From The Pit And Into The Fire.

" I am getting sick of telling myself one hand over the other," I said pouting.

" When we get up I will cast some light magic on everyone.. So just hang in there," Loki said.

Sora smirked before laughing to himself and mumbling " hang in there under his breath"

I took a moment to appreciate how positive Sora was in this situation. I took a page out of his book and tried my best to think the best of the situation.

[ Who cares if there is loose sand near the surface and that could make us all plummet to our deaths.]

I shook my head and decided to just focus on climbing. I realized that my personality had twisted a little since being here and decided just not to think.

It wasn't long until we came upon the problem that Kibbles and Heyu had mentioned.

The cave on the way up turned into an hourglass shape and the further we went up the weaker the wall became. It began to swap from rock to sandstone.

" We can only put so much weight on the walls here and I can only harden the sand soo much," Heyu said as he pointed.

" I guess this is where I come in?" I said looking up.

" Right!" Kibbles said with a nod.

" Sora, can you grant us some speed?" I said looking over to my right.

" Sure but since there is so many of us it won't be for long" Sora said as he thought aloud.

" Alright, Nathan Undine I need some water, can you make a little and send it to me?" I said to Nathan who nodded in response.

" Not too much or the sand will start to fall" Loki added.

I grabbed some seeds from my bag and climbed ahead.

" Alright everyone be ready!" I said with a sense of urgency.

I honestly had no idea if this would work or not but it was the only plan we had. I began to chant my shield ability. As I was chanting I nodded my head with my eyes closed a sign for Nathan and Undine to start their part.

Sora too began chanting.

It all happened instantaneously.

I slammed a seed into the soft wall with some water that Undine and Nathan took turns giving me.

The seed turned into a plate and lodged itself there while I forced another plant to grow and act like a root would near a river bank.

We had to do this quickly.

One after another platforms had been created that we all rushed on one after another. It was precarious but held us just enough to make it to the top.

I slumped on the sand from the service covered in sweat.

I had made it.

Suddenly the earth started to vibrate under my feet and Heyu's footing had loosened.

" Hold on!" I yelled as I watched Heyu begin to plummet.

" Not good!" Nathan shouted.

It was at this moment I lamented not being able to fly.

Thinking quickly I summed a rope type seed to grow and forced it to wrap around him.

He was heavy and I had used quite a bit of magic.

The rope began to slip from my hands.

" Help me!" I yelled.

Undine thought quickly and transformed back into a dragon before grabbing my back and some rope with his teeth.

The force of a rank six spirit beast should not be underestimated.

In Undine's panic not only I was thrown backward but Heyu was thrown up in the air read to fall back in.

Kibbles transformed grabbing him mid-air in his teeth before landing safely. I looked over to see Heyu land with a light thud and I laid down on the cool sand.

It was night time and the stars were shining in their full glory as if to welcome us. Heyu started to laugh before we all joined in.

What was the need for thanks between friends?

" Amazing!" Nathan was the first one to comment as he plopped down next to me.

" It's been so long since we have seen the stars!" Loki added.

" But what caused the earthquake?" Loki said.

[ Please don't Jinx us! ]




The floor beneath us shook with a great force. We all sat up and readied our weapons.

A black mass was making its way directly before us.

" SAND WURM!" Nathan shouted.

" Probably Rank 4 or 5. This beast is nasty and hunts using vibrations from the earth and their sharp sense of smell. There is nowhere to hide." Sora said as he took out his weapon.

I was grateful that Sora had been in charge of the hunting party at this moment.

[ I guess standing there is out of the question! ]

" I am not sure how much I can fight" I said steadily.

" I can't much help either" added Nathan.

Undine added in with a nod before Sora said " can't it come back later" with a sigh.

The climb had taken it out of us and so had the consumption of magic. I at least could only fight for a little while before reaching my limit.

We watched helplessly as it made its way closer to us. We started running away from the tunnel so we couldn't be thrown back in.

" BRWARRRRRR" The Sand Wurm cried as it made its way out of the depths of the sand. Rows and rows of vicious teeth were present as it seemed to sniff the air.

" Back Loki and I up. We are going in" Heyu said as took out a spear and ran towards the beast.

" Don't just volunteer me!" Loki said chasing behind him.

" There is something wrong with it. It has an earth crystal logged in its head" Nathan said as he pointed.

"Sand Wurm Queen!" Sora said and gasped.

Just then smaller shadows appeared from under the sand and began to head towards the rest of us.

" Really?!" I said as I took up my weapon.

I knew I would have a better chance if I jumped on Kibble but Nathan could really do that since Nathan couldn't rely on Undine. It didn't take a genius to realize that it would be bad news for Undine to go back into his almost pure water dragon form in the desert.

" Defense formation A" I shouted.

Kibbles, Nathan, Undine and I all formed a defense with our backs facing toward each other.

My sword in hand I began scaling at one of the three smaller Sand Wurms that had appeared. They had missed their window of surprise and decided to try and pull us down under the sand.

We all were trying our best while Loki and Heyu were fighting the queen.

Heyu summoned some sand golems to punch the beast while Loki was using his speed and sword techniques against the spirit beast while it was distracted.

Pieces of sand picked up looking like a storm as the queen used her tail to swipe at Heyu.

" Yuki use the moss!" Sora suddenly suggested.

I willed the inventory to grant me some of the moss that Sora had collected for me before telepathically telling Kibbles my plan.

" I need a little more water!" I said to Undine and Nathan.

Nathan who had just parried a tail looked at me before nodding.

Sweat dripped down his brow.

" We got to make this count group up!" Kibbles shouted as he transformed. He grabbed his sword with his teeth. It looked like a toothpick in his maw.

" GRAWAHHHH!" Kibbles then growled viciously and stomped his feet on the ground causing all the smaller Wurms to charge towards him.

Nathan directed a water ball at me. I wet the moss and willed it to grow.

" I hope this works" My eyes went pure green and my energy formed around me to form a green smoke as I swapped the Lubu System into War Mode.

A mighty stag formed behind me as a burst of energy surged throughout my body. All my remaining mana began to drop and at a rapid rate.

The moss grew exceptionally fast. It grew so fast it looked like it was breathing.


It charged toward Kibbles like it had a life of its own. The Sand Wurms heads had hit the moss.

[ Kibbles Jump Now!!! ]

Kibbles jumped into the air as high as he could before a thick blue plasma flame spewed from his mouth.

" Hell fire!" Sora said as he stood behind me.

I summoned a tall shield from some seeds in my hand that was just enough to cover, Sora, Undine, Nathan and myself from the fire.

{ Mission Complete : Learn Combo Spell with Familiar | Reward 890 DD }

{ Combo Move " Parafire" added to War Mode }

Thick blue smoke permeated the air while a shockwave of heat followed.

My shield was cracked under the pressure. It barely held on before the shockwave had finished.

" Don't breathe in the smoke!" I shouted as I covered my mouth.

" Did you get them?" Sora said as the smoke was clearing.

[ Kibbles are you okay? ]

The green from my eyes faded and as did the green aura around me.

War Mode was more powerful than I expected. The backlash from using all my magic was incredible. I felt myself falling backward.

Luckily Nathan had caught me.

" BRWARRRRRR" The Sand Wurm Queen's bellow was heard.

" Crap! We called too much attention to ourselves!" Sora said as he looked over into the distance.

The Sand Wurm Queen began to charge in our direction.