
"Wait... how do we hide the Lynx?"

"Good question... I guess we'll just take the parts that may be worth something!"

Beta didn't hesitate at all and used his scythe to accurately cut the beast's stomach, which resulted in lots of intestines falling out. He then separated the organs and covered them with the preserving herbs he usually uses for his food. Seeing Beta skillfully take care of the beast didn't surprise Brian at all. He had seen this scene many times. But he still couldn't comprehend how the work of a butcher can look like a work of art in Beta's hands.

After putting the organs into his backpack, Beta didn't stop there and started skinning the Lynx. The whole process didn't take more than a few minutes. Looking at the parts that still remained, Beta was upset. Muscles, bones, tendons and even veins are still worth money, so he didn't want to throw anything away at all. He didn't know which parts are worth the most yet, so it aggravated him greatly. What if the bones are very popular for alchemy uses? He himself knew quite a few recipes that needed ground bone powder to enhance its effects. He couldn't just neglect that point. The other parts can be used for different things like eating or even bows too.

With new unfolded resolve, Beta decided to not waste anything. He cut the Lynx into small pieces and stored them in Brian's backpack after cleaning them up a bit and carefully wrapped them in big dried leaves. Brian didn't say anything to that because he himself was reluctant to leave the Lynx here. He had lived a beggar's life for too long, so wasting food, or money, in that manner made him sad. Finally, when Beta filled his backpack to the brim, he was actually quite happy. He just took the weight that he had to carry now as a sort of training for his body.

After Beta finished to cover everything as much as he could, they hurried out of the forest. They had to sell the Lynx as fast as possible because its value would drop due to losing its freshness. It was already quite late at that time and the sun was about to set. Luckily, when they arrived at the city's gate, they didn't have to stand in line for long. When they passed by the guards after paying the fee, nothing happened. Beta expected them to stop him because of the strong smell of blood that lingered around them, but the guard didn't seem to mind at all. Seeing that, Beta changed his view of the world he was living in. If the smell of blood already became a normal thing even for simple gate guards, just how dangerous is this world? Although the Lynx was strong, it still was something that someone with experience only could handle. Thus, Beta's desire for strength grew even stronger.

"Alright, Brian, you should search for clues on the black market now. If possible, we should go there today. The sooner we apply for school the better. We don't want all the spots to be taken. I'll go and sell the herbs and get us some mantles to cover ourselves."

"I'm on it, boss!", Brian said with a big smile on his face.

Brian was looking forward to getting new clothes, but that wasn't the only reason for his smile. He then left on his way to the slums of the city. The slums were a place no one normally wanted to be in. It was a dirty place full of dangers. The smell alone would drive off any guard who even considered taking a look. Hence, the situation in that area was just too pitiful. The streets were littered with homeless people. Houses only brought the illusion of safety and warmth. In fact, the houses had holes in them and some even had broken down doors. When he entered an alley, he was suddenly surrounded by six shadows. There were two little girls and four boys that looked at him gleefully.

"Brian! You're actually back! We thought we'd never see you again!"

"Why would I not come back? If I promise you that I will come back, of course I will come back!", Brian said while patting his chest with a fist.

Right after saying that, he pulled a rabbit out of his backpack. Beta and Brian originally caught a few rabbits in case the guards want an explanation for the heavy smell of blood on them. It turned out that they didn't have to use it, but he was happy to have them nonetheless. When the kids saw Brian pulling out three whole rabbits, the kids eyes were glowing like a flashlight. Even though the rabbits were skinned, it didn't disgust them even a tiny bit. They gaped at the rabbits like they were holy treasures. When Brian saw their reactions and heard their rumbling stomachs he couldn't help but laugh.

"No worries, you will all get some!"

"You're the best!", the kids said with reverent look on their faces. They swore to themselves that they would help Brian however possible!

Brian himself didn't see that though. Neither was it what he was aiming for. He simply wanted to help these kids because they were in the same situation he was in before. If he was able to help them, he would naturally do so with great enthusiasm!

After making a little fire, he roasted the rabbit until the meat was juicy enough and exuded a wonderful aroma. The kids started salivating long ago but when they smelled the meat, they still couldn't hold themselves back from gulping.

