Happy Birthday... I Guess

As the applause died down I was led around the room. The number of people looking at me made me feel like some sort of freakshow. I was, however, really happy that my family had made me a birthday party…. Well it wasn't my birthday.. But the previous Yuki's.

The conflicting emotions swirled along the inside of my chest.

[ I am really not good with people ]

I thought back to my last birthday on earth, my best friend had dropped by and gave me a present, it wasn't anything too exciting just a new shirt. I was so amazed that every year he would remember. I had also written in my diary his birthday, it was exactly one month after mine.

I had memorised it when I was younger but I figured if he were to ever find my diary he couldn't find anything that would give away my emotions. Was it weird to remember someone's birthday like I had?

Back on Earth I always worried about stupid things like that… being hated by him used to be my number one fear as dumb as that was.

He had some part-time work to attend to at the time so I sat in the apartment that my parents found for me, alone, watching reruns on television.

I was pretty used to not celebrating so it had not hurt me as much as you would think.

I was okay with being alone totally numbed to the idea of being cared about. I vaguely remember my father calling me that day. I think he wanted to congratulate me but it ended up boiling down into an argument about getting married and not achieving enough in my life. Like it always did. I know he tried to love me in his own way but he couldn't be there in a way that I actually need him.

I snapped myself out of my own thoughts.

[ Who are these people? ]

Ministers and their wives, merchants and everyone who was considered anyone all lined up in their best clothes, illuminated by the chandeliers on the ceiling. I could smell the competition of the various perfumes in the air making me ill as my nose tried its best to cease working.

My new father looked at me. I stood stiff like a taunt bow trying my best to give the new faces a positive first impression of me. We spent more time than I cared to imagine walking around as I introduced myself again and again like a broken record stuck on repeat.

[ Robots should replace these formal greetings! ]

I had received quite a few compliments on my outfit, especially the design on the back. I thought back to kibbles who had still yet to wake up. I decided to check on him as soon as I could escape.

There were two families in particular that stood out for me. The first were the owners of the Sakura Medicinal Center, the Takahashi family. I watched as a young man around my body's age gave me his best noble bow as his sister had hid behind a folding fan and blushed.

The boy's name was Itsuki and the daughters was Sakura, named after the very medical center that her family was running. His short dark ebony hair slicked back into a perfectly clean gentleman's cut, everything from his clothing to his accessories screamed the appearance of a rich young master. His skin was a dark sun-kissed shade of brown as well as he sported bright blue eyes, soothing like the color of a clear sky.

What surprised me the most, however, was the dark eye bags that sat right above his cheeks, dark enough to almost hardly miss them.

[ For such a young kid to be working so hard I feel sorry for him ]

I looked over at his sister and I could tell she also had a dark complexion similar to her brother, she also had dark hair as well. However she had many ornaments on the top of her head. Enough to make her look like she was a walking display case full of fancy items just for show. Each piece, even from my non discerning eye, could tell they were worth a fortune.

What stood out for me was her fairy dress. Apparently after gloating for a while over it, I found out it was handmade from some woman who only designs garments once a year made from the fur of a rank 5 snow fox. It was not as thick as you would imagine but had a sleek elegant feel to it with a black form-fitting dress underneath.

[ These kids really live an extravagant life ]

While the adults continued to gloat about their children, the engagement to princess Rosli came up and I tried my best to politely excuse myself. I said some polite goodbyes to the two children and finally to their parents before making my way to the buffet table to hide.

That is when I heard two young people talking.

" Why did we have to come? We don't know Yuki" Said a feminine voice in a slightly annoyed tone.

" Did you see him before, he looks scary with that red hair and those stern eyes, just like a demon! " said a second masculine but childish voice.

" mm totally scary just like the general, those eyes make me shiver!" The first voice chimed in.

[ Grandpa looks scary? Huh? ]

I followed the voices and hid behind a some adults who didn't notice I was there. What I saw were two young people. One male and one female.

Both of them were obviously siblings. They both had sun-bleached curly blonde hair and freckles. They were rather large in stature and weight and were eating the snacks off the table. They both wore fashionable grey clothes with matching black accessories around their necks and wrists. Giving off the vibe that it was obvious they're luxurious.

