A Clash Of Titans

There was a massive stage in front of us. Two people dressed in kabuki masks were sitting up on stage, one was wearing a pure white garb while the other was wearing a black garb. The one in the dark garb on the left wore a mask that was sad, while the one in the white garb on the right side wore a mask that had a smiling expression.

In front of them, were two Guzheng. Instead of the expected red colour, they alternated black and white. The white one for the black-garbed player and the black one for the white-garbed player.

The crowd packed the outer rim of the stage and we managed to squeeze our way to the front. As the crowd hit it's peak the one wearing the sad mask shouted. Instantly it got everyone's attention and a silence filled the air.

The sad mask then began to pluck their strings, softly at first. It was strange however that with each pluck you could feel the air change slightly.

As sad mask began to play the melancholy tone happy mask jumped in and began to pluck along as well. As the tune picked up they began rhythmically stomping their feet.

Everyone's blood started boiling.

[ Wow this is amazing! ]

I looked at Riku and the others they seemed entranced by the sounds. Suddenly the beat picked up.


At that moment two streams of light came from each of the instruments. The lights formed a bird and a snake. They seemed to battle in time to the music. A few people in the crowd pulled masks from behind their backs and put them on.

Riku looked at us and said " They have some pretty amazing wind magic. Coupled with their music abilities we are in for a treat!"

My heart beat erratically as every kind of mask could be seen, from ogres to beautiful women. Both the males and females who jumped up on stage began to fight, dance and sing with each other in perfect unison to the dueling Guzheng. Each stomp of the people's feet forming a backbeat to the player's melody.

Just as the crescendo was about to hit the bird burst into magnificent light and a phoenix appeared in its wake. The snake seemed to flee for a bit before it to burst and transformed this time into a dragon.

The transformation seemed to send the backup dancers on stage into a frenzy as their voice stopped they all bowed to the beasts above them. A war cry sounded out from the smiling mask and the sad mask in unison.

The dancers seemed to pick sides and went to ram into each other. It seemed to me as a novice swordsman that each person on stage had very strong martial arts. Kicks, whirls, flips and punches could all be seen! Finally, the song started dying down the phoenix and dragon seemed to fly up into the sky before seemingly bursting into brilliant fireworks.

It felt at the time that my heart would stop as a raging applause echoed in the air. I clapped along unconsciously too. Finally, the group lined up and bowed before they shouted in unison.


[ They were high school students?! ]

" Were they really from the Magicus Academy?" I mumbled to no one in particular.

The second prince being right next to me looked over and said " I heard from papa that the oldest students have to put on a show for the people at some point... I didn't know it was in public." the crown prince seemed to shake a little.

I felt a little bad for the shy kid so I grabbed his shoulder and said. " Don't worry! I am sure we will be in our classes together at that time we can be nervous together!"

He looked at me squarely in the face for the first time. His face had none of the usual uneasiness. Time seemed to stop for a moment as I looked at him. His eyed seemed clear and firm and hair fluttered slightly in the wind.

" Thank you," he said as he grinned and nodded once, he then looked away towards the stage. The moment and the spell were broken.

[ One day I will pinch his cheeks!]

I watched as my cousins then walked off over to what seemed to be a master of ceremonies stand and handed a strange herb over to the person at the counter. I watched as the master of ceremonies face flashed from black to white then finally to smiling. My cousins must have told him about what happened.

He then walked up to a woman in a beautiful black garment. It looked like a kimono and on the bottom, it had a beautiful forest pained on it. Every time she moved it seemed to make the trees sway and come to life. She had bright red lips and green hair. Just by looking I could tell she was my aunt.

I watched as she then went to the centre on the stage and announced in a loud clear voice. " Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the commencement of our festivals grand finale, the herb we have given this year as a prize is the precious Lion Herb, said to help bring out your magic potential."

Cheers and applause once again echoed in the centre of the festival. I thought back to what Riku had taught me about magic not too long ago. Basically, magic can be utilized by anyone but talent, as well as practice, can be the difference between a small spark and a fireball.

