
The snow cones were all gobbled up by the gluttons in no time. Fir had no problem with the cold ice and ate at twice the speed as everyone else despite his size. After finishing his own, he even had the audacity to look at Dylan with puppy eyes and beg for more.

"Lyn~" He begged.

"…" What else could Dylan do other than give it to him? He wasn't a monster.

And so, Fir very easily obtained the remaining half of Dylan's shaved ice and emptied the bowl swiftly. At the sight, Dylan just smiled wryly and chided himself for giving in so easily.

"Uhhh, so full." Fir complained, sprawled out on the table to digest his snack. Usually, Fir could eat a whole fairy's drop without any problems. Yet today, finishing off half of it left him with a bulging stomach and excessive amounts of mana.

Dylan glanced over at Fir and realised what the problem was. Fir not only had a full breakfast of man and had a full tank in the morning, he only used a neglectable amount of mana to make the snow cones and didn't even talk using telepathy much. In other words, he had way too much mana in him at the moment.

Spirit beasts didn't get magic poisoning like humans did, but their magic had a tendency to go out of control and rampage around in their bodies when overcapacity. This usually happened a few hours after the overflow and caused great pain to the victim.

"Fir, you have to use up that mana somehow." Dylan warned. "Or else you'll get hurt."

"But there's nothing to use magic on." Fir pointed out. Other than their magic cuisine today, the only thing Fir used magic to do was talk. However, he started to speak instead so telepathy became unnecessary. If he was in Diva, they'll go hunting for monsters and waste magic that way, but this was Earth. There were no monsters to kill.

"We'll fly to some deserted area and you can let loose there."

"We'll get seen."

"You can cast an invisibility spell. That way you can use up some mana as well."

"But it's too hard."

"It's okay, I'll help you. All you have to do is make sure you don't lose your concentration. It will be like making the shaved ice. You can do this. I believe in you." Dylan encouraged. "Try casting it on the both of us right now."

"Okay, I'll give it a go."

Fir closed his eyes and imagined a film of mana wrapping around the two and blending in with the background. He chanted the words and cast the spell. Unfortunately, the magic used up in this progress wasn't all that much, he needed to use it up faster.

"Janine, Charlotte! I'll be gone for a while, don't know when I'll be back so eat dinner without me!" Dylan shouted from the front door. Then without waiting for them to reply, he zipped out the door and ran up the stairs to the rooftop.

When the duo arrived on the roof, Fir was already starting to feel the effects of having excessive mana. The feeling was so foreign to him, it's never happened before. The mana that was slipping out of his control began to swim around his body and bite at him like little ants. It was unbearable and irritating.

"Hang on for a little more." Dylan told Fir. He made sure that the stealth was still being cast on them and gave Fir further instructions. "Turn back into your real size."

"Real size? Here?"

Dylan nodded. "Yeah. We're going to fly."

Without saying much, Fir hopped off Dylan's shoulder and unleashed the restraints placed upon himself. His body grew bigger and bigger until he was taller than Dylan. The gigantic Fir lethargically rubbed his head against Dylan and complained. "It hurts inside."

Dylan hopped onto Fir's back. He was surrounded by soft and fluffy feathers that were cold on the surface but warm on the inside. Dylan grabbed onto some feathers and gave Fir the signal.

With a nod, Fir began to flap his big wings. With a gusto, he took off and began to fly up into the sky. He went higher and higher, doing somersaults in the air.

Dylan chuckled and spoke with a bright smile. "Are you that happy to be in your real form?"

Instead of replying, Fir just whistled happily and flew faster and faster in the air. He even ignored the mana dancing about in his body and did all these crazy things in the air as a celebration.

"You're losing concentration. Keep calm and stabilise the spell." Dylan guided Fir to make sure the invisibility spell didn't suddenly cancel and allow hundreds of people to see a gigantic bird cruising about in the air with a man on its back.

"Got it." Fir replied, stabilising the spell.

"Try using wind magic to go faster." Dylan instructed in an attempt to use up more of Fir's magic. Without saying much, Fir produced a strong gust of wind and glided alongside it to fly faster. He felt so exhilarated and free, it's been so long since he flew like this.

While Fir was having his fun, Dylan looked around the ground. What he saw below were building and buildings and buildings. The area was completely urbanised, there were people everywhere! Where was he going to find a place to trash?

"Lyn! It's getting more itchy!" Fir used telepathy to inform Dylan.

"We've got no choice! Go above the clouds so no one sees. I'll cast a barrier around us as well just in case." Dylan ordered.

"Alright!" Fir turned on a 90 degree angle and flew directly up. The force of pressure produced by this was enough to make Dylan cling to Fir for his dear life. Well, he could probably survive the fall though.

When they got high enough, Dylan cast a large barrier all around the two. It was about the size of the average house and was strong enough to handle most attacks. "Go crazy, use chantless magic, advanced magic, whatever it takes to get your mana levels back to normal."

"Sir yes sir!" Fir gleefully complied.

Fir started to wordlessly make huge icebergs out of thin air, effectively using up much more mana and was basically effortless for him to make. He steadily made them and dropped them down, making Dylan collect them all in his storage. To make it more fun, Fir even started to sculpt the icebergs. He clearly didn't have any talent in painting, but anything ice related was his forte.

The sculptures Fir made were all exquisite and realistic. He sculpted Dylan on his back with a sword in his hand as if to say, onwards! When Dylan put that away, Fir started to sculpt what looked like Dylan and Sherry holding hands and standing intimately together. Fir in his shrunken down form was nestled in Dylan's hair and it was like a beautiful family portrait.

"W-What are you making, Fir." Dylan asked, his face red and a stupid grin surfacing.

"The future!" Fir replied and continued to waste his magic.

"Your control of magic is only good at times like this." Dylan sighed, carefully putting that sculpture away.

A few more gigantic sculptures later, Fir finally used up that excessive mana that was annoying him. He whistled in celebration and did a few spins out of joy.

"Let's fly around a little more!" Fir proposed, still feeling jubilant.

"Alright. As long as we're back before dinner."

The pair flew around the city in stealth, enjoying the wind and joy of flying in the sky.

"Let's do again someday."



Author: Okay, I admit. I made all this BS up because I wanted to make them fly in the sky. I mean, I kinda just imagined a giant bird and a dude just casually riding it cruising about in the star lit sky and it was like so cool.

Dylan: You hardly wrote about the flying though, not to mention it was in the middle of the day.

Author: Geez, way to ruin the mood.

Fir: Fir had a great time! It was so fun being big again! Everything looked like ants!

Author: See, Fir gets it!