (Little Turtle)

[This name is available, does host want to keep this name? Y/N]

"Yes." Xia Shishu helplessly confirmed else he might spend hours here trying to find a good looking name. He likes turtles anyways. Turtles are easy going, patient, and wise creatures. He also admires their long life spans, slow movements, and sturdiness.

Why would he be a dragon or a phoenix when he can be a turtle?

[Host's name has been set. For Host's Second Reality avatar, he could change his facial features up to 10% and body features up to 20%.]

Thinking about it for a while, Xia Shishu chose to adjust his character's appearance by 10% as he wanted to roleplay.

[Please select a village for host's starting place.]

A map highlighted in green displaced hundreds of cities belonging to his country appeared in front of Xia Shishu.

Looking at the map, he asked his system about Silver Lake Village since he wanted to go there and meet Ji Anyi.

[City is available. Does Host want to begin at Silver Lake Village?]

Xia Shishu accepted and the sight before him immediately blurred as he was sent away.

Silver Lake Village, the buildings here were simple houses with beautiful and peaceful surroundings.. NPCs and Players filled the streets, making it quite lively.

Xia Shishu appeared near the west gate of Silver Lake Village. His appearance resembles a commoner and the many players around him. He currently wore a dirtied white cloth shirt, leggings, and shoes.

Xia Shishu took a slightly bigger breath and found out that the air felt real. He clenched his hands to feel how his body felt.

"It is as amazing as I expected! To think that this game really has a 98% realism… this makes playing this game worth it." As he was complimenting the game, he suddenly made a self-satisfied smile

He checked his Second Reality inventory and saw that he only has 30 pieces of baked bread that can restore 1/7 of his hunger bar. Other than that, he only has a Novice Wooden Sword and 10 copper coins.

Many players were wandering around the village, seeking for quests from NPCs. Other than the stand-around minority, others were trying their best to level up.

Xia Shishu didn't pay attention to the other players. Following what he read online before, Xia Shishu slightly waved his hand and touched the air with his finger. A player's Attribute Panel appeared before him.

[ Player : Xiao Wugui

HP: 900/900

MP: 1200/1200

Hunger: 100/100

Occupation: N/A [No Data]

Level : 0

EXP : 1300/100,000

Strength: 33

Agility: 34

Stamina: 30

Wisdom: 34

Intelligence: 40

Attribute Points: 7

Skill: Calligraphy (Beginner)

Skill Points: 0]

Xia Shishu stared at his attribute panel with widen eyes. Isn't this his average stats from the system? Other than the five things in the beginning, everything is the same!

He saw his attribute points and decided to use them since it's a waste to not use it. Without hesitation, he clicked the plus sign [+] for Wisdom, placing all 7 points into it. His name is now Little Turtle, and turtles are supposed to be wise.

With this, he has the advantage of at least a level! Hahaha! Isn't that great?! The new players won't be able to catch him at all!