I Know of A Big Bird

Although some people may find repeating murdering defenseless birds tedious, Xia Shishu did not find it tiresome at all. If anything, the current setting is quite good. He can just casually shoot a bird and then retrieve the bolts before looting it. While doing so, he can search for the violet bird and think about life.

As he traveled further and further into the woods, there were fewer players while the number of birds increased. However, he could hear the rustling of leaves in a distance away from where he stood.

"You cunning sons of b*tches! That hurts!" A clear crisp voice articulated. Curious, Xia Shishu went over to investigate.

"Damn! I just tried to take an egg, and all you motherf*ckers are chasing me now." The person spoke again.

After going through a few bushes, Xia Shishu spotted a female player fighting a flock of birds. Some birds will occasionally fly down to peck and claw the girl, and some will spit out energy balls from their beaks.

The girl's black hair was tied into a ponytail, and she had a veil over her face. She also has a bow, but it doesn't seem like she has any arrows left… Now, all she could do was swing her daggers around, hoping to defend herself.

"Looks like trouble." Xia Shishu murmured after seeing the ferocious. Not wanting trouble, he decided to take a detour around the girl.

"Wait! Please come help." The girl pleaded as she saw Xia Shishu. She really did not want to lose any EXP due to death.

"No, thank you!!" Xia Shishu waved his hand at the girl.

"F*cking hell. Just come help me, and I'll take you to a big bird's nest for treasure eggs!" The girl cursed.

Xia Shishu turned around and squinted at the girl when she said the word 'Treasure'. He had a taste of the word treasure, so it's typical to want more.

But he still felt hesitant after seeing the flock of birds. He had been instant killing the birds one by one, but he hadn't fought a flock of them.

"Is the bird violet?" Xia Shishu questioned. Completing Niu Qiqi's quest hadn't left his head yet.

"Hah!? Why does that even matter!? Yes, it's violet! Just come help me god damn it! I'm going to die any second now!" The girl said as she dodged the birds' attacks.

"Fine then." Xia Shishu readied his crossbow and aimed.


[Killed Energy Bird, Regular Monster, Level 7]

[Killed Fiery Red Bird, Regular Monster, Level 6]

Amazingly, his bolt was able to penetrate through two birds and instantly kill them. Xia Shishu was shocked, but not as much as the girl.

"What kind of stupid quest did the boy complete to get his hands on such overpowered equipment?" She wondered. She hadn't heard of anybody getting such modern equipment yet, so this boy must be the first.

"Ohh!! Heh. Quite awesome if I do say so myself." Xia Shishu chuckled.

"Keep shooting! What are you waiting for!?" She complained since Xia Shishu just stood there after one shot.

"Reload time, noob." Xia Shishu said as he looked at the girl in disdain.

"Hmph!" The girl harrumphed hatefully. Normally, she wouldn't take it if someone calls her a noob, but she just couldn't cuss back at the boy for now. He is saving her, after all.

"Ahh! I'm going to die!" She added after glancing at her health bar.

Hearing her, Xia Shishu took out a beginner healing potion that he got from the treasure snake and threw it at her. Since the birds are solely aggroed on the girl, he decided to just use her as bait while he lay back and shoot the birds.

Seeing the potion thrown her way, the girl was pleased. The potion costs two whole silver coin, and it's essentially saving her life.


After a while, she realized that the boy never had the intention of f*cking getting her away from the flock of birds. All he wanted to do was use her so he can kill the birds. Damn!

Still, she did not want to die. Therefore, she could only comply with the boy's wicked idea.

The boy shot once and waited for three seconds each time repeatedly. When her health gets low, he would just chuck a health potion her way…

"Sh*t. Don't you know how to treat a girl with decency!?" The girl puffed and sat down on the ground to recover her health and questioned.

"Well, I feel that you're more of a hooligan that can't be considered as a human being with the words coming out of your mouth." Xia Shishu had managed to clear off the flock after using 6 potions.

"Hmph! Anyways, my name is Snow Princess." The girl introduced herself.

"I've never seen a cursing princess in my whole life!"

"Screw you." Snow Princess pouted before asking Xia Shishu for his name.

"Heh. I'll tell you, lady. My Immortal name is… Xiao! WU! GUI!" Xia Shishu said with his right hand on his forehead and his left hand on his hip.

"Pei! So lame." Snow Princess spat.

"Your opinion." Xia Shishu shrugged. "So where is this big bird nest you speak of?" He asks.

Snow Princess pointed at a direction and opened her mouth. "It's that way. I'll guide you, but you must give me one of the bird eggs from our venture."

"Okay, but you must work for it. Hehehe." Xia Shishu evilly smiled.

Snow Princess subconsciously shook after observing Xia Shishu's smile, but she ultimately accepted. It's not like the boy can do anything perverted to her, and she doesn't really mind laboring as long as she gets her hand on some good items.

Xia Shishu navigated his user panel and sent Snow Princess a friend request as well as a party invitation.

"Follow me." Snow Princess said as she accepted the friend request and party invitation.

"Okay. But just to let you know. You need to go loot and retrieve my bolts after I shoot the birds on our way. THAT'S your work on this team." Xia Shishu ordered with a victory smile. With the lady working as his lackey, his slaughtering speed will surely increase.

Snow Princess stared daggers at him, but she still silently agreed. Her bow was so trash that she needs to accurately shoot a bird monsterling four to five times before it falls. Plus, she doesn't even have any arrows right now.