
"Are you ready?" Sherry asked Janine with a serious face.

Janine nodded solemnly. She gulped with anticipation and inhaled to relax herself. The mood was tense and no one dared to make a sound, in fear of interrupting Dylan. He was mumbling under his breath. His tone was even and sounded impressive like an intrustructor giving a lecture.

"Reflect the imagine into the water, Water Film." He said a little louder. The shaky ball of water that was floating in front of Dylan flattened out to form a thin surface. The sunlight shining through it was bent at different angles to form a picture. Soon, a blurry picture was made on the surface of the water. A big fuzzy black shape and a human figure could barely be seen.

"Wow! I can see something." Janine exclaimed with excitement.

"Shh!" Sherry shushed her. Janine saw Dylan furrowing his brows and shut her mouth. She clapped her hands in apology and focussed on the water again.

The image was steadily getting clearer. The silhouette of the dragon was more defined and it was apparent that the figure was Sherry . At last, the image was finally as clear as a photo. Janine could see Sherry facing off against a big monster. The dragon was black from head to toe. Its eyes were a fury red and its fangs glistened with danger. The dragon's study body was covered in beautiful feathers yet somehow it distinguished itself from common birds. It stood on four legs, standing imposingly before Dylan and Sherry.

"What the? It has feathers!" Janine retorted. It was completely out of her expectations. Dragons from the myths had always depicted dragons as creatures with scales. Both western and celestial dragons were like that.

"There are scaled dragons but feathered ones are more common. The scaled ones are considered more noble and divine creatures. They possess great wisdom and are worshipped by many. Feathered dragons on the other hand are regarded as strong monsters." Sherry giggled and explained. She didn't scold Janine for speaking anymore because Dylan had already finished casting the spell. He didn't need to concentrate anymore.

As she spoke, the figures in the water moved. The dragon seemed to roar furiously at the humans who had intruded its cave. The humans steadied themselves and prepared for combat. Dylan was out of the frame but he was dressed in his armour, the light weighted armour didn't restrict his movement and only protected his vital areas. His cloth armour was also enchanted with protection magic to ensure maximum protection. Janine could see a sharp sword appear within the frame. Dylan had drawn it in preparation for combat.

Sherry stood diagonally in front of him. She wore a simple but elegant robe. The robe was also enchanted with protection magic and assisted in casting magic. In Sherry's hands was a wooden staff made from the sapling of the world tree. It was compatible with magic and could also be used as a blunt weapon.

"How is this playing?" Sherry asked Dylan. She remember that Water Reflection wasn't a spell that could play things like this. It was only capable of showing pictures.

Dylan grinned. "I got some inspiration from the TV so I changed the spell a little and made it so it could play pictures. It's cool, isn't it."

Sherry could also see a tail wagging behind Dylan. It was as if he was begging to be praised. "Yes, that's amazing!" She said, giving him what he wanted. She did think it was amazing though. Creating new spells was the dream of every magician but not everyone could fulfil that dream. Even if they did, they would at most make one or two. In general, only about one or two new spells would be made in a decade. So, Dylan's act of making this spell was amazing, even if he did modify an existing one. He truly was a genius.

Sherry averted her eyes from the dazzling Dylan and watched the water film. Inside, she was battling the dragon, flinging magic with brute force and not a slightest concern for control or thoughts to conserve her mana. She jumped to and fro when the dragon attacked and sometimes, Dylan would appear in front of her to block the dragon's claw or debris that came flying her way.

The film in the water sped up. The tedious and tense battle between the two humans and a baby dragon was skipped to the end. The dragon was covered in wounds, bleeding everywhere. Sherry wasn't in a good state either. Her robe was torn and she was barely standing. Without a doubt, beneath the robe, she was definitely bleeding.

Dylan was also not in a good shape. The water displayed a shaky view, it heaved up and down and swayed left and right. The sword in Dylan's hands shook and was covered in cracks. The view changed rapidly. The previously imposing dragon was looked down upon, a blinding light enveloped Dylan and he aimed for the dragon. His sword stabbed at its eyes and went through to its brain, shattering into pieces upon impact.

The dragon spasmed for a few seconds before it stopped and finally died. The image lingered on the dead dragon for awhile before changing to Sherry. She was panting heavily, leaning her body against her staff. A slight smile appeared on her face as Dylan slowly approached her.

Her face enlarged and then all that Janine could see was the walls of the cave and then the water did not show any more images.