Capture the flag

"Go, Yasmin! Go!" High pitched screams echoed in the school yard. Yasmin ran swiftly on the hard yet soft surface of the outdoor basketball court. It was wet with rain, water splashing back onto her shins and soaking her socks, but she paid no mind to it, continuing to run with only one goal in mind.

"Frank! Get her!" The opposing team shouted. Frank paid no heed to their screams, mindlessly locking his eyes onto Yasmin, carefully mapping out her path. She seemed to be running straight towards him but Frank could see her swerving to the right, aiming to avoid him.

The two friends were having a stare down while their teammates, from within their jails and respective sides were cheering them on.

Yasmin finally crossed over the line, enabling Frank to tag her and put her in jail. Yasmin ran without slowing down, even speeding up. Frank tried to do that basketball thing where they spread their arms out and tried to block the opposition but Yasmin dodged and he missed her. Gritting his teeth, Frank chased after her, constantly trying to tag her but missing by just a little.

"Get her!" Frank's teammates were trying to also chase after Yasmin but they couldn't keep up. Yasmin's teammates were the same. They stood around in their own territory and cheered her on.

Yasmin neared the flag, represented by someone's school jacket. The bright red and blue jacket stood out on the dull red of the fake grass. However, there was an obstacle in the way. Diana was guarding the 'flag' and she was also doing the basketball thing.

But as Yasmin approached, she unexpectedly took a sharp turn to the left and headed towards the jail. Catching the guards off guard, she high fived George and gained temporary immunity. The two held hands-…actually, they just held their respective jackets and walked with leisure back to their territory.

Frank watching them casually walk back, leaving him stupefied, and stupidly standing in the middle of the open field. Yasmin turned her head back to look at him, smirking before coolly and slowly walking off.

Frank was mad but more confused to why she had smirked. However, the next instant answered his questions.

"OMG Fiona!!!"

Frank turned back, only to see Fiona bending down and very coolly grabbing the jacket before dashing away under the pursuit of the frantic opposition. She agilely dodged them and was within five metres of the border when suddenly, she slipped on the wet court.

"Fiona?!!!!" Her teammates were so filled with joy over the sweet prospects of victory that upon witnessing Fiona magnificently ruin it all in a moment of stupidity that they didn't even want to believe what had just happened. Frank just casually jogged up to the fallen hero and tap, she was now their prisoner, and the jacker returned to its rightful throne, the floor at the corner of the court.

"I can't believe I ran for this." Yasmin covered her face with her palm and muttered to herself.

"I'm not going to fall for the trick next time." Frank declared with a smile.

"Hoh, we'll see about that." Yasmin returned with a mocking smile.

And so, the games started yet again. However, at the conclusive moment in which Frank grabbed the jacket [details excluded], the bell rang, signalling the end to the games.

The group trained by Dylan were only slightly sweating while everyone else were dying in the late spring weather.

Yasmin watched them, somewhat apathetically as did the others.

Yasmin: We were just like them only three months ago. What did Dylan do to us?

Frank: Grr, gonna win next time.

George: Mm, I got stronger! (innocent sparkly eyes)

Diana:…Flabs…still there!

Fiona: My clothes got wet! QAQ

…Afterschool, the kids decided to stop by the local milk bar and buy some icy poles and chill in the park. As they munched on their frozen flavoured water, the kids suddenly started to talk about Dylan and Sherry.

"When do you think they're gonna get together?" Fiona asked.

"Uhh, idk? Should be soon though." Diana replied.

"I don't know, man. Dylan keeps giving Sherry heart eyes but she keeps cutting them apart." Frank commented.

"I know right!" Fiona exclaimed. "It's so annoying. It's so obvious that she likes him."

"Guys, I think we shouldn't use their names. What if Dylan suddenly shows up again?" George asked.

"You're right." Diana said. "Mmm, what aliases should we give them?"

"How about Princess and Prince?" Yasmin suggested.

"That's a great idea! So princess for Dylan and Prince for Sherry. Agreed?" Diana chimed.

"Agreed." "Agreed." "Yeah." "Mhm."

"So, do we all agree that Princess should be more brave?" Fiona asked.

Frank nodded with a grunt. "Mm, Prince can keep ignoring him because he's too passive."

"Nah, Princess actually flirts a lot, Prince just doesn't believe it for some reason." Yasmin commented.

"Yeah, Prince is the one who should be braver." Diana nodded.

"I personally think that both are them should get their shits together." George uncharacteristically said.

The other four stared at him, shook.

George shrugged and explained. "Princess thinks Prince doesn't want a relationship yet and Prince thinks that Princess is just flirting. I mean, if they just were more honest, we wouldn't even have this conversation."


"Hah, Prince's coming back soon right?"

"Mhm, now Princess wouldn't be so lonely."

"Ahaha. He took it out on us last time."

"Urgh, don't remind me!"

"Wanna bet when they'll start dating? I say a few years"

"I say in a few months!"

"Nah, maybe a few weeks."

"Maybe a year."

"I think like half a year."

"We'll give the winner an ice cream each."



Janine: Did, did you just write a chapter about capture the flag?

Author: Yes, I did. I did it 'cause I can~

Janine: Urgh, Author, why'd you call me out today? Where's Dylan and Sherry?

Author, looking off into the distance: They were too god damn annoying.

Janine: Wdym?

Author: Sherry confessed last chapter and, and, they haven't stopped flirting since.

Janine:…That explains a lot

Author: Makes me want to postpone their actual confession more…

Janine:…Author, don't call me ever again. Face your fears, face them.

Author: I can't do it…T^T

Janine: I won't respond next time.

Author: Hmph! I'll just call the forgotten side character then!