C-Level Quest Complete

[Soul Binding Fu Talisman (Beginner)]

Item Description: Beginner Talisman. A Talisman embedded with magical powers (MP). This Talisman can rebind a wandering soul into it's old body. The soul and body must be within three meters of one another. One time use consumable.


Xia Shishu got excited about his new skill. If he can create the Soul Binding Fu, maybe he can create other kinds of Talisman he had memorized! He also received EXP from successfully making a Talisman. But Bleh! Who cares about that right now… He can create Talismans! He can also bring them to real life!

If he can create a bunch of luck boosting charms.. Xia Shishu evilly smiled as he thought about it.

When he successfully created the Talisman, it glowed with radiance silver in color. For a little bit, he was so proud about his creation that forgot about the little girl needed help...

He has the Talisman, but he doesn't know the real chant to activate the darn thing. It's just one problem after another!

"System can you activate this Talisman?" In his mind, he spoke to the system.

[Soul Binding Fu Talisman (Beginner) can be activated. Host can choose the targets if he wants to activate it.]

Xia Shishu's answer was obviously yes, so he chose the transparent little girl and her body that is laying on the bed. Like magic, the Talisman flew up from the table and went towards Niu Qiqi's body.

With the Talisman sticking like glue on the body, the transparent little girl's figure in front of Xia Shishu stopped staring at the pink doll. The transparent little girl's figure turned her head towards her body and walked towards it.

What the transparent figure felt was an attraction that cannot be opposed. It felt like it's being forced to go towards the body.. To go towards it and become one with it. As it touched the body, it was suddenly sucked in by the Talisman. Shortly after that, Niu Qiqi's face regained some color and her breathing stabilize.

Link saw everything Xia Shishu did. He kept wondering how his party leader managed to gain obtain such skills and items in the beginner village.

The village elder and his wife only saw magic. Magic! They have a Taoist master in the village too, but that man only works for money. If they had asked for the Taoist's help, it would cost half their family fortune.

Never in a million years would they have thought that the youth in front of them is a Talisman crafting master. If he has such power, then that means he has knowledge about Taoism too! He's possibly even a Taoist master!

Xia Shishu isn't as great as they thought. It's true that he can create Talisman, but it was pure luck! He was only able to make one after 4 tries. If he doesn't have the system's help in Second Reality, he might not even be able to do anything!

His actions are not legit… If a normal player was participating in the quest, they would not have been able to craft Talismans at this stage in the game.

Those normal players would have been stuck on the quest like Xai Shishu previously was. They might have to go ask the Village Taoist for help or they might even have to return to the eerie woodlands at night and meet the creepy lady again.

It's safe to say that Xia Shishu had cheated his way through the quest with the System's help.


Niu Qiqi woke up with a groan, and her parents rushed towards her. They were relieved but anxious at the same time. "Master Wugui... Do you know why my daughter was like this?" The village elder asked. What really happened to their daughter? They had no clue.

[[Help the village elder's daughter. (Difficulty Level: C)] Competed. Host has received an Uncommon Iron Sword from the village elder's secret stash, 2 silver, and 10,000 EXP.]

Xia Shishu nodded. The elder previously called him Mister, but now he was being called Master. "Village elder, I must ask your daughter some questions before I can give you a definite answer.

He has a hypothesis about what happened, but he's not a hundred percent sure. Right now, he wants to be called Detective Shishu.

The elder was willing to let his daughter speak, but she still seems a little weak at the moment. Xia Shishu also realizes it, so he asked the girl's mother. "Village elder's wife, can you go bring a cup of water and a few snacks for your daughter? I'll speak to her after she regains some of her strength."

The mother didn't dilly-dally around. Eventually, the little girl sat up from the bed and consumed the things her mother brought in.

"You're Qiqi, right? Do you know why you fell asleep? Did a black haired lady speak to you?" Xia Shishu asked.

Niu Qiqi shivered when she heard those questions. She had seen the creepy lady walk towards her while playing hide and go seek with her friends in the backwoods. She was a hider and she thought she hid pretty well behind a bush.

As the creepy lady inch closer to her, the lady keeps twisting her head around, which made her scared. When she was asked, "Are you ready," multiple times, she answered yes out of fear.

"The black haired lady spoke to Qiqi, but Qiqi doesn't know why she fell asleep." Although still scared, she answered truthfully because she saw a concerned look on her parent's face.

"What?! Who was this lady? Does Qiqi know who that lady was?" The village elder got mad. Who dares harm his daughter?

"Qiqi's not sure but it looked like Auntie Ying.." Qiqi's voice got smaller and smaller.

"H-How can this be?! Ying Hung died weeks ago!" The elder was alarmed. A dead person had tried to harm his daughter. If it was one of the villagers, he might be able to do something about it. But how was he going to cope with an undead?

"Daddy.. Sorry.. Sorry. Qiqi and other kids.. are hiding something from the adults." Niu Qiqi sobbed and confessed to her parents. She and the other kids promised each other to stay silent about what they saw during Auntie Ying's funeral day. "... Auntie Ying climbed out of her box and *Sob* and she crawled towards us.. She said she didn't want to be alone and that she is really really sad.."

Niu Qiqi's parents were stunned silent.

Xia Shishu listened to Niu Qiqi and came upon his own conclusion on the matter. "Village elder, you should've noticed that this is the workings of an undead. As for what kind of undead, I am not a hundred percent sure, but it's highly possible that it's a Banshee! The funeral was only a few weeks ago, but the lady is already up, thus I have to say that it might be a Banshee since she only took a short time to manifest. She also mourns for her loved ones even after death!"

Xia Shishu took a breath before continuing, "Seeing that the children are being targeted, it gives me more reasons to believe that the lady is a Banshee. She might be a stubborn, possessive, or even vengeful Banshee... I had also used a Soul Binding Talisman on your daughter... Most of the time, only Banshees will be able to steal or seal the soul of others."

Even though most of what Xia Shishu said came from reading horror novels, the elder nodded. What Master Wugui said was reasonable, and he doesn't have much knowledge with the undead anyways. This is a first for him ever!

The only thing Xia Shishu kept wondering about was how the creepy lady got the broken leg. Other players couldn't damage her with their physical swords. Though it might just be the creepy lady's way of making people more afraid. Novels always say that the undead will get stronger if people are more scared.

"Master Wugui, what should we do to prevent our daughter from falling victim to lady Ying?"

"Just don't let your daughter or any children play in the backwoods for a while, and keep them in the village. Also, keep the Talisman with your daughter for thirty days. There are many otherworlders like me here in this village, so lady Ying will get exorcized sooner or later." Xia Shishu advised. Most of the things Xia Shishu said was bullshit, but it's not too bad.

The Village Elder's family looks worned out, so Xia Shishu left the village elder's family after returning the pink teddy bear to Niu Qiqi. The party was disbanded; He and Link went to do their own thing after adding each other as friends.