For some reason hearing them talk badly about grandfather had upset me. I gathered up my courage and stood before them.

" That.. wasn't very nice you know," I said mustering all the courage I had.

" huh.. Yu..ki.. I mean young master Yuki!" The male said, he stammered for a moment before he cleared his throat and finished his sentence perfectly.

He nudged his sister.

" I am Himari and this is my brother Yuto, we are from the Tanaka family. Please excuse our discourtesy" she said as they both bowed and curtsy respectfully.

[ Tanaka.. Oh… them. ]

" I hear your family runs the biggest supply company for spiritual beast meat " I said thinking back to what Riku had said months ago, my head slightly clouded.

" Oh you know of us?! Mm my mother was a famous mercenary and went around the world exploring, she wanted to give back to Tama for raising her so she sent up a place to buy food. We are rarely here in Tama but father said that your birthday was important so we left the Vance kingdom a month ago to get here." Yuto said excitedly.

" Vance?" I responded as my teeth clenched and my fist curled.

The two siblings took a step back.

[ These kids really like to get under peoples skins I see. ]

I clenched my fist and put on my best plastic smile.

" Sorry, I have just had a bit of trouble with people in Vance recently… I apologize" I said as I bowed.

" No no, please don't apologise it was us who were not thinking," Himari said flustered.

Just then I felt a small tap on my back. I turned around and my face instantly turned into a smile. It was Tamo and Hina, my cousins.

[ Now's my chance! ]

After saying a few pleasantries I introduced my cousins to the two children I had just met. The atmosphere instantly changed from dark to cheery. I waited for them to talk more before sneaking out a service entrance. I made my way through the kitchen and out the back door of the hall.

[ This is too much ]

Doing my best I tried to stick to the darkness and to go to my own room. Seeing the coast was clear I walked in and sat down on my bed with a small thunk. I was too scared to light a candle in case someone would drag me back to the party so I sat on my bed looking over at kibbles and patting them.

Their soft furry long ears making my heart swell.

" Why won't you wake up?" I whispered.

Ishi had looked over Kibbles many times and had said it was only sleeping but the worry had gotten the best of me. I gently picked Kibbles up and held it close to me.

" Of course it wont wake up stupid. It's out of juice" Said a voice.

I looked around the room and saw no one.

" Who?!" I whispered.

I heard the giggling of a feminine voice from all around me. It was really unsettling.

All of a sudden a girl with sharp golden eyes and light purple hair seemed to appear out of nowhere.

She sat on the bed next to me and pet my head like I was a cat. I was too terrified to move. She seemed dangerous for some reason.

She then turned my head to face her and I got lost in her eyes. Swirling bright galaxies, planets being born and suns burning out, exploding into bits and pieces all flashed through within her pupils, I was mesmerized. It seemed to go on for eternity before I was snapped out of it by a swipe of a paw on my face.

" Psh your no fun. I only came here to see what the big deal was" Said the girl.

" You should leave " I heard a familiar voice say. I looked down to see kibbles eyes had matched a certain someone's.

" You couldn't even get this piece of junk to work and you're telling me to leave ***** ?" The name she said at the end sounded so unfamiliar my brain couldn't register it.

I could tell from the voice however that it was Cupid talking through Kibbles.

Kibbles seemed to float up with its eyes wide open and a third opening on its forehead. It was moving but more like it was being controlled like a puppet.

{ Rebooting… calculating… calibration… initiating updates }

I heard the familiar voice of the system appear in my brain. My brain felt like it was going to burst. I held my head.

" Oh I see the little pip squeak couldn't Kibbles upgrade, good work making this one Cupie Hahah! " The purple-clad girl said as she laughed.

" Hang on Yuki just a bit more, " Cupids mellow voice said.

I clenched my teeth and held my head hoping to keep my brain inside my head.

" Why is.. This happening.." I said as best as I could muster.

" I'm sorry Yuki.. I am just not strong enough yet" I heard Cupids voice say dejectedly.

I collapsed on the spot.

A purple light and a black light were the last things I saw.