Dinner with Sherry's Parents pt2

Sherry pat her chest in relief. "Luckily you were smart and made it up on the spot, otherwise they would have noticed something was suspicious." She said in Divian, in fear of her parents overhearing what they were saying.

"I thought they might ask that, so I was thinking of an answer on the way here." Dylan humbly smiled and replied.

"Anyways, I don't think we'll have to worry about that for now." Sherry sat down on the couch and continued with ease. "My parents would probably be leaving in a week, so hang in there for a week."

"Alright." Dylan nodded. He looked at the kids, noticing that they were staring at him blankly. "What's wrong?" Dylan asked in English.

"I forgot that you spoke another language." Diana honestly answered. "I just got so used to you speaking English."

"I know right! When we first met, he didn't even understand English." Fiona added.

"Now that you mention it, Sherry used to have to translate for him when he spoke to us." Yasmin commented.

"It's only been three weeks haven't it?" Diana counted on her fingers.

Dylan nodded. "About three weeks and a half."

"Were you just tricking us by pretending to not know English?" Fiona narrows her eyes with suspicion.

Before Dylan could refute her, Frank speaks. "Nah, he had an accent for a while but now he just sounds normal."

"He just learns fast, doesn't he?" George said.

"Aw man, if I learned that fast, I wouldn't have struggled so much in the spelling test." Frank whined.

"You just don't study enough." Yasmin added. "Maybe if you picked up a book for once, you'll actually learn something."

Frank stuck his tongue out at her as retaliation. "At least I'm good at my timetables unlike a certain someone!"

"Wha-, I'm not bad at my timetables, I'm just bad under pressure." Yasmin defended.

"Hmmm, what's six times four?" Frank asked.

"Six times four is…T-twenty-four! See, I can do maths."

"I'm faster." Frank snorted.

"What's seven times eight." Yasmin said quickly in hopes of confusing him.

"Fifty-six!" Frank answered like a machine gun. He was fast and accurate. An arrogant expression surfaced on his face while Yasmin pouted.

"Then how do you spell library?" Yasmin asked, a proud smirk creeping up her face.

"That's easy. L-I-B-A-R-Y!" Frank confidently spelt.

"Wrong! It's L-I-B-R-A-R-Y. I knew you'll get that wrong. You always do."

The two looked at each other in stalemate before puffing and turning away in a fit. The other kids just shook their heads with a smile, this was probably a common occurrence. Although Dylan was mildly surprised that the mature Yasmin would behave in such a childish manner, he realised that she had demonstrated such competitivity and immatureness during their activities in the park before. Also, she was still a child, so it was only natural for her to behave like one.

"Reminds me of when we were kids." Janine suddenly said.

Sherry smiled. "We used to fight over who's grades were better but all of us had different specialities so it didn't really matter." She giggled in reminiscence.

"Ahaha, I was always good in the art subjects but Janine was good in languages and business while Sherry was more of a science student." Charlotte chimed.

"They sure were a huge waste of our time." Janine laughed.

"That sounds interesting." Dylan commented.

"How about you, Dylan? How was your school life?" Charlotte casually asked.

Dylan smirked. "I've always been first place in every subject. My step-brothers used to hate me for that." He chuckled somewhat evilly.

"Wow, that's amazing."

"You only learnt five subjects and your class was small because they were all specialised subjects." Sherry kindly informed.

Dylan shrugged. He listed the subjects while counting his fingers. "There was swordsmanship, archery, horse riding, hand to hand combat and tactical combat. All of which were pretty competitive and difficult. My instructors used to praise me for my achievements. I was pretty good at magic as well, but it wasn't a requirement so I dropped it to make more time for swordsmanship and to give myself a break." He boasted without any shame. He was proud of his achievements and wasn't afraid to share them.

"What kind of school did you go to?" Charlotte asked, confused. "I thought all schools at least taught maths and English."

It was then that Sherry and Dylan realised that they had stuffed up. They were sweating frantically and didn't know how to reply. Janine face palmed herself and came to the rescue. "You guys should stop teasing Charlotte. The poor girl believes in your nonsense. Even from the start, it was obvious that you were lying, but you see, Charlotte's gullible."

"Ahahahaha." Sherry broke out into a nervous laugh. "Lotte, how could you believe that. What kind of primitive school teaches swordsmanship these days?"

"You guys! I was almost tricked by it!" Charlotte indignantly yells. She crossed her arms and glared at Dylan. "I thought you went to Hogwarts or something. Jeez!"

Dylan just laughed, not knowing what she meant by Hogwarts. Soon, the whole group was laughing at how ridiculous it all was.

"But maybe Dylan did learn swordsmanship. When we first met him, he had a sword and even showed up some moves." Diana recalled.

"Well, I was taught when I was young. I just kept practicing." That was true. The Kaiser house taught swordsmanship to its young before sending them off to the academy to learn some more. Dylan had shown immense potential from a young age, and so his father was stricter towards him than his brothers. However, thanks to that, Dylan had a solid foundation and was able to very quickly absorbed anything new that he learnt.

"That's so cool." George expressed. His eyes were glittering like they had when Dylan agreed to teach him.

"Hmm? Do you want to learn how to use a sword?" Dylan asked with a smile.

George shook his head. "I'll be too scared to use it. It's too dangerous."

"Not to mention how useless it is. Like, who carries a sword around anyways. You'll get taken away by the police." Diana cynically added.

"Dylan does." Frank and Fiona giggled.

"When are you going to teach us how to fight? Didn't you tell George that you'll teach him?" Yasmin asked.

Dylan smirked. "Aren't I already? I'm just building up your strength and stamina first."

"But I wanna learn how to defend myself at least. Teach us some techniques!" Diana impatiently demanded. She wanted to learn something cool so she could show off. Basic exercise was not cool, even though she did get fitter!

"Yeah, yeah!" Fiona chimed.

"Well, I don't mind." Agreed Dylan. The others cheered with glee. They were excited to finally do something other than warm ups, and running around on the equipment and whatnot.

Watching them, Charlotte giggled. "They're so energetic. When we were their age, the thing we hated the most was exercise."

"Ah, we were so lazy that our parents had to kick us out of our houses." Janine mused.

"Oh yeah, Dylan. When is your phone coming?" Charlotte suddenly asked.

"Uh, I don't know." He looked at Sherry. She shook her head and shrugged.

"Let me know when you get it okay? So I can call you whenever I want you to model for me."

"Sure. Will do." Dylan nodded and replied.

"Dinners ready!" After awhile, An's melodious voice echoed. Everyone got up and headed towards the kitchen, the hungrier ones running.