Shopping pt2

After the twenty minute train ride, the two got off at Melbourne Central. The station was connected to a shopping centre which it convenient for people to do their shopping. Sherry led Dylan up the escalators while Dylan looked around as usual. She patiently answered all his questions and even explained the things he did not ask about.

"Can I have two original milk teas with pearls please." Sherry said to the girl at the register. She gave her some cash and awhile later, she came back with two cups of bubble tea.

"This is called bubble tea, it is also known as boba. It is made of tea and milk and the black things are called pearls. You can have a lot of different flavours but this one is just plain milk tea." Sherry gave one to Dylan and explained. Dylan nodded and observed as Sherry poked her drink with the straw and began to drink it. Dylan's eyes lingered on Sherry's pink lips but he quickly looked away and averted his eyes.

"Oh, it's good." Dylan drank it and praised. He was actually secretly worried that Sherry might play another mischievous prank on him but it seemed that his concerns were for naught.

"Come on, let's go." Sherry walked forward with Dylan tagging along after her. "What kind of clothes do you like?"

"Uh, something simple and comfortable that doesn't obstruct my mobility." Dylan replied. "These kind of clothes are also fine."

"Hmm, okay." Sherry led Dylan into a shop. Inside were many clothes with plain designs that emphasised on comfort and functionality. Sherry chose a shirt from the rack and held it against Dylan's chest. She picked up another and did the same. After a few shirts, she made a face as if she'd had an enlightment. "You'll look good in anything!"

Dylan laughed bashfully. "It's because you're the one choosing them."

"Mm. I do have good sense." Sherry replied without a shred of modesty. Dylan chuckled because although she said it seriously, he knew that she was only joking around with him.

"For now, let's get a few plain T's and jumpers from here and we'll go to another shop for different types of clothes. It's better to have different styles for different occasions. Oh, and we'll need some pants." Sherry excitedly rambled. Dylan smiled and didn't say anything. He just quietly went alone to everything she said.

"Did you see that guy? OMG, he's so hot." Sherry could faintly hear some girls whispering in the background. One of them had their phones pointed towards Dylan, trying to discreetly take a photo of him.

Sherry frowned and covered Dylan with her body. She blocked his face from the camera's angle and move him away. Dylan secretly laughed to himself. Although he couldn't understand the girls, he could see detect the admiration they had for him in their voices. He was used to such behaviour and didn't mind but seeing Sherry act like so really made him happy. The silly knight couldn't help but to flash a grin.

The girls who had been whispering earlier squealed. They felt their faces heat up and hearts beat loudly. To and fro, they whispered to each other about what they had just seen.

"Did you just see that? I thought my heart would explode." One of them exclaimed.

"He was, like, so sexy and cute. Like how is that possible." The other added.

"I think my heart just puked rainbows just now." Another commented.

To this spectacle, Dylan just blissfully and ignorantly smiled. Sherry on the other hand just sighed. Such a handsome and dazzling man was bound to attract attention.

"You're popular, aren't you, Mr Knight." Sherry teased.

Dylan smiled as if he was helpless. "I don't look at anyone other than you so I won't know that."

Sherry's face flushed with red. "You idiot." She scolded and quickly left the store after purchasing the clothes. As punishment, she made Dylan hold the bags. Dylan didn't complain and walked beside her.

After shopping for half a day, it was finally time for lunch. In Sherry's hands were a few bags of clothes while Dylan's hands were full from carrying bags. Sherry embarrassingly laughed, she had gotten too excited and accidently bought a whole closet of clothes.

"If there's too much, I can put them in my storage you know?" Dylan offered. Even if he couldn't use magic in front of people, he could at least use them out of sight of people.

"No." Sherry refused resolutely. "There are cameras everywhere and we're on Earth now so it's better to not rely on magic.

Dylan nodded and complied. With his level of strength, this amount of groceries weren't a problem at all.

Guruguru, Sherry's stomach rumbled. Her ears flushed with red and she smiled with embarrassment. "Haha, I'm hungry."

"Me too. Let's go eat." Without any further ado, the two left the shopping centre and entered a restaurant. The restaurant was not too small and not too big. It was simple and elegant. The two sat down at the round table, bags circling around them.

"What would you like to eat?" Sherry handed the menu over to Dylan and asked. Dylan flipped through the pages, he looked at the photos and thought about what he wanted.

"This, it looks good." Dylan pointed at the photo of a plate of fried chips and chicken and showed it to Sherry. She smiled and looked over the menu herself.

"Excuse me, can I have the fried chips and chicken set and carbonara? Ah, and can I have some coke for the drinks?" Sherry ordered. The waitress smiled and nodded. She quickly left and soon came back with a jug of coke and two cups and straws.

Sherry poured the coke in the cups. "This is called coke. It's like non alcoholic alcohol."

Dylan sipped the cold drink and once the fizzy solution reached his mouth, he tasted a cold but sweet drink. The fizziness was like beer but it was stronger and didn't have a bitter taste to it. "Mm, it's good."

"I know right." Sherry's eyes narrowed into pleasant slits. When their food arrived, Dylan's eyes sparkled with excitement.

He grabbed the chips with his fingers and put it in his mouth. Perhaps due to the heat, he opened his mouth wide and blew on it desperately. From the side, Sherry giggled and blew on her chip before eating it.

"It tastes better if you dip it in this sauce." She advised. Dylan blew on his chips and dipped it in the tomato sauce. He ate it and his eyes glittered because of the difference in taste.

"It tastes better now." He said, eating more and more chips. Sherry saw the chips on the plate disappear at a rapid rate and was alarmed. She quickly grabbed the chips and ate faster. But seeing that Sherry upped her pace, Dylan also ate faster and so in just a minute, the plate of chips was emptied.

"Ahh, its all gone. This is all your fault for eating so fast." Sherry half-heartedly complained. She pouted and averted her attention to the newly arrived plate of chicken.

"Sorry, its a habit" Dylan apologised with a smile. Sherry showed an expression that said she didn't mind and dug into the chicken wings. Dylan also started to eat it, this time he made a conscious effort to slow down and enjoy his meal. He also evenly split the chicken to ensure that Sherry had enough to eat.

Sure enough, by the time the carbonara arrived, Sherry was already all smiles. Then the two made quick work of the pasta and went back home.

"Today was fun." Dylan told Sherry as they walked.

"Mn. I had fun too." Sherry replied.

The two walked shoulder to shoulder, their steps slow and steady and at the same pace. Two tall figures with long arms and legs walked together, both at an intimate distance. They really did look like a celebrity couple.