Little Girl [3]

"I reject this quest!" Xia Shishu yelled in his mind.

[Ding! This quest cannot be rejected.]

Xia Shishu doesn't want this quest. Relationships, Relationships. Why does such a quest even exist? The system must have a screw loose somewhere and should be checked.

Regardless, he's not going to do the quest! Not at the moment anyway. He doesn't even have lovey feelings for Ji Anyi at the moment, so he cannot confess his 'love' to her. If anything, he would confess to her that he thinks she is a rude person for slapping his hand and yelling at him at school.

"Master Wugui, since you've found your companion, I shall be going now." The Village elder told Xia Shishu as he didn't want to be a bother by staying there.

Xia Shishu looked at the elder and thanked him, "Alright. Thank you for guiding me here."

Before the village elder turned and walked away, he had a closer look at the little girl who was with Master Wugui. He recognized her just now since she wasn't hiding behind Xia Shishu anymore.

As he strode away, he trembled… A cold shiver went down his back... He knew who the little girl was. He hopes the village won't be affected due to whatever Master Wugui is planning to do.

"Thank you for the flowers, Classmate Xia. Thank you too little sister." Ji Anyi thanked Xia Shishu and the little girl. Anyi then asked, "Classmate Xia, do you want to go hunting outside the gates?"

"NO!" Xia Shishu promptly replied. He's not going anywhere until the BOSS monster is killed by the players whom he sold the Talismans to. He's not sure if Lady Ying will appear in the morning, but he does not want to risk it… He's just tactically staying in the village at the moment.

"Why not?" She asked. Ji Anyi was going to do what she initially plan and kill her classmate Xia for blocking her during lunchtime, but it seems that she won't be able to kill him in the wild. She might have to kill him in the village!

But he was nice enough to give her the flowers, and he even asked a cuwet little sister to help him do it… Maybe she should just let past grudges go? No. no.

Xia Shishu admits to himself that he's quite a coward. Else, why would he hesitate about going outside the gates to hunt monsters? He should blame all those scary movies he watched as a kid.

"Classmate Ji, I would love to go hunt with you, but I promised that we will keep this little sister company for a while!" He lied… Looking uncool leaves a bad taste in the mouth so might as well look awesome!

"Mister, are we going to do something?" The little girl spoke in a low voice as she looked at Xia Shishu through the camera. She was sure that the nice brother didn't promise to keep her company today.

"Yeah! Yeah! We're going to go around shopping and eating the delicious food in the village together with this big sister." Xia Shishu pointed at Ji Anyi and told the little girl. He hopes the little girl plays along.

Ji Anyi secretly sighed. Forget it. She'll kill her classmate when she has the chance to. "Then? Where are we going?"

Xia Shishu was relieved when he heard Ji Anyi speak. He thought for a bit and stopped thinking. Who really cares for where they go? As long as it's in the village. "We're going walk through all the fun places in the village."



"Okay, so you don't know what to do in the village." Ji Anyi suddenly said.

Xia Shishu shrugged. He just began playing. How would he know where the fun places are. Well, he knows where it's not! Places outside the gate are not fun!

"Fine then, you two will follow me and I'll take you to the food stalls okay?" Ji Anyi rolled her eyes and led Xia Shishu and the little girl to the food stalls.

There are many types of NPC led stores and shopping area in the Silver Lake village. Although not as advanced as modern cities' stores.

The travel time wasn't long at all and they were at the first food stall in just a few minutes. Xia Shishu was leisurely enjoying his Second Reality Life while the little girl looked all over the place from behind the camera given to her by Xia Shishu.

The first food stall they arrived at was selling Apple Candy Treats covered in Sweet Cicely Jam. When the little girl saw the treats, her eyes brightened up and she couldn't wait to have the treat. She was excited!

"Hello, customers!! Does your family of three want to have some Sweet Cocelized Apple Treats? They're really tasty! Your daughter will surely like it," The stall owner advertised his product. It seems that he was a great salesman!

Ji Anyi blushed. She doesn't hang out with people much, but to be called someone's wife? She's still a girl in her teens… Aish forgets it she's not going to correct the stall owner since it's a hassle.

Xia Shishu too thought it was quite a hassle to explain. Might as well leave the misunderstanding as it is. They might get a discount hahaha!

The little girl, on the other hand, got really happy. Her father is gone when she was born and her mother couldn't be with her anymore, so she was really sad. Right now, she was living with a village auntie who doesn't spend as much time with her since the auntie has 2 other daughters.

