Stupid System

After Xia Shishu threw the glass cup and stunned the mean girl Jing Jing, she was quickly dealt with by grubby players that wanted her store-bought beginner armor.

Xia Shishu had looked around and didn't see his desk mate anywhere. It's either that she is dead, ran away, or that she had logged off.

In the market street, players were still having a great time PvPing each other.

They were having the best times of their life! Fighting with swords and bringing out their innate brutality. Humans are truly brutish in nature. When given the chance, most people will rip another person apart!

It's true that the players were having a great time, but the Market Street was trashed due to the players' pvp.

Second reality wasn't like other games. It was truly an immersive game that can be influenced by the players. The NPC stalls were smashed, NPC items stolen or destroyed, and houses that faced the street were being bashed into.

After about five minutes or so, it did not seem like the battle was going to end. An endless stream of players was waiting to join in on the fun.

"Halt! You devilish fiends! Look at what you have done to the village market!" a group of around ten people belonging to Silver Lake Village's guard corps arrived, scaring away some players. A tough and buff looking man with a scar on his face peered into the fighting crowd. He was obviously the guard captain.

"Damn! The guard is here! You think we can all take them on?" a player named Lighting Shadow roared, trying to unite all the players.

"Hell yeah man! Bet we might get good loot if we kill them!" A fatty also had the same plan as Lightning Shadow.

Soon enough, a band of twenty or so players was grouped up, planning to take on the village guards. Due to being so excited from fighting one another, the players didn't even think about the consequences! They only care about the thrill of the moment!

"You dare!?" The guard captain bellowed towards the group of players. "Look at what you have done to the village!"

"Haha! Guys, it's just a game! Don't worry and charge! At worst, we'll just get locked up for two days!" The guard captain's words were disregarded and the players charged. These casual players were never the type of follow game rules.

While on the sidelines, Xia Shishu observed the show as he nibbled on a roasted chicken wing that he had previously bought from a stall. As he ate the Chicken Wing, the world really did get brighter.

Brighter didn't mean that he can see better in dark places. It meant that his negative thoughts were suppressed by the system! The negative thoughts Xia Shishu had about how the little girl from before was being treated were pushed into the back of his mind. The System was so meticulous with its explanations!

In addition to the effects, the chicken wing had quite the delicious taste! The chicken juice squeezed out as he took a bite of the meat and the meat itself was so tender that it just melted in his mouth!

As Xia Shishu enjoyed his little meal, the Players and Guards fought each other for a little while and in the end, the players were defeated and captured by the guards. But the guards didn't have it any better than the players. They were injured and they were going to have to drink some healing potion later on to heal their wounds.

"Good thing I was such a law abiding citizen! You guys did great!" Xia Shishu strode up to the Guards and praised them. After the mean girl Jing Jing was slain, Xia Shishu received a notification from the system saying that he was free from being hunted by the guards since the girl didn't die by his hands.

"Man! What the heck do you mean!? You're the one that started all of this!" the tied up fatty complained towards Xia Shishu. After he lost the battle, all he could do was complain.

The fatty complained towards Xia Shishu because he knew that Xia Shishu was there before the fight had begun! He knew that everything began because Xia Shishu decided to punch a girl's chest!

The guards heard the fatty, but they paid no attention to him as they were being restricted by the system to not harm 'innocent' people. "I thank you for your praise, young man! " a guard spoke back to Xia Shishu.

Xia Shishu nodded to the guard and peacefully walked off with arms behind his back like an immortal. Although, he did still have a roasted chicken wing on his hand.

"Fuck u, kid! U should also be tied up too!" the fatty yelled, yet Xia Shishu mind him not! He just simply continued walking away with the chicken wing. Whatever is happening isn't his problem anymore! It's somewhat true that everything began because of him and the mean girl, but he wasn't the one that smashed the market street! It was other players, not him!

Suddenly, as Xia Shishu was walking away from the battlefield, the system voice popped up.