People can utilize fire, earth, water and wind elements. There are also rarer elements such as darkness and healing. The magic here in this world is not omnipotent however and can at most be used as a support for peoples professions.

A chef can use magic to control the temperature of his flames better, while fishermen can use water magic to tell if there are fish under the water. It's not like someone could use a fireball to blow up a mountain or something.

Even the best magicians in the world are not the best due to the amount of magic they can produce but due to the skill that they possess and how much they understand the element itself.

My grandfather, for instance, is considered a top teir fire Elementalist. When he uses magic his control is so fierce that even when surrounded by a group full of people he can use his magic to burn only the targets he wishes while the rest are completely unharmed.

Fire just like every other element here is dangerous and is more likely to burn the user than the target. Becoming a proper mage truly takes years of effort.

As I pondered over the magic in this world I found myself hoisted up on Rikus back. He had explained to me that the fights were going to get rather intense and due to me apparently staring out into space he thought it best to carry me to a safe spot.

His back felt very warm.

The crowd stepped back the women in green clapped her hands and people appeared to put special stones down near the edge of the stage. One after the other seats made out of dirt appeared and then hardened. They seemed to be a type of mud golem.

Riku carried me to a seat and placed me down. The princess sat to one of my sides while Riku the other. The crown prince and second prince sat next to each other.

As everyone was taking their seats people were walking in between calling for people to buy snacks from them. I got a big slice of what seemed to be bread as well as some fizzy drink in a small gourd. They tasted really good, but next to the custard tart I had with cupid they were average.

[ Damn it! Cupid had spoiled me!]

" Of course Meowsters Cupids food tasted better Meowster." Kibbles appeared and landed in my lap.

[ Oh your here did you come to see the festivities? ]

" Mm you can say I am rather curious for a cat!" replied Kibbles. It kneaded my lap before it finally got comfy.

We all watched as two people stood on stage the female fighter was named " The Carnivorous Cook" while the male fighter was called " The Furious Fisherman". The cook seemed to wear a chefs uniform while the fisherman looked like he was ready to find a nice stream.

[ These people must be like wrestlers in my old world]

The announcer stated " No dirty shots, no crippling and no death! Let the battle begin!"

The crowd went wild as the chef and the fisherman began to fight. The chef had her hands covered in fire like gloves while the fisherman had his legs covered in water.

The cook went to throw a punch and the fisherman countered with a kick, steam rose up in the air.

They both jumped back a few steps.

" I'm gonna pound you into kimchi! " said the cook.

" I'll catch you hook, line and sinker little girl," said the fisherman.

The fisherman mumbled to himself as the air in the atmosphere formed a water net. He spin kicked it at the cook. The cook returned by mumbling and clapping her hands together forming a fireball.

The net and the fireball hit eachother mid-air and the bubbling of water was heard.

The fight lasted a little while before the cook got in a good punch to the fisherman's face and she was declared the winner. They both shook hands and walked off stage.

We all watched as stranger and stranger people came up to battle. There were a local blacksmith, a beautician and even a farmer. Each showing off their various talents for the elements.

The grand finale was against local night watchmen who used the wind element, while her opponent was a miner who was good in the earth element.

In the end, the miner had come out on top but the matches overall were thrilling. The moon was high up in the sky by this time. We had all said good-bye to my cousins who left with their mother.

The crown prince, princess and prince all said goodbye and left with some guards who had come to pick them up. The princess hugged me with a complicated expression on her face. I was exhausted however so I ignored it.

Riku piggybacked me and we started walking toward the exit.

" Did you have fun tonight?" he said casually.

" Mm I really liked the music show," I said quietly as my eyes started to shut.

" Mm you are a good kid, sleep a while you will be home before you know it" He responded.

Unable to fight my sleepy eyes I fell into the land of dreams.

{ Quest Completed "Get closer to Riku" 50 DD rewarded }