Dylan Von Kaiser

Dylan Von Kaiser had golden hair that shone in the sunlight, heterochromatic green and blue eyes and a charming smile. He was the princely figure sought by many, a handsome knight in shiny white armour. Yet now, this man was dragging his wounded body through the Great Mori Forest whilst attack magic was being thrown at him. He had cast away his armour and wore simple civilian attire. A rapier hung by his side and dirt and dust and blood clung to his face.

A hot flaming stone came crashing into the weary Dylan's back, sending him rolling across the forest floor. Falling onto the dirt ground had extinguished the fire from burning his back any further, however, it had also allowed his pursuers to catch up to him. Dylan weakly stood up, a gaping hole in the back of his shirt revealing burnt skin and various deep cuts. He didn't run anymore, he was already surrounded.

Crunch, crunch, crunch. A man donned in armour walked in front of Dylan. A gentle and warm smile decorated his bloodstained face, the juxtaposition sent chills down one's spine. This man was Dylan's best friend, former best friend. He had short curly brown hair and a soft baby face. It was the face of a man who couldn't even harm insects, an innocent looking face. Yet he was the cruelest man ever known to humanity, a cunning and devious devil.

"Matthias!" Dylan scowled with disgust. His face scrunched up in anger and hatred.

Matthias tilted his head seemingly naively. "What is it, my friend?" A kind smile still hung on his face and he spoke with a calm and bubbly voice as if nothing had gone wrong, as if he wasn't trying to kill Dylan right now, as if he was still friends with him.

"The shackles of hell will forever pull you back down to fiery fires, to the pits of hell. Never will I forget your sins! I will never forgive you for what you have done!" His voice was hoarse now from all the shouting. But he persisted and glared hatefully at Matthias, as if words weren't enough to express the burning rage bubbling within.

"How dare you speak to our lord like that!" An angry roar came from behind. Then an icicle pierced Dylan's stomach, the ice dying into a bloody red. Dylan coughed and pulled the ice out, throwing it directly at Matthias, whom simply stepped to the side to dodge it.

Matthias stopped smiling. He stared as Dylan's breathing became more and more burdened, the blood flowing without stopping. Dylan smirked disdainfully. His golden hair clung to his face from cold sweat but he still looked so enchantingly beautiful and alluring.

A firm yet weak arm unsheathed the rapier by Dylan's waist as he raised it up high. "A wounded beast has nothing to fear..."

Matthias' men stood back hesitantly when faced against the intense killing intent released by Dylan. Though the body was shaky and dying, those eyes appeared to stare into one's soul and they felt as though Death's scythe was being aimed at their necks. This was by no means an exaggeration. Dylan had already slain a good portion of their elites, murdering them in cold blood. One after the other, they fell as though they were not skilled warriors and magicians but instead lowly goblins facing a mighty knight.

"Y-Your swords will never reach us!" The rash man that had sent the icycle through Dylan's stomach shouted with a stutter. He gulped and continued. "Cast your spells!"

Soon after, various spells were thrown at Dylan. The noble knight watched the bombardment without a change in expression, slashing at the magic with his enchanted blade and dispelling it. However, replacing those rounds of magic were yet another round. Compared to Dylan's mana pool that was running low and almost dry from being imbued in his rapier, the enemies could basically go on forever. It was a hopeless battle.

"The truth won't stay hidden forever." Dylan growled ominously.

All Dylan could see were blurs of colour as magic spells were thrown at him. His arms grew heavy, legs numb and blade slipping from his grip. The only thing keeping his shaky body from falling was his stubbornness. As a warrior, a knight, he would remain standing and fight the enemy until his last breath.

But what was the point?

The enemy were cowards who dared not approach a dying man. His blade would not reach them. He would not be able to slay any of them even if they continued this useless charade. So, why bother?

Dylan sheathed his rapier for the last time in his life. The blade cleanly went into its sheath as its owner staggered backwards, blood flowing down his chin and further staining the forest floor. Giving into his weakness, Dylan allowed himself to relax, to simply fall back and feel the embrace of Mother Earth.

Stopping the onslaught of magic, Matthias knelt down beside him, his practiced smile blossoming on his face. Looking just like an innocent child, he spoke to Dylan with a dagger in hand. It was the dagger Dylan gifted him so that he could protect himself. "The least I can do is end you myself."

The blade struck down with precision, avoiding the bones and directly piercing Dylan's heart. "Rest in peace, my dear friend. Apologise to Sherry for me when you see her because I certainly won't be able to. After all, the devil must return to the pits of hell." Matthias muttered and returned to where his men were standing, leaving Dylan to die alone.

With Matthias out of the way, Dylan was greeted by the bright blue sky. Trees full of budding flowers fluttered in the wind and petals fell to the ground. It was a beautiful sight that reminded him of his beloved. Dylan closed his eyes and her smiling face surfaced before his eyes. Her long inky hair that fell from her shoulders like a waterfall, her squinty eyes full of joy, her squishy cheeks and her loveable little dimples, they filled him with warmth in the early spring weather.

"I miss you, Sherry." He whispered, inaudible, as he felt himself slipping away. On his face, a single tear fell down the side of head and a foolish smile of longing and lonesomeness made its way to his lips. He was reluctant to simply pass without addressing his grievances but the thought of being able to finally see her once more was greater than his hate. He wished to be by her side, to hear her laugh once more and to bathe himself in her warmth.

Engulfed in nostalgia, Dylan failed to notice the light the shone from his body. It embraced him like a mother, slowly healed his injuries and cleansed his body. Caressing the knight that had finally fallen unconscious, the light lifted him up. Dylan floated into the air, unaware of the shocked gazes of his enemies. And then, he disappeared along with the bright light.