
Dylan sat impatiently at the desk, his knees shaking and fingers tapping the wood. Fir was peacefully sleeping on the top of the desk, much to Dylan's annoyance. Sprawled across the desk was an open exercise book, cursed symbols scribbled inside. Beside the exercise book was the originator of curses, a big, heavy textbook. The cover of the textbook displayed a young girl smiling as she wrote the cursed symbols on the cover. Dylan clicked his tongue at the sight; it was all a lie. No sane soul would ever smile whilst partaking in such cursed activities, impossible! [a thousand words omitted]

Cough, to explain the situation, we must go back in time. After affirming Dylan's desires to go to school and get a degree, Sherry dug out her old textbooks that her hoarding parents kept over the years. She placed the god forsaken pile down in front of Dylan and said the most sadistic words ever: "You must learn all this by February. Good luck <3"

Six years, she expected him to learn six years' worth of material all in a little over a month! That was insane! How was he supposed to do that? Seeing the massive pile of books, Dylan faltered.

"Sherry, I already know the basics. Isn't it fine?" Dylan begged. "E-especially maths. I can add, I can subtract, I can multiply and I can divide. That's all I need to know, don't I?"

"No, no, no, Dylan. You're underestimating this too much. You don't know a thing about our history, you don't know science, your English still needs work, and even primary school kids know how to multiply. You should at least get on a high schooler's level. Aren't you embarrassed that they know more than you?"

Ah, he was f*cked. She was definitely getting revenge on him for all the things he did to her during training. Her eyes were the same as the kids when they chased him around the park. They were downright terrifying. However, under Sherry's flawless logic, Dylan couldn't refute and was forced to slave away at the desk, solving questions after questions. Fortunately, Sherry was part of an accelerated program and didn't do year 7 maths, resulting in Dylan having one less textbook to study.

"Cough, Sherry, this is a little too much for me to do. Do you think you can, uh, cut it down a little?" Dylan attempted to negotiate.

"I can't, Dylan. How you supposed to teach what you don't know?" Sherry was determined. She had to back Dylan pay for what he did to her. Just remembering the many weeks she had to go without breakfast strengthened her resolve.

"You sure there's no other way?" Dylan pulled Sherry into his embrace and leaned down so that they were almost kissing and asked in the most charming, most sexy voice he could make. He was aware that Sherry couldn't resist his charms. This man who just yesterday, when red from holding hands, decided to enact in such flirtatious actions all in an attempt to limit the studying hell.

Dylan: What use is shame when you're about to die!

As expected, Sherry's greatest weakness was Dylan. She just couldn't resist him, especially when he spoke with that voice, with those puppy eyes and that bashful face! He looked so innocent and adorable and irresistible! How can she say no to that face?

"F-Fine. I have some old tests as well. If you pass the test, you don't have to do the chapter." Sherry pushed herself away from Dylan's embrace and reluctantly gave in. She ran off with a red face to the storage room and found the box that kept all her tests. As her parents were meticulous and well organised, the tests were all organised by subjects. "I'll copy the questions first, so read the humanities book first."

At Sherry's orders, Dylan sighed with relief and pushed away the maths textbook and retrieving the one that read 'humanities 7'. Reading on, he found that it was actually pretty interesting. It was written in simple English and gave definitions for any jargon that Dylan didn't understand. He had to admit, he didn't hate it. He could very well read it without getting too bored. After all, Dylan did sit through many lessons with a monotone teacher that told him all about the political situation of Frin, its history, everything he needed to know to be a noble. Her unchanging and dull tone was just torturous, yet Dylan still learnt and survived to this day.

When Sherry was finally done copying all the questions, she found Dylan absorbed in the textbook. His eyes were focussed on the text, face serious and concentrated…she felt like she was falling for him all over again. This man really was a man with a thousand faces, each expression charming and handsome, it was hard for her to calm her pounding heart.

Well, seeing him so hardworking did tug at a few heartstrings. Smiling, Sherry left Dylan on his own and walked into the kitchen. Since Dylan was being so diligent, she decided that she'll reward him or something.

"Hmm, what does he like?" Sherry pondered. She knew that he didn't like anything coffee related or remotely bitter and enjoyed sweet things very much. "Mm, I've decided. Let's make some choc chip cookies."

Nodding, Sherry started to get to work. She headed to the pantry and found…no flour, no chocolate, no vanilla extract, no nothing.

Sherry:…how can this be? Haha, let's check the fridge.

She opened the fridge. There was a one day expired half jug of milk, almost empty butter and a whole tub full of eggs.

"…Seems like it's time to do some shopping." Sherry whispered to herself. She walked out of the kitchen and headed to the study room where Dylan was slaving away. Dylan was still reading the book but the novelty of it seemed to have worn away as he was reading was a slightly bored expression on his face. "Dylan, I'm going to the supermarket. You want to buy anything?"

"Supermarket?" Dylan jumped at the word. His face instantly brightened up and he joyfully stood up. "Can I come too?"

"Uhh, sure, I guess. Not going to take long anyways." Sherry very generously gave him to okay.

"Yay! Wake up, Fir. We're heading out."

"Un~? Okay." Fir sluggishly opened his eyes and nodded. For some reason, he was really sleepy these days. He didn't even have the energy to accompany Dylan on his morning jogs and sword swinging exercise anymore. He just stayed in the contact space and didn't come out most of the time.

Dylan smiled wryly at the bird that was struggling to stay awake. He could feel that Fir was healthy and so wasn't concerned but seeing the bird trying to fight off the sleepiness made him pity him a little. "You want to sleep in your space?"

Fir shook his head. "Your head is most comfortable."

"…" Dylan silently gave in and placed Fir on his head.

"Ufufu, shall we go?" Sherry laughed and asked.

"Un, let's go."


Author: Ahahaha! I'm just making Dylan read all those textbooks to screw with him! I don't even remember what I learnt in year 7, ahahahahahaha!

Dylan:…Do you want me to make you disappear?

Author: Wow, chill bro. It's only fair that you suffer like the rest of us, just that your suffering is condensed and doubled, ahahaha

Dylan: Grrrrrrrrr

Author: I got reminded of my holiday homework because of this chapter! You deserve to suffer too! Humph!