The Cost Of Silver

"What is this place?" Kibbles muttered under his breath in astonishment.

"This is the only way of getting you in touch with silver fingers unfortunately" Bel said as she sighed.

"Why do we have to do all of this anyway? I am sure Yuki's father would cry and run to the ends of the Tama plains if he knew Yuki was alive" Heyu mumbled.

"We have already spoken about this..." Loki said in a disappointed tone.

"If I could tell boss I would alright" Bel added defensively.

" I am just suprised the meeting place was at Dancer's Dungeon.. Isn't this place a famous broth" Sora added before his sentence was cut short with a quick chest punch from Nathan.

[I am glad the weather is nice. I'd feel sorry for these men and women if it wasn't]

Dancers of all shapes and nationalities were taking turns to meet guess and drag them into private rooms.

The air was thick with purfunes and coloured smoke. There was colourful curtains that like the walls giving the area an alluring feel to it.

Kibbles and Undine looked as if they were suffering under the sensory overload and held their noses with a repugnant expression that stretched across each of their faces.

We made our way passes closed doors with occupied signs, musicians that had had a little too much to drink half hearted in their merrymaking and carpets I dared not to tread on.

We arrived soon after at an open hall lined with delicacies, incense burners and ostentatious paintings that depicted debauchery in many shapes and forms.

In the centre of the room lay a man on a stretch couch. His thick fingers each covered with rings. His face leathered due to hardship and a pair of eyes that looked like they had seen much death.

He was surprisingly small in statue and his frame was light and feathered. Contradictory to what I would imagine a man who owned such a place to look like.

Surrounding that man were two women who held large feathered fans. There were others that fed the gentleman fruits or wines while another danced provocativly in front of him.

My comrades and I stood silently to the side unsure of what to make of the scene in front of us.

"Your so bad Mr Fingers" on of the girls said as he bit into a grape she held.

"I'll be sure to be extra enthusiastic when we have our Puff Puff session later" another girl cooed.

The women continued to entertain who I now assumed was silver fingers to the best of their abilities.

"I don't think I can take this much longer" Bel said agitated as she stepped forward.

"Silverfingers" Bel said sternly.

Silver fingers looked up for a moment before he rolled his eyes and sat upright.

"What are you doing here my dear, I did not think my fine establishment suited your delicate sensibilities" Silver said with neither malicious nor mirth.

He then looked over the rest of us as he pushed a women who was close to him onto his lap.

[Assassin? More like pervert! ]

"It's to do with the boss" Bel said as she hinted with her eyes that Silvers entertainment had to leave.

Silver Fingers was thoughtful for a moment before he took the girl off his lap and slapped her behind playfully.

"All the f you out we can play later" Silver said to the women in front of him.

"Aww but we were having so much fun" one of the girls cooed.

[ How vulgar ]

"This better be good" Mr fingers said as he watched the last girl leave.

"Well, you and your little play party should move away from the door a take a seat" silver fingers said as he gestured to the cushions that littered the floor.

"Sorry I'd rather not" I said quietly. I was more likely to trust eating much lunch off a toilet seat then sitting in the cushions our patron had half heartedly offered.

Especially since I had an idea where they had been.

"I see" Mr Fingers responded before waving his hand dismissively.

My comrades looked around and too decided to stand as we made slow steps toward the middle of the room and stood quietly.

Bel was in front of us as she looked Silverfingers straight in the eye.

"We need to find the boss as soon as possible, please tell us where to find him. " Bel said flatly.

"You would like to see the boss huh?" Siver said as his eyebrow lifted.

"You waltz into my establishment with a bunch of strangers and then rudely asked for my help finding the boss. You have got to be having a laugh young lamb" Silver said with a mocking tone.

"Well how about you tell me where the boss is or my rude bunch of strangers and I will make sure that your establishment will no longer be of any use to you" Bel as she dropped or sight to his pants before she crossed her arms.

[ What is with this assassins? Barely a hello and the want to kill each other.]

Loki attempted to salvage the situation as he stepped forward and bowed politely.

"Mr silver was it? My fellow guests and I have a personal connection to your boss and it is imperative that we meet with him. We will be sure to reward you for your troubles." Loki said as he rose.

Silver in response laughed in a mocking tone as he clapped his hands together.

" Wonderful truly magnificent. " Silver said before his mocking stopped. His voice dropped a couple of decimals and his mouth began to move.

" Your acting is really magnificent. Perhaps you can teach some of my merchandise how to smile so falsely when they don't want to work."Silver said before he rubbed his hands together.

" You and half of Tama have a 'personal connection' to the boss... It honestly wouldn't surprise me if one if not all of you are spy's sent by that foolish King to seek more then just a conversation.. "Silver Fingers said before he spat.

" Watch that tounge you cur before I remove it! "Nathan said angrily.

" Put your mutt on a rope little lady or this conversation is over" silver responsed flatly before he looked at Bel.

I couldn't take much more of this banter and stepped forward.

"My name is Yuki Akiyo and I am searching for Ren Whitefang and my father. Please let me know where they are" I said sincerely.

"Yuki Akiyo is dead you vermin! Did you really fall for this garbage Bel?" Silver said almost disappointed.

He looked down at the glass on his table picked it up and took a swing. It seemed the wine in his mouth had no flavour as he didn't seem to enjoy it.

" It is true Silver, he really is who he says he is. " Bel said with a frown.

"According to who?" Silver interrupted.

"You know what. If you really want to meet the boss you will have to go by the proper channels. If he wants to meet who ever you all are.. Then he will." Silver added.

"Don't you think I had already thought of that? It could take months if he even sees the notice at all!" Bel said as she shook her head.

" Could we just leave a messenge with you to give to him at least?" I said as my hope started to fade.

" Do I look like a palace messager to you boy? " Silver said angrily.

" Name your price. I am who I say I am and I will be sure to tell my father how accommodating you were today" I said using my rich young master tone.

"You dare threaten an assassin of my calibre? You have some round ones boy. Fine. 500 gold for the message and 200 gold for the replacement of my foul mood" Silver said with some finality.

" I'll remember this." I said as I handed most of my money over.

I scrawled a message that simply said "Fist Bump " on it. I then wrote a date, place and time. For good measure I sealed it with some of my hair and handed it over.

"Give this to Ren he will know what it means" I said quietly .

" A pleasure doing business with you" Silver said as he took the note and smiled.

"I wish I could say the same" I said as I turned and left.