
A bored lurker was online that day. She was on break, wondering what to do. As usual, the lurker goes on Instagram. She was a thorough lurker who liked to check not only what the people she followed posted, but also what they liked. The lurker notices that two of the people she follows, JanineRocks and CharlotteNotTheAnime, had liked some posts from the same person. Curious, the lurker clicks on the pictures. It was then, that her tired eyes were baptised by sunshine and starlight.

"This, isn't this that new model?" The lurker whispers to herself.

"Hmm? You say something?" The lurker's friend asks. She silently shows her the screen. The lurker's friend reacts in a more explosive manner. "Damn! It's the Animal Whisperer! I was not prepared for that!" She holds her nose as if blocking a bloody nose with exaggeration.

The Lurker's friend takes note of the embarrassing name and follows Dylan before the lurker takes back her phone. The two silently follow Dylan and like his posts, the lurker never posted any comments like lurkers do.

However, the lurker decided to break her lurker code for once. She screenshotted Dylan's Instagram and logged into her twitter account, InvisibleLurker [That's right! I reused the username! Mwahahaha, I'm so smart…Praise me please…]. Silently, she posts the screenshot with the caption: Animal whisperer and Katjesty Newcomer.

Her friend shows her support by forwarding the post, replying with:

Invincible_Perv: BAPTISE YOUR EYES NOW FOR FREE. ANIMAL WHISPERER AND KATJESTY MODEL...GOLDEN FENRIR! #Hot #MyEyesAreSoClean #KatjestyHotNewcomer #Katjesty #AnimalWhisperer

Invincible_Perv was an infamous twitterer. She followed many handsome celebrities and was always where a hottie was. And so many followed her, in hopes of discovering unpolished gems and eye bleach.

BeachPls: Wowsers! You've done it again.


IActuallyLikeCatsMore: …Following…liking…stalking…

TheReaderReadingThisIsCute: OMG, it's the animal whisperer!

SuccessorOfLegacies: I shall follow the footsteps of my senior...….LICKLICKLICKLICKLICKLICK

PenutsSuck: ^Lols, I'll join ya...…Lick lick lick, damn this is fun! Lick licklicklicklick

ILikePenuts: ^ I hate ur name and, I want to make a complaint! Company said phone was waterproof but it clearly isn't! If you can't handle licking, then what are you?!

PoopyFace: Then what are you posting on? ^^

MrObvious: Staph being such a party pooper!

PoopyFace: It's what I live for

…Gradually, more and more people saw the post. Then more and more people followed Dylan on Instagram. They liked his posts, commented and told their friends to follow too. Dylan's followers increased at a rapid rate, not slowing down at all and it just exploded! Then, bam, out of nowhere, Dylan gained 1 million followers all in just one short day. Sadly, he was ignorant to it all due to the lack of a phone. The man was out of touch from society and Janine and Charlotte, well, they weren't really involved.

Meanwhile, Sherry was at home preparing to go pick up her parents. The kids were at her house again and she couldn't just leave them alone so she was at a lost as to what to do. Helpless, Sherry called Janine.

"Hey. Do you mind taking care of the children while I go pick my parents up?" She asked over the phone.

"Yeah. Sure. Dylan just cleaned my house and it's cleaner than when I move in. He's like the ultimate housewife." Janine agreed and excitedly rambled.

"Haha, he doesn't like it when things are dirty."

"Anyways, I'll come over to take the kids to my house. But only four can come. The rest have to stay with you."

Sherry glanced at the children, "I'm going to the airport later. You have the choice of either going with me or going to Janine's house. Choose wisely."

"I want to go to the airport with you." Diana said after thinking really hard. In her mind, an ultimate scheme was formulating. Her plan was to go and then pester Sherry until she bought her some food. It was a good plan, or so she thought.

"I wanna go to Janine's house. Dylan is there yeah?" Frank said.

"Mmmm, I want to go with you." Yasmin decided.

"I want to go to Janine's house." Dawn raised her hand and said.

"Me too! I wanna go to Janine's house too!" Fiona loudly declared.

"I want to go pick up your parents." George quietly expressed.

"Ah, sorry. Only 2 people can come with me. Between the three of you, who doesn't mind going to Janine's house?"

George looked at Diana and Yasmin. They looked back, not willing to back down. George gulped and hesitantly put his hand up. "I-I don't mind."

"Then it's decided." Sherry spoke to her phone. "Fiona, Dawn, George and Frank are going to be with you and the rest will be with me. You fine with that?"

"Yeah. I'll come over in a bit." Janine agreed amiably. "Hang on, Dylan wants to talk to you."

"Hey Sherry." Dylan said in Divian.

"Hey, hows things at Janine's?" She said back in Divian.

"It might be rude but I really thought I walked into a goblin's nest. It was horrendous." Dylan laughed and jokingly said.

"She never really liked to clean. It got worst when she moved out though."

"You're going to pick up your parents later?"

"Mm. After Janine comes, I'll leave."

"You must be excited to see them again." Dylan said with a laugh.

"Not really. I'm used to them coming and going. They've been like that since I was young." Sherry tried to sound lighthearted but Dylan could hear the disappointment in her voice.

"I've seen you looking at their photos. Don't be afraid to admit that you miss them." Dylan gently chided her as if she were a child.

"Then what about you? Don't you miss your family?"

"...I'm not close with them. Didn't grow up together. At most we were just people who were greet each other when we met." Dylan slowly says.

"But everyone knows that the Kaisers boast about you as their pride and joy."

"It's just for outsiders to see. In fact, one of the reasons why I became a knight was to get away from them."


"What I'm trying to say is, be honest to yourself. If you're happy, just be happy. There's no reason to hide." Dylan advised.

"'re right. Truth is, I missed them a lot, so much that I think I'll cry when I finally see them. I mean, I haven't seen them for two whole years. I want to see them so bad, Dylan. I'm glad that they are back." Sherry admitted.

"Good girl. Now, go see them with a smile. You got this, you're a dragon slayer!" Dylan encouraged, laughter in his voice.

"Mm, thank you." The two said their farewells and hung up the phone.