First Day Headaches

My mind raced with a mix of emotions, the same person who tried to trap and kill me in cold blood was sitting in front of me with a smile. I couldn't see through him at this moment, it all left as I had just entered into a bad dream I hoped I could wake up from.

" It's been a long time Sora…" I said quietly.

" And.. this is?" said a long blond hair boy with pale blue eyes.

[ I think I recognise him from somewhere. Oh right! I remember now.. Before I went to the tea shop. He was with a girl.. ]

That moment stood out for me as a fuzzy memory, The boy next to Sora was mesmerising, I remembered being disgusted at the time but I couldn't remember why.

Rosli turned around and said " Crown Prince Romeo the first of Vance, this is General Reo's grandson Yuki Akiyo"

[ Prince… Romeo… What sort of a shitty name is that?! ]

I looked at the blond hair boy who raised his eyebrow before nodding and smiling.

" A pleasure I am sure " Romeo said in a flat tone.

There was a young lady next to Sora who I finally noticed she was holding on to Sora's arm like Rosli had held mine. I tried my best not to look at Sora who quickly caught me staring and smiled brightly.

" This is General Huey's daughter Wen Wen, also known as the holy maiden of Vance, " Sora said in a perfect formal tone.

" hehe stop it you, " Wen Wen said as she giggled accepting the flattery and blushing.

[ I don't feel so well ]

" Wen Wen, Prince Romeo, It is a pleasure to meet you both," I said before doing an elegant bow.

At that moment after I stood a purple haired, purple-eyed young girl sat next to prince Romeo and smiled at me.

[ Rinura? ]

I couldn't be sure as I had only met her a few times.

" You must be the famous Yuki Akiyo, Thanks for letting Wen Wen and I through earlier!" The girl said with a cheeky smirk before she grabbed prince Romeo and shot the princess a side glance.

" And you are? " I said politely.

" Rinny, just call me Rinny!" Rinny said as she giggled.

" These are the representatives for Vance this year. I hope we can all get along" Prince Leopold said in an official tone.

" WELCOME ALL FIRST YEARS TO THE ENTRANCE CEREMONY," said a man on the front of the stage cutting the tension that had been building in the air.

Princess, Nathan and Leo all gave slight nods and I bowed as we returned to our seats.

I was a little startled as I remembered that there were no people from Vance in the original romance fantasy ++. Does that mean that the male lead is either Sora or Prince Romeo? Could it be someone I hadn't met yet? Is there even a male lead?

All I knew was that those people were all bad news and I hoped to ignore them the best that I could.

Even though the man on stage was using his wind magic to project his voice I couldn't hear a word he said over my own thoughts. I gripped the chair in an attempt to calm myself down. I looked over at Loki who seemed to be bored before I whispered in his ear.

" Is that Rinny person Rinura?"

Loki looked at me and smiled without saying a word. I guess he wasn't going to tell me. I sighed quietly in frustration as the entrance ceremony ended. I stood up as people were leaving and went to leave with Loki and Kibbles.

" Yuki are you going to find your dorms? Classes don't start until tomorrow" Said a small female's voice behind me.

" Mm that was the plan," I said nodding looking at the princess.

" Can I come with you?" She said coquettishly as her cheeks went red.

" Does she have to?" Loki said abruptly.

" And you are?" Rosli said with an eyebrow raised.

" A mere guard my lady" Loki replied with a deadpan expression.

[ Guard my ass! ]

" Does this mere guard have a name?" Leopold said looking over.

" Hidden Dagger my Prince, Please call me Loki if you wish," Loki said as he smiled.

Nathan, Leo and Rosli all looked at each other before nodding seemly understanding everything.

" Loki, I will look over your behaviour for now on the account of my friendship with Yuki but please do not upset my sister in future," Leopold said in warning.

" As you say Crown Prince Leopold" Loki said without even blinking before saluting. He then turned around and went to walk off.

I looked at Loki and then at the three royals before I bowed deeply.

" My apologies, I must go, next time princess," I said and bowed again before chasing Loki.

" Yuki!" I heard the princess call behind me.

I looked behind me smiled and waved as we quickly made our exit.

" You trying to get me killed?" I said as I shot a glance at Loki.

" Just don't want to bother with her" Loki said flatly.

We found a guard for the academy and asked them where we had to go to get to our dorms. The place was so massive that getting lost was easy. It took us a whole incense stick of time to find the room we would be placed in.

Since Loki was my personal guard he would be bunking with me.

I opened the door which had Y. A 1 Wood written crisply on the door with magic and stepped inside.

The room looked like it was made with some sort of space-related magic. It was massive. There was a few bedrooms as well as a kitchen and even a few places to study. It looked more like a high-class hotel room than a dorm from a school.

Ki and Ren had been waiting in the room they both were sitting on a sofa that was made with fine and impressive materials. They both jumped up at the same time and greeted Loki and I.

Loki's reception was a little cold but it was to be expected.

I took off my shoes and left them neatly by the door before I slumped in a seat.

" How was the entrance ceremony," Ki asked as she stood to make tea.

" A nightmare" I replied bluntly.

Ki and Ren looked at each other before then looked at me like gossip mongers. Loki was sitting on a sofa playing with Kibble's paw pads he also looked over at me before chuckling.

" It wasn't that bad he just ran into some old friends," Loki said as he looked away.

" Yuki are you okay?" Kibbles said on his belly with his legs sticking up.

[ I am fine you Traitor! ]

I said as I smirked at Kibbles.

" Old friends?" Ren replied leaning in closer.

" Mm I ran into Sora" I said quietly.

" SORA?!" Ren and Ki said in unison.

" mm.. Sora." I sighed.

[ Who is he really and why is he here? ]

I flung my head back onto the sofa and said nothing more.