She was even told that she needs to provide some funds for herself. As a little girl, what can she do other than selling flowers?

Hearing that the nice big sister and brother were not denying about being her guardians made her really really reallyyy happy. She felt safe and carefree with them.

"I want three Sweet Cocelized Apple Treats." Ji Anyi lifted up three fingers.

"Alright!" The Stall Owner was glad to have business. What kind of businessman doesn't like business?! He quickly got three Sweet Cocelized Apple Treats and gave it to Ji Anyi. "That'll be six copper coins."

Ji Anyi felt like her pocket is going to bleed a little. Coins are valuable resources at the beginning of all games! She only has around 17 silver coins. She's not like those big teams who can gather a few gold coins at the beginning of Second Reality.

"Here you go Apple uncle." Xia Shishu didn't even think much and paid for the Sweet Cocelized Apple Treats. He wouldn't have said they'll have fun in the village if he's not going to pay! He'll lose a lot of face if he's not going to pay.

There's quite a dilemma when you're out with a girl or boy. Do you pay or let them pay? Xia Shishu had made his own rule to solve this dilemma. If he invites, he pays! If they invite, they pay! If he doesn't have any money, don't talk to someone about having fun when money is involved!

When Xia Shishu paid for the treats, Ji Anyi gave him a weird look. Didn't he just begin playing? He's not going to have any money to buy equips and other necessary things. If only she knew… that Xia Shishu was a cheat with his system….

"Thank you for the business!" The stall owner said as he received his coins.

Ji Anyi distributed the treats. She had the treats before and the effects from it were decent. The sweetish taste was also really good since it was not too sweet.

One must know that Second Reality allows users to have a sense of taste. It also allows other sense, otherwise, it would not have been considered a game with 98% realism.

When Xia Shishu received his treat, he checked the description.

[Sweet Cocelized Apple Treat: Apple Candy Treats covered in Sweet Cicely Jam. It's a tasty product that is sold in Silver Lake Village. Effects: Heals 14 HP over a duration of 7 seconds. Remarks: Low low tier.]

Second Reality Items? Effects? Ehuehehe! He laughed internally. He knows what to do!

He can bring items from here to reality for goodness' sake. It's a must that he should do! He'll be wasting his ability if he doesn't become a [World Merchant]. He can turn in-game things to real things!

Thinking about the possibilities made him excited. "Apple uncle! I want 1000 of these Sweet Cocelized Apple Treats!"

"Wah!?" Ji Anyi exclaimed.

The little girl was startled when Xia Shishu yelled and she almost dropped her treat.

What the heck! She thought that her classmate Xia was a poor beginner! Does he even have 20 silver coins at the moment? Did he buy the coins?? He doesn't look that rich! Ji Anyi's head was full of question marks!

The stall owner sweated. He doesn't have that many Treats in stock! Who the heck would buy so many treats?! He never had someone ask to buy so many treats!

If someone wanted the healing effect, they would just go buy an HP potion from the alchemist in the village store!

"Err sorry young man. I only have around 250 treats in stock… Maybe you can buy all these and come back later when I make more?" As a businessman, he doesn't want to lose a big sale!!

Xia Shishu crossed his arms like a big boss. It's time! TO ROLEPLAY!

"I'll buy the ones you have in stock, but I don't want to waste my time to come back later for the other ones. Time is money you know?" Xia Shishu wants to be a businessman right now, so he spoke in a calm and mature tone.

"But don't you want the treats?" The Apple uncle was a little worried. Increasing his sales means increasing his revenue. Maybe he can even save enough money to upgrade his stall. He can't really let the sale go!

"I do, but I make one gold coin in one hour right now you know? Walking from my workplace to here means that I'll be wasting 10 minutes. Wasting 10 minutes means wasting 16 silver coins!" Xia Shishu bragged.

The Stall owner knows what Xia Shishu wants, but he doesn't want to say it! It's just treats! TREATS! "Fine, I'll give you 5% off!"

Xia Shishu touched his chin and smiled. "I want 20% off or no deal. You won't lose that much. We'll have more business in the future too!"

The Apple uncle wants to spit some blood out of his mouth. But aye! "Fine! Deal! I'll probably be able to make the rest in 3 hours. Come back and get them." He only accepted the deal because the young man said that they might do more business with each other in the future. Since he's a businessman… He knows what he is doing…

Why does he keep thinking he's a businessman even though he has such low caliber…. !?

