
Every felt like you were trying to climb an insurmountable wall? At this moment I was literally doing just that. It was the day of my adult ceremony otherwise known as Yuki Akiyo's sixteenth birthday.

By this time in the life of Yuki Akiyo according to the game he would be romancing women behind the princess's back, climbing up the school charts to bully the male lead and being hated to death by the prince's.

I on the other hand was proving my worth as a Tulk as I scaled a wall with Kibbles. I wondered what Yuki Akiyo of the game Romance Fantasy ++ would think of my exploits in his body. Would he hate the person that I had become in his place? Would he be grateful? I couldn't say as I kicked off with my legs. They seemed to pulsate and steadied my breath.

Breath in … Breath out.

I was still a little unwell but the warmth from everyone in the village cheering me on down below continued to give me strength as I moved one hand after another.

" Yuki are you okay? Use your legs more!" Kibbles said enthusiastically as he climbed as agile as well.. a cat.

I couldn't help but look at Kibbles at this moment and glare slightly. I understood he was only trying to help but the pain in my body was telling me to give up and if it wasn't for my brain reminding me that a fall from this height would kill me I may very well have.

Time lost all meaning all that was left in my head was reaching the top in one piece. It started to become dark as I made my way further up. The flora that had usually lit the way faded just as the people below did.

The dim light from the ceilings sun stones became a saving grace to me. I knew Kibbles would be fine because he was part cat. I could only assume he could see better in the dark then I. Time seemed to lose all meaning as I made my way up.

The only think in my mind became scaling the wall. I couldn't distract myself for a second lest I fall. It wasn't until I looked up after a while that I realised I had made it to what looked like the top.

Kibbles was the first one to make it. He too seemed tired as he slumped on the ground on his belly with his arms hanging over the edge.

" Need me to pull you up?" He mentioned innocently.

I said nothing as I held my hand up and used my legs for balance.

Having a soul bond with a high ranking beast came in handy as he grabbed me with one arm and lifted me as if I weighed nothing.

We had finally made it up and I could help but thank the ground for being under me as I looked up at the massive feet of a status.

" Beautiful" I remarked off handedly.

" The statue?" Kibbles responded as he laid down next to me panting sightly.

" The earth below me" I responded seriously.

Kibbles held his stomach and laughed a little before looking at me.

" We did it Yuki! " He said as he smiled.

" Mm we did it" I responded before looking at Kibbles.

" I am gonna miss this place." I said looking at Kibble's features.

It was dark and his eyes were shining a little as the light reflected of his pupils. He really did look like a cat with a torch shined on it. His face was slightly dirty from all the grime of the climb. I took a moment to wipe it off and he smiled.

" I am going to miss this place too." Kibbles said quietly.

" Hey Yuki… can you do me a favor?" Kibbles said suddenly.

" Anything" I replied.

" When it is all over… you think we could come back here?" Kibbles said as he grabbed my hand.

I felt the warmth as he touched me and smiled.

" Of course." I replied happily.

It was about time we stood up so I let go of his hand and dusted myself off before holding my hand up to Kibbles. He took it and followed me to the foot of the statue. It was rather large and the top of the figure disappeared into darkness.

In the language of the natives there was a sign attached to the feet that read " The road ahead is difficult but by surpassing our past selves we can find the light at the end of the tunnel. Ye who have come of age live and fight so that you may see such a bright future."

I traced the words and the many phosphorescent signatures that lined the statue before talking out some satchels from my ring.

"Let's sign it and rest before making our way down using the gliders the chief made" I said as I mixed the contents of the satchels and made a glowing liquid.

Kibbles looked at me and nodded before he found a small space and wrote Kibbles followed by drawing a paw print. It was a rather cute design. I on the other hand wrote " Yuta" in small letters just squished up enough so no one could read it.

" WOW YUKI LOOK!" Kibbles said as he sucked in a breath.

I turned to look at what he was seeing and my heart wanted to stop. The whole area around us looked as if we were standing in a penthouse and looking down at the city scape. The plants down below that could not light our way had become what looked the the tops of buildings. I felt nostalgic for a moment and took a step back.

" Lights at the end of the tunnel huh?" I said to myself calmly. For some reason something clicked in my brain and I felt free for a moment.

I looked at Kibbles and grinned. My heart began to feel less heavy as I jumped towards him and landed in his arms before swirling him around.

" Yuki.. huh what?!" Kibbles said as he went along with my madness.

I hummed a tune that was popular back in my hometown as I lead Kibbles with a sudden burst of energy. Feeling welled up inside of me that I didn't know how to handle. Kibbles smiled and grabbed my hand and waist.

Both of us pretended we didn't know how to dance as I hummed the tune. Kibbles could feel what I felt as he closed his eyes and used his soul to search for mine. I could feel us connect as his soul brushed up against mine. He could feel what I was feeling and I him. He opened his eyes and let me carry him around in the dim light.

Kibbles surprisingly began to sing a song with no lyrics and changed the beat.

Dum dim Dum

De dum

He took charged and we both looked at each other before smiling and nodding in agreement. I pulled him closer and listened to the beat of his heart.

" You don't have to be afraid of the darkness" Kibbles said as I held him close.

I took in his scent as I felt his worries for me.

" And you should tell Undine how you feel." I responded after a moment and giggled.

" YUKI!!!" Kibbles said as he flushed crimson.

I too flushed crimson as our souls were still connected his embarrassment coursed through my veins as if it were my own. Kibbles and I no longer need to talk as we took in the emotions from one another. It was a conversation without words.

He took all my worries and I took all of his. His joy became mine and mine his. We were like one person at the moment swaying gently and listening to our footsteps under the statue. The final emotion I reflected to him was my unyielding gratefulness towards him.

There was no need to say what was already felt and I removed myself from him.

Our connection faded.

" Shall we?" I said as I took out some hang gliders.

Kibbles nodded thoughtfully as he grabbed a hang glider and attached the safety harnesses that Heyu had probably made.

[ Heyu can be pretty thoughtful ]

Looking down at the world below I took as many steps back as I could before I ran with all my might and jumped, entrusting my life to the Tulk and my friends who had made this contraption for me to use.

There was enough wind in the tunnels for me to slowly make my way back towards the earth. Kibbles made a YAYYYYY noise as my face paled and I concentrated. The wind blew past my ears with a whoosh.

Further and further we went as we slowly headed for the ground. We had done a big circle of the area before finding the brightly lit bonfire that the people below had made for us.

We hit the ground without much effort and tidied up the gliding gear. I decided to put them back in my storage ring should we need them in future. Kibbles and I walked through the thickets and made our way towards the noise.

The chief was waiting with everyone else as they feasted on the various things that I had created on the farm while a giant spirit beast was on the spit to be eaten when it was cooked.

" Did you make it to the top?" The chief asked with a grin.

" Mm I will fight to find my light" I responded with a nod.

She looked at me thoughtfully before smiling and patting Kibbles and I's backs.

The next part of the ceremony was having face paint applied to our faces before we danced with the villages and danced we did.

My mother, Heyu, Nathan, Undine and Loki all looked at Kibbles and I before congratulating us. Only Loki looked at me thoughtfully before saying " Sixteen huh?".

" Sixteen" I repeated and giggled.

Everyone else besides Kibbles just looked at as both confused but we ignored them.

[ About time to leave I suppose. ]

I looked at everyone and nodded before I walked up to my mother and gripped her tight.

" You be safe Yu Yu" Mother said and held me tightly.

I nodded and held her gently.