At the zoo

The sun was bright, the sky was clear, the weather was cool, it was the perfect day to go to a zoo. Sherry and Dylan packed some sandwiches for lunch and packed them in a backpack. They took the train and after a few change overs, they finally arrived at the zoo. It was very far from the cbd so although the two left very early, there was still quite a lot of people already inside.

"Tickets for two please." Sherry said to the register. She scanned her card and entered the zoo with a calm smile. Dylan on the other hand could not suppress his excitement. His eyes glittered like a child the whole trip and when he entered through the gates, his mouth could not help but to widen a little with awe.

Sherry giggled and dragged Dylan aside to the sign where it said ZOO. She made him stand in front of it and instructed him to pose. Dylan was unfamiliar with the concept of taking a photo but he was experienced with posing for portraits and the like. He stood on a slight angle and looked straight into the black lenses of the camera. Dylan's expression was leisurely and aloof like that of a nobleman.

Sherry held the camera that was hanging on her neck and snapped a photo. She took a few and chuckled as she went through them. "What the? So stiff."

Dylan curiously went to look at the photos. He looked at the small screen and saw photos of him standing in an awkward position in front of the words. His face was no problem but his posture and everything else was just a no no. He didn't know how to pose at all!


"Here, I'll show you how it's done." Sherry quickly taught Dylan how to use the camera and went to pose in front of the sign. She leant back leisurely against the words and exposed a radiant smile, her legs were slightly bent and and hands rested against the sign. Sherry stood in the sunlight, her facial features instantly brightened and looked more beautiful.

Without a word, Dylan pressed on the shutter. He easily found her best angles and took different shots and different angles. The photos ended up looking beautiful and conveyed Sherry's cheerful and laid back personality perfectly.

Looking at the photos, Sherry was a little surprised."How do you know how to take photos so well?"

Dylan shrugged, "maybe it's because I'm always watching you." He smiled and said without any impure motives.

Sherry's ears went red. "Go pose again." She ordered and changed the subject.

Dylan laughed and walked away without much of a fuss. He stood in front of the words and posed. This time, he did not stand around stiffly. He relaxed his body and balanced his weight on one leg. His expression was chic and cool, his hands were slightly stuffed into his pockets but it didn't come off as standoffish but instead, it looked very relaxed. Dylan looked into the camera but after Sherry took the photo, he shifted his face to the side, exposing his defined jawline and handsome side view.

Sherry passionately took photo after photo. She found Dylan's best angles and shuffled around multiple times to get it just right.

"Is it done?" Dylan asked, brushing aside his longish bangs and running his fingers through his hair. He exposed his forehead and brought attention to his clear and mesmerising odd eyes. Sherry's face reddened. This man was too seductive! Too sexy! And he wasn't even doing it on purpose, he was a natural. Sherry wordlessly flashed the camera at Dylan just in case he changed positions, which he did, really quickly.

Perhaps he was shy because so many people were looking at him. They whispered that he must've been a model, about how handsome he was and their desire to take a photo of him. Fortunately, no one approached them but no matter how used to the staring Dylan was, he still felt somewhat bashful at all the attention. After all, he was doing something he wasn't accustomed to.

Dylan coughed and retreated back to Sherry. She showed the photos to Dylan with a proud and enthusiastic smile and asked someone to take a photo of the both of them. The two stood in front of the large sign and linked arms together like an affectionate couple. They could feel the warmth of the other through their arms and their hearts began to beat rapidly without their consent.

"Thank you." Sherry thanked the kind passerby with a somewhat pink face. "Let's go." She said to Dylan.

The two finally began their journey through the forest. The walks between each exhibition was quite far and they had to walk a lot but each animal they saw made it worth it.

"Look at the tiger, it's so close." Sherry who had never seen a tiger up close before exclaimed. But as the lion walked closer and closer, she began to panic. "W-why is it coming so close?"

The tiger stopped in front of the pair and affectionately purred. Although they were separated by thick glass, the tiger seemed to want them to pat its head like a spoiled kitten and craved for their attention. It was a creature Dylan admired for being noble and elegant but right now, the only adjective Sherry could attach in front of it was cute.

Dylan chuckled and put his hand on the glass. His eyes glittered and observed the feline carefully. The tiger let out a low growl and placed his paw where Dylan's hand was. "Good kitty." Dylan praised with a low voice. His heart palpitated with joy and excitement.

Sherry observed wide eyed at the scene. Some of the children present and even their parents squealed and the sight and took photos to commemorate. At that moment, Sherry seemed to recall her many memories of Dylan in the outdoors. When he went out into the forest, birds or small animals would also be following behind him. When he camped outside, he would wake up surrounded by forest animals and he even became friends with many mythical creatures who all desired to be pampered by him.

WTF? Was he a fairy tale princess? Sherry who realised this a bit late couldn't help but to retort in her mind.

Meanwhile, Dylan had already attracted more tigers to his window, each placing its paw where his hand was as if it were a ceremony. Dylan laughed and withdrew his hand after all the tigers had a go, "It was nice meeting you." He said in Divian and left with the dazed Sherry.

Every animal they went to see behaved in the same way, and each desired to become close with Dylan. Each time, he would laugh and interact with the animals in some way or another. Dylan's warm and gentle face when he looked at the animals, his soft gaze and charming smile, all was captured by Sherry's camera.

Dylan also took photos of Sherry. He would use a second camera borrowed from Sherry and take photos of her taking photos of him. There were also photos of her looking at animals in awe, her eyes gazing admiringly at them, cheeks slackening and lips curling to form leisurely smiles. Her face would at times turn cute and dopey and stupid. Every moment looked dazzling to Dylan and for awhile, he paid respects to Earth for inventing this technology to preserve one's memories and immortalise them. He flicked through the photos he took and thought them beautiful and enchanting.

The two took a break from taking photos and went to a petting zoo. However, a mere second after entering, Sherry immediately regret this decision. All the bunnies dashed towards Dylan, I repeat, ALL THE BUNNIES DASHED IN THE DIRECTION OF DYLAN. Even the rabbits in the hands of young children bounced to Dylan and surrounded him like he was some kind of god. The feets of Dylan and Sherry were crowded by balls of white, brown and black fluff. They couldn't even move.

"I think it would be wise for us to leave. The children look rather shocked and upset." Dylan proposed.

Sherry saw that a child was on the verge of tears upon realising that the bunny it held was gone. She nodded and replied. "I think so too."

With difficulty, the two escaped the pen and swore to never go to one again.

"It was quite fun today." Sherry said once they got home. They were gone for quite awhile. The sun had already set.

"Yes. Thank you for taking me to the zoo today, Sherry." Dylan smiled and thanked.

Sherry also smiled. "You're welcome."