Uniform pt2

The bright afternoon sun shone into Charlotte's room. Its light fell upon the sleeping Charlotte, who was sprawled out on her bed, blankets kicked off and shirt lifted up, revealing her stomach. The heat of the sun warmed up the already hot Charlotte, causing discomfort. Finally, Charlotte could no longer remain asleep. She sat up, full of annoyance, her hair puffy and drool stains in the corner of her mouth.

Charlotte scratched her head and looked around her room. It was still as messy as ever with trash thrown about the place. Charlotte's eyes scanned over her desk, the strips of black fabric catching her eyes.

"Ah! That's right! The uniform!" Charlotte exclaimed. She jumped out of bed and rushed out of her room. "Why didn't Dylan wake me up?!"

Hearing the sound of chatter and the TV, Charlotte headed over to the living room. She was prepared to make her complaints known, when she felt the words lodge itself in her throat.

Dylan sat there, leaning back against the couch, legs and arms crossed, his green blue eyes focussed on the television. His hair was unkempt, shirt not buttoned properly and jacket wide open. Dylan's pale skin and seductive collar bone was laid out for the world to see.

Charlotte let out an ecstatic squeal. She flapped her arms around like crazy and opened and shut her mouth multiple times, speechless in the face of her excitement. "OMG! That's even better than what I had envisioned. Sexy! You're too sexy!!!"

Charlotte dashed back into her room before Dylan could even react. She grabbed her charging phone and yanked it out. With no wasted time, the overly eager girl started to flash the camera at Dylan. She took the photos with much enthusiasm, Dylan just silently compelling and posing for her. His expression looked resigned at first, but after being pestered by Charlotte, he properly cooperated.

His expression looked very annoyed and peeved, adding to his wild and rough charm. But in reality, Dylan was just upset because Charlotte had interrupted the documentary he was watching. It was about a serial killer and they had just been talking about his exploits when Charlotte rudely blocked the TV with her photo shoot and screaming.

"This one looks so good, I'll to send it to Sherry." Charlotte mused to herself as she flicked through the photos. A self-satisfied smile naturally surfaced on her face and she sent the good photos all to Sherry.

"Janine already sent her some." Dylan informed. Judging from the tired tone of his voice, Dylan had likely been subjected to the same torture given to him by Charlotte just now by Janine. Adding on Janine's like for photography, it was horrifying just thinking about how long and annoying it must've been for Dylan.

Then, Janine sent all the photos she took to Sherry without any hesitation. All hundred and twenty-six photos were sent to Sherry's phone, many of which were identical but were just taken from different angles.

Sherry: Wow! That's a lot of photos.

Sherry: Dylan looks so good there! [Heart eyes emoji]

Sherry: Is this Charlotte's new design?

Janine: Yep, it's a shame you can't see it for yourself

Sherry: You meanie! You know I can't!

Janine: eh, you're fault for going to Queensland.

After her fight with her parents, the Chens decided they needed a change in atmosphere. It was awkward at home so they thought that going on a trip would dissolve this sense of tension still apparent in the air. After packing their things, they bought tickets for the next day and just up and left. Sherry didn't even remember to tell the others, and only when Janine called her out of concern did they find out.

Sherry and Dylan also had a lengthy telepathic discussion that night.

"My parents found out about you staying over at my place." Sherry told him with a forced laugh.

"!...Is that why you had a fight with them?" Dylan worriedly asked. His voice was soft, oozing with guilt and sorrow.

Sherry shook her head but realising that Dylan couldn't see her, she hummed in disagreement. "MmMm, that's not true. I just had enough of how they controlled everything in my life. But don't worry, we made up. That's why we're going on the trip in the first place."

"Are you sure?"

Sherry let out a laugh. "Yes, I am, Mr WorriesALot. Don't worry about it."

"Is that so? Then that's great."

"I don't think it's so great for you though." Sherry commented.

"What? Why?"

"My parents are really really really curious about you now. I think my dad is going to kill you the next time he sees you."

"…I'll try my best to survive." Dylan declared with conviction.

Sherry could not help but to snicker. The brave knight who rushed into a battle full of monsters cowered in the face of her father, it was too comedic. "I wish you luck!" She laughed.

"Thank you, I'll need it."

Sherry turned her head to look out the window. It offered a spectacular view of the ocean in its full glory, the full moon reflected in the dark sea, and stars twinkling brightly. "Are you doing well at Janine's place?"

"Mm, its uneventful here. Other than Charlotte's obsession with designing and making clothes, there isn't anything to do. I think I'll start growing mushrooms if I stay home all day." Dylan similarly looked out the window. The city lights twinkled just like the stars in the cloudy night.

"Ahaha, you should just start working then. Find a job, your English is already fluent anyways."

"Janine offered me a job at her company. I agreed but we haven't signed the contract yet."

"Oh, you're going to be a model? It suits you, I think you'll be very successful."

"My life sure has its ups and downs. From nothing to noble's child then to knight. And now from knight to model. Life sure is strange."

"Tell me about it. I too never thought I'll be able to use magic one day."

"And I never thought I'll arrive in this magicless yet magical world." The most magical of all, is meeting you. Dylan omitted his heartfelt confession and just smiled to himself.


Author: Happy Halloween! Trick or treat! The Author Fairy is here!

Dylan: Uh, Author? What are you wearing?

Author: I'm a witch!

Dylan: But you just said you were a fairy?

Author: Ei! You talk to much! Abracadabra! Turn into a doge!

Dylan: Wha-What on Diva is going on?!

Poof! With a great cloud of magic, the inexperienced author turned Dylan into an adorable…beastman! He had golden dog ears and a fluffy tail to match it. Dylan grit his teeth and was about to finally get even with the author, but the cunning author used summon! It was very effective!

The angry doge's tail started to wag crazily at the sight of the fair maiden. On top of her head was a pair of triangular black ears. They wiggled in surprise over the sudden change in scenery and the girl's tail stood up in shock.

Dylan:…I'll forgive you this time, Author…

Sherry:…(0///0) Cute…


Doggy Dylan: Have a happy Halloween!

Kitty Cat Sherry: Be scarier than the monsters!