"Alright, the meat's ready now! But before I give it to you, I'd like you to fulfill the promise you made last time!"

First, the kids looked at him stupefied, but they soon realized what he meant and quickly answered him.

"I'm Gerald!", said a boy after stepping out of the group while seizing Brian up.

"I'm Anna!", said a little girl behind him.

"I'm Ethan! You better not deceive us with that food!", said the second boy who was next to Gerald.

"My name is Mary!", while looking at the meat cheerfully.

"Kiev.", another boy said.

"I'm Lars, thank you for the food!", the last one said while smiling happily.

After getting what he wanted, Brian gave them the rabbits and watched them. First, Gerald, the boy who stood out at the beginning took a bite out of the rabbit. Only after he chewed for a while, swallowed it down, and waited for a bit, did he nod at the others. As soon as they got their signal they started devouring their food madly. Brian thought about telling them to not eat too fast, but he quickly threw that thought away. He simply knew from experience that even if he said it, the kids wouldn't listen.

"How is it?"

"Great!", the kids said in unison, without stopping to fill their mouths.

Brian smiled at their behavior. Yesterday, he had paid them a visit as well. At that time, they didn't even tell him their names. When he told them that he would come back, they promised that they would tell him their names.

"Oh right, before I forget it, do you know where the black market is?"

"The black market? What do you want to do there? It's a very dangerous place!", said Gerald.

"My friend and I need to take care of some business there. No need to worry, we're pretty strong!", Brian said with a proud smile.

The kids stared at him in doubt, which made Brian feel rather awkward.

"Cough, so, do you know?"

"Of course we know! If you bring us food again I will tell you!"


Gerald explained carefully how to get to the black market and how to not stand out. As Brian listened carefully, he noticed movements behind him. There stood two men, looking at the kids with derision.

"Hand over your food or we'll beat you up!"

Brian didn't expect anyone to find them. The alley they were in was a rather a deserted one with barely anyone near it. He also thought that the stench of the slums could prevent anyone from smelling the food.

"Go away or you will regret it!", Brian said in an imposing voice while holding on to the hilt of his saber.

The men were shocked at first when they saw the saber, but after remembering that the wielder was only a kid they relaxed.

"Do you think you can scare us, kid? Hand over the food and that saber here and nothing will happen to you!"

Brian looked behind him at the scared kids, who held on to their food for dear life, and made a decision.

"If you want our things, come and get them!"

"Hehehe, you stupid brat!"

The two men rushed up to Brian, looking at him as if he was a delicious meal. Brian simply looked at them, put his hand on his hilt, and then drew his saber as he sliced at them in one motion. This was one of the moves Beta had showed him. Its swiftness surprises your enemy and lets them suffer greatly, or at least back up if they're quick enough. As expected, the men didn't react in time. They now each have a fine cut on their chests with a slight line of blood showing. The men were stupefied. How was it possible for a scrawny kid to be able to handle a saber like that and how come it is so sharp?

"Run, or I will really kill you. This time I showed mercy. Don't show yourselves in front of me or the kids anymore.", Brian said in a cold tone.

In his mind, he was picturing Beta's face and tried to imitate it. To ensure that these scums will not dare to repeat the same thing again nor try to blame the kids behind him, Brian wanted to scare them off with a murderous cold look. He's positive that it will definitely work since he almost peed himself when Beta looked at him that way during their spartan training sessions to get him used to enemies with stronger killing intent.

"Yes! We're sorry!"

Brian watched them scurry away and didn't sheathe his saber until he was sure that they ran far enough.

"Thanks, Brian!" The kids shouted in unison again.

They knew exactly how terrifying this place is. If kids like them had food, they would need to eat it as soon as possible or adults will steal it from them.

"Not a problem at all! I told you I'm strong!", Brian said while laughing with an air of superiority around him.

They had their doubts but now they believed him. Someone who could take care of adults that easily must be strong!

What they didn't know was that Brian had killed a beast with Beta before, so two famished adults wouldn't be the slightest threat to him. Now, with his saber and the techniques he had, he could even take care of the plump hunter easily!

Brian didn't stay for long after that. He watched and talked to them until they finished eating and then left the slums to meet up with Beta again.