It’s Like Pokomon But With Landmines

Ch 2 - "It's like Pokomon but with landmines"

The next morning, I brushed my teeth, had breakfast and was dressed up by Ki. After some final adjustments to my garb, I attempted to stumble out of bed. My head felt dizzy and my legs weak. It seems the previous Yuki spent very little time out of bed. So, I wobbled like a newborn foal.

Ki held my waist and lead me around the manor. My legs burnt slightly, with each step it was uncomfortable, but I stayed firm.

The size of the building I now called my house acted as a distraction. My house to say the least is enormous. I would probably have gotten lost if it were not for my buxom maid.

The entire area looks like it was built for royalty. There were many large buildings, one on each compass position with a small pond in the middle.

My room, Ki's as well as the doctors are all based in the west building. Apparently, the doctors' name is Ishi, and he has been serving since Yuki was born due to his weak heart.

[ I must admit I am still not used to being Yuki, I should try my best not to third person myself in my internal monologues.]

The north side building is the most extensive and is used for guests, paperwork as well as dining.

On the east side is a building for mother and father while the south is built for the maids, butlers and guards besides the ones who serve people personally.

The stares from all the staff as they watched me cross the yard to the north building was quite embarrassing. Even the guards were watching like a hawk. Maybe everyone is just waiting for me to fall over and die. I should probably try to walk more so I don't get worse.

[Note to self: get out more]

Finally, after a few minutes of arduous walking, I ended up in the north building. It seemed reminiscent of an old-style castle with tapestries on the walls written most likely by old men on mountain tops. The tables and chairs are all old oak polished to impeccable levels. I thought the building would smell stuffy; however, there was a fresh breeze permeating through the wide doors bringing with it a whiff of spring.

After walking down a long hallway, I find myself in a study. Waiting there is a young man no more than 20 years old with a scholarly feel to him. His amazing green eyes and long brown hair have me captivated. I can just imagine how soft his skin is. His clothing is a simple brown yukata lined with a darker brown cloth and wrapped with a red sash. A complimentary yet straightforward garment.

[ Why wasn't I reincarnated as his Yukata?]

" Oh, young Master Yuki, I heard you were quite unwell the other day, and you are having trouble with your memory. My name is Fujiwara Riku, please just call me Riku, I am at your service" He bows profoundly and elegantly.

[ He looks just like a prince ]

All I can manage is to nod politely back. I would hate to fall over and embarrass myself in front of such a handsome guy. Ki sits me down on a chair in front of a table. She leaves some writing equipment in front of me before bowing and leaving. Luckily, I have some experience with a quill, or this could have ended horribly. The sheer stack of paper and books make my head spin.

" Do you remember what we studied last time Young Master? " Riku speaks eloquently.

" I... I can't remember" I respond in almost a whisper.

" My, it seems young master truly is speaking! What a joyous occasion! This lesson will be a recap then on Math and a little politics!" Riku retorts back with gusto.

My mind absently wanders to a dirty story I read, where there were a hot teacher and a young student where they ******, then **** and then finally ****. I couldn't leave my room for a few hours after reading that book.

I blushed crimson.

" Young Master are you unwell? Your cheeks are awfully red." Riku states in concern.

"No, no I am fine, the room is just a little cold I think." I quickly reply as I snap back to reality.

Riku frown turns into a smile as he brushes his long hair with his fingers. He drags a chair and places it across from me. Finally, he sits down and straightens his clothes.

"Young Master, five families are considered to be the top of the food chain in Tama, yours lead by your Grandfather Aikyo Reo who gained huge merits in the war against the neighbouring kingdom of Vance 20 years ago. The Sato family lead by Sato Yuuto. You may also know it as your cousins Tamo and Hina's family who own the Sakura Auction House in our fair royal capital. The Takahashi Family are known as the gods of medicine. Even their children Itsuki and Sakura are talented from what I have heard!" Riku finishes his talk midway and looks at me.

" Is there anything you're not following so far?" Riku mentions inquisitively.

I stare blankly into space for a moment as memories from my previous life come back to me.

[ Takahashi… Taka... Oh! Sakura was a capture target, I should avoid that family and Hina was also a capture target. Got to avoid her too. Rich and powerful women sure can be scary.]

" I think I have everything so far " I state before gulping and nod.

Riku raises his eyebrow slightly, nods and continues.

" The last two families are the Tanaka family who is known for producing most of the food within the capital and their children Himari and Yuuto. Finally, the royal family with the Crown Prince Leopold, Second Prince Nathaniel and the apple of his highnesses eye your soon to be fiance Princess Rosli. Of course, there is no reason to mention why they are great."

[ All the women mentioned are all capture targets... Is this some kind of joke? Not only are they all from powerful families they are all people the future male lead whatever his name is could have dated. There was even a harem ending… will they all come after me to trample me to death!? ]

I sigh dejectedly and shiver. Suddenly, I heard the tapping of tiny footsteps and the door burst open.

" Yuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiii" I hear a loud nauseating squeal of a young girl as she wraps her arms around me.

I look up to see a young girl no more than 10 in an elegant floral dress. Her long black hair tied in a pink bow with the ribbons hanging down her shoulders. She smiles a giant toothy grin at me, her bright yellow eyes gleaming.

" Princess, it is lovely to see you again" interrupts Riku, much to my gratefulness, he stands and bows before sitting back down.

" Young Master, do you wish to end our lesson for the day now that the lovely miss is here to play?" Questions Riku.

[ Absolutely not!! ]

" My sincerest apologies Riku, could you perhaps come tomorrow, I am sure I have missed a lot," I mention as I sigh dejectedly.

[ I'm not letting the hot teacher get away that easily. ]

" YOU SPOKE!? " exclaims Rosli as her pink lips curve into a smile. Her hands wrap around my chest tighter, and I feel slightly disgusted.

[Please little Loli I beg you to let go! My heart can't take your close proximity!]

In my previous life, I only had one true friend, being surrounded by people is suffocating me slightly, let alone being touched! She is also the cause of my downfall in a few years.

[ Deep breaths broad smile. ]

" Princess, do you care for a walk near the pond? " I attempt to speak through clenched teeth.

Riku stands up and bows before calling Ki into the room. "Till next time" are his parting words to us as he departs.

Ki wanders over and helps me up. I grip onto her arm with a vice-like grip while the princess stands next to me holding my hand. I sure it feels like a light brush to Ki, however, I truly am weak.

[ Bear with it… think of her as a little sister and not the woman who will get you killed ]

Both the princess and my maid match my pace, I am sure from the outside it looks almost like a picturesque family going for a walk. Internally I am trying not to puke. Why am I surrounded by so many women?

We finally made it outside and head towards the pond. There is beautiful green grass, a stone bench and stools as well as some beautiful yellow flowers framing a lovely scene. There are a few koi to keep the pond lively and the slight buzz of insects.

Rosli lets go of my hand and runs to the pond with a broad smile on her face. Ki continues to match my pace and laughs at the enchanting young girl.

" Young master, should I prepare some snacks? the weather is lovely! " Mentions Ki.

I nodded once in response, and she smiles brilliantly. Her long golden hair shines in the sun while her bright blue eyes focus on me. Ki grows on me a little.

[ I guess I can try and find some lovely jewels so when my family is reduced to rubble, she won't be affected at the very least ]

I smile back at her, and her cheeks glisten a red hue. We finally get to the pond and she places me down on a stool, bows and walks off to make food.

[ Just me and the princess… what do I say exactly? " Please don't try to marry me in the future? You are ill-equipped to be of interest, are your brothers single?" This wouldn't work would it.]

I stare over at the princess as she admires the flowers, she plucks one, runs up and brings it to me giggling.

" Yuki, I got this for you, it was the prettiest one I could find, do you like it? " she says with her bell-like voice.

I grab the flower and inspect it. It's a bright red flower with a yellow centre. It has a thick green stem and red leaves. I had never seen anything like this before.

I honestly reply, " It's beautiful, thank you princess " and smile at her.

She looks down at the ground and blushes meekly.

[ Oh shit what did I do? ]

" Princess, there is something I would like to discuss with you, would you care to hear it after lunch?" I rasped in the clearest voice I had. It sounds as if I had smoked 100 cigarettes, but she nodded enthusiastically regardless.

[ It seems like she is just happy that I am talking to her, poor thing. ]

An incense stick of time rolls past as the princess explains to me about her week and how much she is spoiled by her brothers, mother and father. Ki walks up to us carrying a pitcher of what looks like old-fashioned lemonade and some finger sandwiches. She places them down on the table and steps to my side. The princess takes dainty bites, she reminds me of a squirrel.

We finish our meal, and I turn to Ki. " Thank you, lunch was wonderful, could you please give me a moment alone with the princess. I wish to speak with her privately" I mention to Ki seriously.

She nods her head " I will leave you and miss some time, I am glad you are both getting along young master."

[ She has the wrong idea I bet.]

She walks away, and the princess stares at me with wide eyes, wondering about what I am about to say. Clearly, she is excited.

[ I am sorry princess…]

" About our engagement coming up. Is there a way we can delay it. " I state seriously.

Tears well up in the princess's eyes.

" Don't you think I'd make a good wife? Yuki? " she sniffles.

[ Oh god I feel like a monster ]

" I am just very unwell, what happens if I die, princess, I can't leave you a young widow," I replied looking at her sad face.

" You.. you're going to die?" The princess says followed by " you can't… die..." and bursts into tears.

[ I think I messed up ]