
Dylan and Sherry sat side by side on the couch, each with red faces and unwilling to face the other. Yet their hands sneakily crawl closer and closer, creeping until they touched fingers. Flinching, the two withdrew, feeling the lingering warmth of each other's touch.

Dylan was feeling aggrieved. He originally visited Sherry to scold her about what he had just remembered but upon seeing her face, he went red and could not even open his mouth to speak. Just being near her made him remember yesterday night when they bore their hearts out to each other and confessed their affection for one another. Janine even made it her mission to tease them as much as possible on the ride home. Every time he recalled it, his face got hot and legs soft from embarrassment and joy. He still found it hard to believe that Sherry and he were a couple now.

Sherry was also feeling rather shy. She didn't know how to face Dylan after such a passionate confession. And the knowledge that they were now dating numbed her mind and prevented her from doing anything other than just stare blankly and smile like an idiot.

"*Cough*, Sherry." Dylan worked up the courage and called.


"I, uh, had a dream yesterday about the time we slayed that demon."

"Demon? You had that dream too?!" Sherry yelled in surprise. "But, how, the goddess said that we weren't going to remember that day."

"That fact that we even forgot for so long is lucky to you! You were basically sacrificing everything you worked for to get home. How could you give it all up without hesitation like that?" Dylan scolded angrily.

Sherry froze in shock. "How can you say something so selfish?! Did you expect me to just let the both of you die so that I could go home? How do you think I will feel to basically betray my friends to go home? I will be miserable and guilty, so guilty that I might've just killed myself!"

"But, you were always so happy when you talked about Earth. You wanted nothing more than to leave. And I can see why, this place has your family, your friends and above all, its safe. There are no scheming nobles, monsters and the constant threat of death. The main reason we travelled in the first place was to find a way to get you home!" Dylan argued passionately.

"If you were me, you would've done the same thing so don't go and lecture me about it now." Sherry snapped back.

Dylan opened and closed his mouth, unable to refute her words. If it were him in that situation, not to mention a home, he wouldn't have minded if had to give up his life for her.

"Exactly, Dylan. Do you know how frustrated I was back then when all I was doing was saving your lives and you refused because a stupid reason? I would've slapped you if you weren't dying." Sherry crossed her arms and huffed angrily.

Dylan had his head low and tried to make his body as small as possible. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"Humph, as long as you know."

The two looked each other in the eye and realised that they were talking to each other normally again. At the thought, laughter escaped from their mouths.

"Pft, I feel so stupid for being so shy." Sherry laughed.

"To think I couldn't even look you in the eye…" Dylan also chuckled. "Sherry, our relationship may have changed but I believe that we are still the same people we were before. So, um, let's stop being so shy and act as we were?"

"U-un!" Now that Dylan mentioned their relationship, she couldn't help but to feel shy again. She couldn't help it, the thought of such a charming man being hers was really too stimulating. "We, we're still going to do couple things, right?"

"Of, of course!" Dylan nervously spat out. "Why wouldn't we?"

"Y-yeah! Exactly." The two made eye contact again and tried their best not to break it. Each face as red as an apple, they stared and stared. Sherry's eyes trailed down, down the bridge of Dylan's nose and to his lips. She noticed that Dylan's lips were actually very pretty. They were soft and moist looking and also a pretty colour. Subconsciously, Sherry bit on her lower lip, her actions caught by Dylan who had similarly been staring at her mouth.

Sherry: C-couples k-k-k-kiss, right? These lips and my lips…kyahhhhhhhh

Sherry was too ashamed to continue that train of thought. She turned away and shifted her gaze to the TV that wasn't even turned on yet. Just as she was about the grab the remote, a hand bigger than hers reached it first, causing her to grab the hand instead.

Sherry subconsciously looked at Dylan, the pair once again staring into each other's eyes. Their hands were still touching, the warmth of the other being transmitted to each other. It was unknown when the act of touching hands became so shameful and intimate to the two. They clearly held each other's hands without a problem before, yet now they struggled to even touch skins.

Dylan cleared his throat and spoke with courage. "As a couple, holding hands is important to build trust, is that correct?"

"Y-yeah." Sherry nodded. "Should we hold hands?"

Dylan didn't speak but directly stuck his palm out in front of Sherry instead. It was still callused from his secret practices and was rough but it was a hand Sherry was familiar with. She very slowly raised her hand and placed it in his. Dylan's hand instantly closed, intertwining their five fingers together.

Chuckling, he seemed to be feeling really proud of himself.

"Are you that happy?" Sherry couldn't help but to ask.

"Yes. I'm really, really happy right now." A bright smile decorating his face, Dylan cheerfully replied. In his joy, he even held their hands up and kissed the back of Sherry's hand.

At the sound of the smooch, Sherry's face deepened a shade of red. "…You're so kissy."

Dylan chuckled and leaned closer to Sherry, whispering in her ear. His hot breath brushed against her neck, making her feel shy but Dylan whispered in a deep, husky voice. "You're mine, Sherry. I love you."

The flirty knight then proceeded to audaciously kiss Sherry on the cheek! 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds…it took a long while for Sherry to recover and register what Dylan had actually done. Her face was just red, there really should be a limit to how red a person can get but Sherry kept exceeding it.

"…You flirt…" Sherry muttered in complaint but the grin on her face fooled no one. This whole time, Dylan kept initiating everything and he even made her get redder than a tomato and there was no way Sherry was going to let him get away with it. She was going to make him pay, to make him suffer to consequences of his own actions. Swifter than a falcon, Sherry swooped up and pecked Dylan on the cheek. "I love you too." She whispered.

Dylan who had just gotten his tofu eaten: …iloveyoutoo


Author: You guys are probably going to be third wheels for quite a while. How do you feel about that?

The kids: We're already used to it.

Author: No, its five times worse than what it used to be. They have a pink aura around them, I'm telling you!

George: As, as long as they're happy, isn't that fine?

Frank: We can just look the other way.

Fiona: They're too innocent, nothing is going to happen~

Diana: If Sherry makes Dylan happier, he might even give up more fairy drops, hehe

Yasmin: I don't care if it doesn't affect me, my parents behave like on a daily basis