Memory pt4

Crocker began to sweat nervously. Such a scandalous and serious issue was going on and he was unexpectedly unaware of it. He replied to Ping's question. "This, the school will do everything in our power to resolve this issue. After listening to both sides, we will act. Most likely, the male student will be suspended for his actions."

"Sir, with all due respect, Sherry has been dealt mental and emotional trauma. This is not something that can be resolved by a mere suspension. Had this situation gone unnoticed for longer, who knows what might've happened. I implore you to think this through more carefully." Jeffery interjected.

It was only now that Crocker paid attention to this man. He was thin and lanky, and didn't have much of a presence. "This is?"

"This is Jeffery Houston. He is my good friend and a lawyer." Ping introduced.

"Pleasure to be of your acquaintance." Jeffery handed over a business card and shook Crocker's hand. Crocker read the card and noticed that it read, Jeffery Houston, corporate lawyer of Faith. Crocker may have been ignorant of most businesses, but he had heard of Faith before. It was a successful enterprise that dominated the business world.

He paled, "What, what brings a man like you here to such a desolate school?"

"Principal Crocker, to call such a prestigious school desolate is rather inappropriate." Crocker's secretary coughed and warned him.

"To answer your question, I am here to see that this issue is resolve in a satisfactory manner. I consider Sherry a niece so it pains me that she is going through such meaningless violence and torment at school. Please, Sir, do ensure that justice is served." Jeffery smiled with intimidation.

"Y-yes! Sally, please retrieve Sherry's timetable for me. I wish to check on the situation with her teachers."

His secretary nodded and returned with a list. "Would you like to call any of the teachers here? I believe that Andrew currently has a free period."

"Yes, please do." Sally respectfully left to make an announcement. Meanwhile, Crocker continued to speak to Ping and Jeffery. "While I question Sherry's teacher about this incident, why don't you two gentlemen wait here? I'm afraid that if he is aware that you two are here, he would be too nervous and thus unable to speak his mind."

"I don't mind but I would like to listen in on the conversation. It puts me at ease to be able to directly hear the teacher's opinion." Ping requested.

Crocker thought for a bit before hesitating and nodding. "Alright, I'll bring my phone so you can listen in."

With that said, Crocker left the guest room and walked into his office. The announcement calling for Andrew went off earlier so it wasn't long before he made his way into Crocker's office.

Here the knock on the door, Crocker cleared his throat and called Ping on his phone before flipping it over to hide the screen. "Come in." He said.

The door opened and Andrew walked in. "Good morning, Sir. May I ask why you have called me today?"

Crocker coughed and made an excuse up. "You see, I've noticed that Sherry Chen hasn't been coming to school lately. She's a good student with a good reputation so I was wondering if something was wrong."

"Sherry? Well, she is quieter than usual but she is usually quite reserved so I don't think anything is wrong right now. When I pulled her out to ask about it, she told me that she was just worried about the exam and assessment tasks and lacked sleep. Upon closer inspection, she did seem quite worn out and tired so I after advising her to take care of herself, I resumed teaching my class." He recounted without thinking too much about what he was saying.

"You didn't notice anything else?"

"No, we're currently working on assignments and revision so there hasn't been much interactions between us. She doesn't really ask questions much which is quite worrisome. If she did, I would be more than happy to help her."

"Is that so? Then, what about the other students? Have you notice them behave differently around her?" Crocker asked again.

"Sir, is there something wrong?" Andrew asked, feeling strange about the situation.

"No, no. It's just that I'm concerned. I want to know more about what's going on."

Feeling sceptical, Jeffery answered Crocker's question after much thought. "Uhh, I haven't noticed anything strange. I guess the only thing is that she doesn't really talk to the other students. She's become rather studious and only focuses on her work. I think the other students noticed so they don't talk to her either."

"…I understand. Thank you for your time. Please ensure that you carefully keep an eye out for the wellbeing of your students." Leaving this cryptic message, Crocker very politely shoos Andrew out of his office.

Crocker ran his fingers through his hair with frustration. "As you know, the poor lad is unaware of what's going on. It seems that his class is too busy for that. What do you wish to do now, Mr Chen?" He spoke to his phone and asked.

Ping frowned and recalled his conversation with Sherry. She mentioned a SHE, meaning a female teacher. "Does Sherry have any female teachers?"

"Hang on, let me just check it real quick." Crocker put on his reading glasses and carefully looked at the timetable. "Ah, yes. She has one for chemistry and one for English."

"Does Sherry share a class with XXX that these teachers teach?"

Crocker quickly searched it up and found that the chemistry teacher taught the two of them. "Yes, Pauline does." He answered, unsure as to how that mattered.

"Please tell her to meet you. I would like to hear her opinion on the matter."

Crocker glanced at the clock. "I understand that you're worried and anxious about the safety of your child, Mr Chen. But Pauline is currently teaching a class, I'd like you to be understanding to the other students and patiently wait for recess." He apologetically asked.

Ping paused and furrowed his brows again. "…Alright." He muttered.


Fir: Hey! I thought you said that you wanted us back! Stinky Author, you're a liar!

Dylan: Fir, it's bad to yell at people like that, even if they did lie to the readers.

Author: [Sweats profusely]…I have poor planning skills. I really did want you back, I swear!

Dylan: It's okay, Author. I forgive you,

Author: \(*w*)/

Dylan: Just let me meet Sherry again soon, okay?

Author:…Cough, mm, sure, I will, totally.