Xia Shishu bought the 250 treats and he was quite happy. He bargained with the Apple uncle because he was going to buy more food items!

The trio looked around for a while and Xia Shishu bought two types of food in bulks of 200 and a type of drink in 500. He bought skewered freshwater fishes that grew in the Silver Lake near the village. The fish was quite cool and has a unique deliciousness since it doesn't exist in the real world!

[Silveristic Skewered Fish: Roasted fish. It's one of the tastiest fish found in the beginner villages. Silastic Fishes are only found in the Silver Lake in Silver Lake Village. Effects: Cleanses the body, giving them a smooth skin. Remarks: Low Tier.]

He also bought roasted chicken wings. What type of chicken you might wonder? The types that he murdered not too long ago!

[Wild Chicken Wings: Roasted Wild Chicken Wings. Contains the essence of a Wild Chicken. Hunted and gathered by NPCs. Effects: Brightens up the world. Remarks: Low Tier.]

[Stevia Drink: Can also be named Sweet Tea. Contains gathered Stevia, forged by the Village NPCs. Effects: Increases Stamina by a small amount. Remarks: Low Tier.]

All in all, Xia Shishu used about a gold coin just stocking up on foods he thinks is tasty. The effects right now are secondary.

Of course, he did not forget to buy tons of food for the two girls. They each carried a bag of food with them.

Right at the moment, Ji Anyi was happy, but the little girl was even happier! They really had fun. Xia Shishu's idea was really good. Since he was paying and all.

Ji Anyi was happy because she gets to eat a lot of food and not getting fat. She even felt like her classmate had redeemed himself for blocking her from lunch. She just thinks that her classmate was weird for buying so many useless bulks of food.

The little girl was happy… For the food, yes. But she was happier because she got to spend time with caring people.

Back when her mommy was alive, they would always walk around the food stalls every now and then.. And they would buy good tasting food to eat.

Eating some of the food made her happy because she was able to once again feel the happiness she had when she was with her sleeping mommy.

There's just something majestical about tasting something. Sometimes, tasting something from the past will let them relive those memories they've stored away..

Since her mommy had died about two months ago, the village aunty would never take her around to eat as her mom did. If the village auntie ever went around the stalls to eat, it would not be her with the auntie. It would only be the auntie and her two daughters.

She wished ever so dearly that her mommy was still alive. She even dreamed of her mommy visiting her at night sometimes.

"Ying Hua! Come Here right now!" Someone shouted from the street filled with food stalls. It sounded like a lady in her mid-thirties.

The little girl who was following Xia Shishu and Ji Anyi stopped when she heard the voice.

Xia Shishu and Ji Anyi also stopped to see what was happening.

"Ying Hua! I thought you were selling flowers? Why are you wasting time eating food with these people?" The Mid thirties auntie swiftly walked to the little girl and spoke in a demanding tone.

"I.. I was-"

"Auntie, who might you be?" Xia Shishu pushed the little girl behind him and asked the auntie.

The auntie snorted, "I am her guardian! What about you!? Who are you!?"

Xia Shishu felt like the auntie was too disrespectful. He's going to call her lady from now on! He looked at the little girl and asked her, "Is that your guardian?"

The little girl didn't even have the courage to talk. She just nodded.

"Come! Let's go!" The auntie rushed forward and grabbed the little girl by the hand. The little girl was scared, but she didn't resist.

Ji Anyi looked worried, and Xia Shishu was even more worried. Isn't the lady too harsh??

"Wait!" Xia Shishu yelled.

The auntie, who seemed irritated, turned her head back and also yelled, "WHAT!?"

With a hand behind his back, Xia Shishu tilted his head towards the sky. "Mortals needs to be careful about what they do. Treating others badly will also bring harsh things upon oneself."

With his other hand, he took out a gold coin from his inventory. He slowly walked towards the little girl and gave her the gold coin while saying, "Sorry for the trouble today. I was happy to buy all those flowers from you. Thank you very much."

Xia Shishu then looked at the lady with cool looking eyes. "Be careful on the way home."

The lady snorted again and dragged the little girl away. Xia Shishu can tell that the lady was eyeing on the gold coin he had given to the little girl.

Maybe the lady will treat the little girl better if she gets the gold coin? Xia Shishu tried to treat the lady with kindness. She was, after all, the guardian of the little girl.