[System is evaluating the situation]



[Second Reality will commence its first update. Host, please be prepared to log off.]

Xia Shishu was shocked! What is his system saying?! What is it doing!? Was the overriding from when he began mean that his system had hijacked the whole Second Reality's system? Does that mean he is the Game Master now?

"System, can you Spawn stuff for me?" Xia Shishu asked with anticipation. Just thinking about standing over millions of players made him excited.

[System will only be able to do such things after the host has leveled up or if the system is upgraded.]

"Then how to upgrade you? You've never taught me this before!"

Xia Shishu asked the system so he'll know how to upgrade his system... But it was for naught! The system ignored him and a worldwide announcement appeared in Second Reality. Though, the announcement was of Second Reality's A. I. Womanly voice rather than his system's stupid monotonous voice.

[All players, please prepare to log off within the next 5 minutes. In-battle players will automatically be counted as dead when the server restarts. Second Reality's first Update will be commenced in 5 minutes. Updates on Second Reality will be posted on the Forum's main branch.]

[All players, please prepare to log off within the next 5 minutes. In-battle players will automatically be counted as dead when the server restarts. Second Reality's first Update will be commenced in 5 minutes. Updates on Second Reality will be posted on the Forum's main branch.]

[All players, please prepare to log off within the next 5 minutes. In-battle players will automatically be counted as dead when the server restarts. Second Reality's first Update will be commenced in 5 minutes. Updates on Second Reality will be posted on the Forum's main branch.]

After three rounds of the same announcement, everything went silent. The players that are chatting around Xia Shishu was shocked. It hasn't even been a month since the server's debut, yet there is already going to be an update?

"System? Why are you updating the game?" Xia Shishu asked the system in his mind, but he received nothing as an answer. His system went quiet. The only thing Xia Shishu can conclude about his system is that it's broken.

"Forget it. I'm logging out, and I'm going to sleep!" Xia Shishu navigated to the log off button and immediately logged off once again.

As Xia Shishu's consciousness came back to his real body, he was content. The chicken wing that he was carrying in Second Reality disappeared and his hands weren't oily. If it was, he might have to clean himself up again before sleeping.

"Playing games in my sleep is quite good but it can't be better than sleeping! I like my dreams more. I'm an Immortal God in that realm." Like the weirdo he was, Xia Shishu had a little chat with himself before closing his eyes to sleep.

Not even a minute later and Xia Shishu was already snoring in his comfy and snuzzy bed.


In an online platform, many elite figures faced each other. They seemed to be in a meeting and confusion filled each and every single one of their face.

People from a few countries will be surprised if they see these elites working together. They were always biting each other's tail before Second Reality's release.

"President Helen, has anything came up on your Second Reality branch?" A leader of the Chinese and Japanese country pulled the lady president of America into the limelight.

President Helen nodded and spoke into her microphone, "Indeed, we have. The Second Reality System is programmed so that it automatically updates itself. We have all expected the first update to be a few months from now, but as we can all see, the first update came quite early. We don't know what the update will be, but we'll probably know in a few hours after its done updating. Our team has a few guesses about what the updates are though."

"Go on." The Chinese President Chen urged.

President Helen continued, "Our team checked many beginner village's forums and we've found out that there were several brawls between players inside villages. Many players also fought the village guards and there is a possibility that more than 100.000 players are already in the Village Jail worldwide. The update is probably going to be related to this. There were also numerous complaints about the slow leveling on the forums. There is also a high possibility that the update is related to this since the System is supposed to accommodate all the players' needs."

The elites of the other countries nodded. Their Second Reality branches also pointed this out.

"Good. Report to the team if any of your branches find out something new. We, the governments will have to hold our own in this Second Reality." The Korean government jumped into the conversation.

Everybody in the online platform nodded once again in agreement. Even the governments needed to play fairly in Second Reality, and If they want a say in future events, they will have to develop their own country's Second Reality influence.