A Place To Call Home

As I finally arrived to where the fireball was shot from what I could see ahead of me left me speechless. After everything I had been through so far I couldn't imagine that much could shock me anymore.

Seeing seven foot dark skinned women in full battle attire however made me open and close my mouth several times.

They all had glowing tattoos on their arms and sharp spears in their hands. They reminded me of some sort of futuristic battle force from a sci fi book.

[ This must be the Amazonian Tulks…]

There was not only these women that left me surprised but Nathan was currently laying down with what looked to be a small floating seahorse next to him. Nathan's hair had gone a deep sea blue and his eyes had become a pale green.

I couldn't say I recognised him at first.

Where was the disaster?

Why did Kibbles throw a fireball?!

Why was Nathan with a seahorse?!

Heyu and myself both stood silently for a moment trying to take everything in as Loki approached me.

" This way" Loki said and urged me to follow him.

" YUKIII You are back I missed you so much!" Kibbles yelled excitedly.

I looked around trying to spot him before he jumped on my shoulder from a nearby tree and began to rub his cheek against mine.

[ Did you miss me?! ]

" I did! You were away for so long!" Kibbles said as I petted his head.

" I drew a… no never mind! Loki wants you to meet the tall ladies boss!" Kibbles said between head rubs.

[ I see ]

I followed along behind Loki until we reached a makeshift tent made out of plant matter. A pot of tea was sitting on the table that had been made of some form of clay.

There was also some sort of green biscuit that looked like it was made out of algae. I stood a little straighter as I noticed a women with thick braids on one side of her head. She had strong features and a stern look on her face.

[ She must be the leader! ]

" Bem vindo viajante!" The women said cheerily.

She then motioned the back of her hand forming three fingers on her forehead before saluting.

" She said " Welcome Traveler"" Loki said with a smile.

" A pleasure to meet you" I responded as I copied her gesture.

The women smiled a broad grin as she watched my actions.

" I am Inki I suppose in your tongue I am a queen." She said with perfect pronunciation.

" I am Yuki Akiyo, Grandson to Reo Akito general of Tama" I said politely before taking a seat.

" Rapaz bonito, what can I do for you?" She said as she brushed some hair from her face.

" We need a place to stay for four years. Of course we will help you hunt or anything else you need. Could you accommodate us?" I said as Loki poured us some tea.

" Straight to the point huh" Inki said nodding in approval.

" The beasts here are a lot stronger than the ones on the surface… are you sure you can manage?" She said as she took a sip of her tea.

Since she had taken a sip it was only polite that I take some too. To be honest I wasn't looking forward to it as I saw how unappetizing the biscuits were.

I honed my courage and took a sip. It tasted like Chilli water with a hint of flowers. I tried my best not to contort my face as I remained polite.

"Por favor, não o assuste." Loki said with a grin to the Inki.

I had no idea what he said but she then snorted.

"Eu preferiria que você não morresse aqui." Inki said with her head tilted.

" What do you mean stronger?" I said interrupting them.

" I can answer that." Nathan said as he walked up to the table.

He looked at Inki and nodded once before sitting down it looked like they had already been acquainted.

He held out his hand and the floating seahorse wanded down and landed on it.

" I got into a bit of trouble before and met my soul partner Iker… according to his memories he is one of the weakest beasts around here… and he is rank four." Nathan said with a sigh.

" Weakest at rank four?!?!" I said as my eyes widened.

" Is that why you hair is blue?" I said after I composed myself.

Nathan went on to tell us how he met his spirit beast and how they formed a contract. He then went on to say that because they were both water based in their magic that he had become substantially strengthened.

It was also the reason why his hair and eyes changed colour. The magic particles in his system were much denser. So much so that they changed the pigments on his body.

[ It seems my hair would have gone green if Kibbles was a wood type too.]

I mentally compared myself to Sora before I shivered.

[ No way! ]

" I see so it looks like there will be a very good chance of dying here." I said in a solemn voice after I shook my head from the thought of looking like Sora.

" If we were to take you in, you would be a handicap to our hunts." Inki said agreeing with me.

" That is why we have proposed a deal" Loki said cutting in.

" Your wood magic seems like it would come in handy here, The Tulk are currently experiencing a bit of a problem with their crops" Loki said while looking at Inki.

" What your friend says is correct. The harvests for the past two years have been poor and we are running low on grain. Humans cannot live on meat alone" Inki said.

" So you want me to become a farmer and in return you will let us stay with you?" I said thinking aloud.

" That is correct, that being said you will also be taught some of our strengthening techniques so you will not die if you go to fetch water" Inki said with a smile.

" Strengthening techniques?" I said confused.

" Eu preciso da sua ajuda Lulu." Inki said as she called out to someone.

A strong women walked forward from where she was and three finger saluted Inki.

" This is Lulu. It is easier that she show you rather then me explain. Você poderia por favor mostrar um pouco?" Inki first spoke to me then the women.

The women named Lulu smiled before she walked up to a bolder and held out a pinky with the rest of her fist closed.

" Hmph!" Lulu said as she slammed down her pinky.

The boulder seemed perfectly fine for a moment before it shattered into a million pieces. The pieces of dust settled on the ground.

If it wasn't for the small bugs that lived under the rock scurrying away I would not have believed that there was a bolder there to begin with.

" That was incredible" Nathan blurted out.

" mm we do not use your style of magic here" Inki said amused by our facial expressions.

" So this is your strengthening technique? Incredible" I said composing myself.

We continued to talk about what each of our team would be doing. They were all odd jobs for the Tulk. Since Sora was a wind element mage he would help cut down the harvests and build houses.

Loki would help the resident shaman as a doctor.

Kibbles would help in the kitchens.

I would be farming.

And Heyu would be helping me carve out the farm spots.

It all seemed pretty straight forward but I couldn't help think that this had all gone to easily. It wasn't long before Kibbles had explained to be that Loki had mildly brainwashed Inki to make her see us as allies that I understood.

[ it was better than being dead I suppose. ]

Sora and Heyu had joined us at the table and we all sat around and compared our adventures. It looked like we had all agreed for the next few years that we had found a place to stay. We would be leaving for the Tulk strong hold in a few hours.

Now however, we would rest because of how exhausted Nathan was.

Apparently he had used up a lot of energy manipulating most of the lake water to accommodate the compressed form of his new spirit beast and even walking was troubling for him right now.

[ It must have been a tough battle.]

[ Hey Kibbles.. Did you want to show me something before?]

" You remembered!" Kibbles said wide eyed as he jumped from my lap and landed on the ground.

" I will be back soon" I said to everyone as I politely excused myself.

Kibbles lead me off into a section of forest his tail swishing as he stepped explaining to me that he had made a drawing of me that Sora stepped on.

He mentioned several times during our walk how it was " a work in progress" and my heart swelled with warmth.

[ I am pretty lucky! ]