Arena ( Part 1)

The stadium that I entered was not just a patch of dirt surrounded by seats. It was what could only be described as a replica of a true battle ground for mages leaving me breathless as I glanced around the area.

The inner ring where all combatants would be fighting held patches of barren land with deep cracks, deep water that looked like miniature lake, a grassland filled with forest and even lava pit the bubbled in a wide gap in the ground.

I had realized that the school had made an arena that would give each student the tools to perform their best when dueling. I had also noticed glittering stones in each section of the arena that I assumed were essences stones that were used to amp up the amount of spiritual essence available in the arena.

I couldn't help but think of the massive fortune the school would have to waste just for these battles and my heart bled a little.

[ It was no wonder the tuition fees were bottomless! ]

We were taken by some fellow students to sit just outside of the arena is a special fighters waiting zone while Nathan had said goodbye and wish us luck in the battle. It wasn't long before Prince Romeo, his guard, Rinny and Wen Wen appeared.

" Nice to see you made it " Crown Prince Romeo said with a smirk.

" I heard you have been given gifts to cheers you on! You are quite popular" Loki said with a smirk.

" You are a lovely young man, it is a pity your guards are so uncouth" Romeo said grimacing as he looked at me.

" Now now! No need to fight.. Until we are in the ring at least!" Rinny said with a grin as she walked up to Loki.

" Lovely to see you again" Loki said smiling.

" Let's have fun!" Rinny replied cheerily

" Let's! Loki respond before nodding.

" YUKKKIIIII" Sora said as broke the moment and hugged me.

" Hey Sora!" I said trying to breathe.

" Can you take a step back please" Ren said grumpily at Sora.

" I can hug my friend if I want to!" Sora said indignantly.

" I am not sure how your Vance customs work but in Tama we don't try and kill our friends" Ki said with her eyebrow twitched.

" I'll hug you if you are lonely no need to pick on Sora" Wen Wen said as she looked at Ki.

" I will pass thank you for your offer" Ki said as sparks flew between the two.

Sora finally let me go and grinned.

" Should be a good fight today!" Sora said as he tapped my shoulder and stood back.

It was at this time that more and more nobles started to arrive in groups on four. Some people had decided to go in matching uniforms with their guards, while others looked damn right weird.

I couldn't help but think back to all the cartoons I had watched back on Earth and shake my head.This was going to be one interesting match.

Ki, Ren, Loki and I all nodded to the Vance crew before taking our seats in the fighters area. A cold wind blew past us as we waited to see what would happen next. It wasn't long until I spotted Guy walking towards the center of the landmass that we would be fighting on.

He seemed to take something out of his pocket before chanting a little what appeared to be a spell and through whatever he was holding. A hazy mist appeared over a head and began to show up of the teacher standing in the center like a camera.

" Welcome all to the a friendly duel between some of the first years. I Guy Porter and I shall be your host. There will be no rules on what magic can be used however causing deaths and disfigurations will not be tolerated.

Winners will be decided by the last team standing. You will have five hours to knock out every other team. Good luck and may the best team win!" Guy said as the crowd began to applaud and cheer.

[ So they are going to throw all the teams on the dueling ground and the last team standing will win? ]

" This was not what I was expecting" Ki said as she stood.

" This should be interesting" Loki said as he stood.

" Let's do our best!" Ren said as he stood and helped me up.

The different teams including mine were then taken to the four corners of the stadium. It wasn't until I had made my way to the corner of the water area that I realized just how big this place once. I had noticed that the school not only built this place but it was actually the size of an entire small island and compressed it into a tiny space.

A barrier could be seen on a closer inspection showing where the different sections of space had been warped. In a lot of ways Tama was just as technologically advanced as Earth was but instead of using wires and electricity, magic had taken their place.

" You will all have five minutes to choose a place before the battle will begin. 5...4...3...2...1 GO!" Guy shouted as a buzzer like noise sounded.

Ki, Ren, Loki and I all looked at each other before we charged in past the barrier with weapons at the ready. The trusty sword that Ren had given me was glinting with it's matte black sheen as a buzz sound rung in my ears.


" We made it through, where do we go young master. We have to decide soon" Ki said from behind me.

I couldn't help but look around and see that some of the teams were eying off us deciding whether or not to chase us or not.

[ Were they planning to gang up on us?! ]

" We have to shake them off" I said still running as Ren, Ki and Loki ran behind us.

" Leave it to me young master!" Ki said as she began to chant.

It wasn't long before a water haze appeared surrounding us and causing a fog. It however had left a circle of clarity around Loki, Ki, Ren and I giving us room to move without being followed.

There was a nice area of the lake that had some grasses and plants growing near the lakes edge. Since Loki and Ren had Light and Darkness magic they were able to use magic in every section of this field. Since I didn't have to worry too much about them I decided that focusing on what would be useful for Ki and I was the best plan of attack for now.

" Formation one. We head there!" I said as I pointed still running.

" Let's go!" Ren, Loki and Ki said in unison.

Our team formed a arrow tip shape as we raced to the lakes edge just before the timer ran out.

The fog had cleared and we saw the first opponents that we had to face in the arena. It seemed that one team from the starting area also had a water mage that had followed us. The team consisted of a noble I had never met before and three guards that were wearing matching morfits on their capes.

" You aren't to scary, Yuki Akiyo" the noble said smiling.

" And you are?" I replied.

The noble turned a shade of white as he heard my reply. It seemed I had completely and utterly insulted him.

" I am from the Quaze family and after your defeat by my hand you will thoroughly remember it!" the Quaze noble boy said drawing his weapon.

" You will merely be my young masters stepping stone" Ki said as she leaped forward.

" We will see young lady! " the noble said as he licked his lips.

The guards all too their positions behind the young master who was looking for fame while Loki, Ren and myself all stood together.

" Formation three?" I whispered to the team members next to me.

We had been practicing some formations during the week to use in order to achieve various goals. Formation one was used in order to be offensive, formation three however was to be used as a probe against the enemies to see what their magic was.

" Good choice!" Ren said and nodded.

The enemies began to charge at us with swords in hand grunting as they went from a jog to a sprint.

Ki began chanting for a moment before the water in the air began to accumulate into large raindrops in front of Ki.

" Try dodging this! " Ki shouted as she moved the water bullets into a wide spray area in front of us..

The began to race towards the enemy team at a rapid pace and the first battle my team had to face had begun.

[ Crown Prince Romeo… We are coming for you! ]

I watched as the bullets flew towards the enemy with excited in my eyes and my sword gripped firmly in my hand.