
"She is a really good person." Sherry said again after she finished reminiscing. Dylan could see her face soften with love and trust for her dear friend. A pang of pain beat in his chest. He too thought of Matthias like this, with unconditional faith and respect. And yet this affection was repaid with in blood and the birth of intense rage and hatred.

Dylan discretely shook his head and suppressed the wave of negative emotions that threatened to surface. "I'm looking forward to meeting to her." He murmured.

Then, the next day arrived. Dylan wore his new clothes from yesterday. A loose black top and jeans. Sherry wore a cute printed top and black leggings. Her hair was not tied up but she brushed it so it was nice and flowy.

Keys jingled at the entrance and the door was pushed open. Sherry jumped up and rushed to the front entrance. "Janine!" She hugged her tightly.

"Wow. You seem excited." Janine calmly accepted the hug. Janine was about the same height as Sherry, if not taller. She had a slim figure and short black hair. Her facial features seemed fierce which suited her strong personality. When she spoke to Sherry however, her face softened and she seemed much more approachable.

Janine noticed Dylan standing in the doorway. His tall figure was hard not to notice and he seemed to glow in the dark with his sparkly aura and good looks. Janine narrowed her eyes and looked this unfamiliar man up and down.

"Come inside." Sherry separated from Janine and they walked into the living room. The three sat side by side on the couch. Dylan sat on the right of Sherry and Janine the left.

"Do you remember the man I told you about last time?" Sherry asked Janine in English.

Janine nodded. "What of it?"

"This is him in the flesh, Dylan von Kaiser, the royal knight from another world." Sherry proudly presented. Janine's jaws dropped. Slowly she began to recall Sherry's description of the man, pretty blonde with blue green eyes. Damn, he was exactly that.

"What, how? I thought, what?" Janine was so shocked she couldn't even speak properly. Sherry giggled and continued.

"I was so shocked too. I was sleeping in one morning after binging a series when Yasmin suddenly called me. I heard his voice and when I rushed to the park, he was just there, existing."

"But he's supposed to be from another world." Sherry could almost hear the sound of Janine's sanity crushing from the overload of information.

"Anyways, it turns out he also died and came to Earth. It's been two days since then." Sherry held up two fingers and said.

"Two days! He's been here for two days and you didn't even think to tell me. If I hadn't called you, how long would you have hid it for?" Janine shook Sherry angrily.

"Ahh, I'm so sorry, I forgot. Stop, I'm getting dizzy~." Sherry laughed and apologised.

Janine begrudgingly stopped. She glance at Dylan and spoke without hiding the dislike in her voice. "So what is this 'knight' doing sitting here with that dumb face of his."

"He didn't have anywhere else to go." Sherry didn't deny that Dylan looked dumb. He was just sitting there with a blank expression on his face, listening to them and occasionally smiling. It looked stupid and he was blissfully ignorant at the moment.

"You've been living with him?" Janine exclaimed.

Sherry nodded.

"What are you going to do when Aunty and Uncle come home?"

Sherry's face went pale. "I didn't think of that."

Janine held her forehead with her hands. She furrowed her brows with frustration and glared at Sherry. "Well, when that happens, I guess I can let him crash at my place."

Sherry's face brightened up. "Really? Yay, thank you." She hugged Janine and smiled. Janine accepted the hug and looked at Dylan. He still had a silly look on his face. Janine smirk and glanced at him smugly.

Dylan may not understand words but that...that face she did, he was familiar with it. Oh he was. His stupid face turned stupider with daze but then switched to a more peeved look. Mild jealousy and annoyance filled Dylan but the more intense emotion was a sense of competitivity and rivalry. He hadn't felt that in a long time.

"Dylan, this is the friend I was talking about yesterday, Janine." Sherry finally moved on and spoke to Dylan in Divian. "She is a good friend of mine who is always helping me out."

Dylan nodded and smiled at Janine. "My name is Dylan Von Kaiser." He stretched out his hand for a handshake. Janine grabbed his hand with a firm grip. Despite their little rivalry, the two were still fundamentally polite people so they weren't going to intentionally be rude to another.

"Janine Lee." She shook his hand and said. "I've heard a lot about you. Especially about your gallant figure when you rescued Sherry."

Dylan looked at Sherry, waiting for her to translate. Sherry had a slightly flushed face. "She said that she heard a lot about you. She especially mentioned the moment you saved me."

"What is this? You don't have some kind of translating magic going on here?" Janine asked.

"Magic is not as convenient and easy as it sounds. It requires a lot of practice and concentration to use even the most basic spell." Sherry kindly educated.

"Then how'd you survive in another world? You can't even speak your own language properly!"

"How rude! I can speak a little Chinese okay? And plus, I told you before that I learnt the language." Sherry pouted and softly slapped Janine. Janine rubbed her shoulder and smiled.

"Soz, I forgot. I zoned out a bit." She chuckled. "Anyways, how are you going to deal with him. Y'know, with the identification papers and all."

"Uh, I haven't thought of that." Sherry thoughtlessly said.

Janine sighed. "As usual. I have a friend that can take care of that for you. Just bring him in next month and the papers will be done."

Sherry hugged Janine. "Thanks for everything!" She then spoke to Dylan. "She said that she can get you an identity. Laws here are stricter so if you didn't have one then it will be very troublesome."

"Oh, then I must thank her." Dylan flashed a handsome and practiced smile at Janine. "Thank you." He said in English.

Janine paused. "I thought this before but he really is model material."

"Janine!" Sherry scolded.

"Lend him to me for a bit, I promise to only take a few photos." Janine pleaded.

"Muu~, fine. But I'll have to ask him first." Sherry deflated like a balloon and turned to Dylan. "She wants to borrow you for a bit to take photos. You will only have to put on some clothes and smile for the camera."

Camera, Dylan knew what that was. Sherry had taught him about it before. It took realistic paintings of people and immortalized them within the frames. "Sure, I don't mind. She is helping a lot after all."

"He agreed to do it." Sherry reported to Janine.

Janine smiled. "Great, then I'll let you know when I need you."

Sherry nodded.

"Pleasure to work with you." Janine held out her hand and Dylan shook it with a nod.