The Last Test

Beta was surprised to hear that he would get benefits so fast. But then he thought of why Marlon did what he did. Talent. Beta showed promising talent, so Marlon wanted to invest something to help him grow and have a powerful ally later on. Other teachers would do the same, it just so happened that this time, Marlon got lucky meeting him. Beta didn't mind it, as he would benefit from it as well. Even though he decided to hide most of his skills, he didn't plan on hiding too much of his abilities either. Especially now, because the more talented he is, the more people would be willing to assist him to grow even stronger.

"I'll try my best.", Beta said with a slight smile and left.

Brian didn't move far ahead and waited for Beta instead.

"What did he want?"

"He wants me to get the first place in the next test and promised me benefits if I manage to do it."

"Oh? Sounds like you will get some freebies.", Brian said happily. He wasn't jealous of Beta at all.

"I doubt it. Even though most of the participants this year are quite weak, I think that there are some strong ones too. You should try your best as well, there might be the opportunity to get something good."

"Of course, I'll do my best! It would be boring if I didn't!"

As they continued talking, they followed the path and finally came to a big building. In front of the building stood a youth, who was waving them over. He didn't say anything and just signaled them to enter the building. What they saw was a big hall with ten platforms in the middle. It was surrounded by seats, similar to a stadium. Many seats were already occupied by the kids they have been with earlier, so they simply sat down somewhere as well and waited.

Soon, an old man entered through the door they had come through. He sported well-kept long hair, a long white beard, strict thick brows almost overshadowing the two golden eyes which hid deep knowledge, nose not too high but enough to hold firm his reading glasses, and slightly smiling lips which show confidence. He also wore a green robe which gave him a noble air. It didn't take long for him to arrive at one of the spectator seats for VIP's. After he sat down, he clapped twice, to turn, even the few murmurs the kids gave off, quiet.

"Welcome to the last test of this Academy, the arena! I'm the headmaster of this school, Hanz. The last test will determine your ranking in this school. The higher the ranking, the higher the support this school will give you. Starting from next month, everyone of you will receive resources which will help you in your cultivation. Of course, only the best of the best will be able to get good resources. You will have a class internal ranking and a school-wide one. If you manage to defeat someone who is a class above you, you will not only get the resources for his spot in the ranking, you will also receive a bonus. Naturally, this is only in theory. Only real talents are able to accomplish that, because they, after all, have been in this school for a whole year longer than you. The amount of knowledge you can gain within that time should definitely not be underestimated!"

When it came to this part, everyone got excited. They all had entered this academy to gain strength, so hearing that they could gain more resources made them very happy. Beta, on the other hand, thought of the arena he always used to fight in and thought of how to kill the most efficient way.

"Now listen carefully. This might be just another test to you, but, the main goal of this test is to showcase how talented you are. With this, nobody will complain on how you got your place in the ranking and at the same time, earn yourself a reputation as you join our marvelous school!", said Hanz full of pride, especially when he emphasized the grandness of Malvic Academy.

"Alright, it's time to start! First up will be 10 pairs. In arena one, Mula vs. Erding, arena two, Loenne vs. Domian..., arena 16 Beta vs. Paul..., arena 20 Kevin vs. Mays!"

The headmaster called several people upon the arena and the students quickly followed his orders. Beta was surprised that he had to fight in the first round, but he didn't mind it much, so he, too, hurried to the arena. In front of him, stood one of the boys who got out of the labyrinth before him. The boy looked at him smugly, raising his finger to point at him.

"Better give up! We're on a whole different level, so you shouldn't waste your time here trying to win. If you decide to fight nonetheless... I will have to kill you!"

"If you have the ability to, go ahead!", Beta said while raising his eyebrow.

Beta had already trained in Death's Physique for quite a while, so he was able to tell that his opponent definitely had a worse body than him. That didn't mean that Beta got careless though. He learned long ago that things like that don't necessarily mean that your opponent is powerless. He may still be hiding his skills.

The boy's head just tilted up when he heard Beta's words. He didn't think that someone who couldn't even get a map for the labyrinth could be strong.

"Now that everyone is ready... let's begin!", said the headmaster while looking over the children in front of him.

At some point, teachers had joined the hall and they overlooked the matches to ensure that everything goes smoothly. But they didn't expect one oddball - Beta. Just when the match started, Beta ran up to his opponent at a really high speed and struck down on the boy's head with his staff without any mercy. The boy didn't expect Beta to be so fast and decisive, so he didn't even have the time to block. When the staff came into contact with the boy's head, a cracking noise was heard and the kid flew a few meters away, dead.

Complete silence suddenly shrouded the building. No one had expected this outcome. After only two seconds, someone had already died. Not only the kids were shocked, sitting on their seats agape. The teachers and even the headmaster had the same reaction too.

"So, he was inept after all. What a letdown.", Beta said in a nonchalant manner and went back to his seat.

When everyone heard that, they were even more shocked. How could a ten year old child be so nonchalant about killing, even calling his opponent inept? The other kids froze as they looked at him and it took a while for the silence to be broken.

"Stop!", a booming voice was heard.

Beta turned around to locate where it came from, just to see the headmaster of the Academy who had stood up at some point.

"How may I help you, Sir?", Beta asked with a gentle smile.

When the headmaster saw that smile, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of weird kid was before him.

"Why did you kill that boy?", the headmaster asked in a serious tone.

"Why not? This is an arena, isn't it?", Beta said with a frown.

The headmaster was taken aback when he heard that.

"Even if this is an arena... why did you have to go as far as killing him?"

"It's an arena, so obviously it'd be a fight to the death. He also said that he would kill me if I don't give up, so why should I not kill him? I also wasn't told that we're just playing around.", Beta said, his frown deepening in confusion.

"So, it's just playing around for you if death isn't involved?"


"Hahaha! You're an interesting kid! I like you! It was my mistake to not state any rules before starting, so let's just set up one now. No one is allowed to kill or even cripple anyone intentionally.", the headmaster said, his face clearly showing his amusement.

Beta just nodded and left for his seat. When Brian saw him come up, he showed him a big smile.

"You've got balls! You actually dared to talk to the headmaster like that!"

Beta just shrugged and sat down next to Brian as they both watched the battles after that. Of the many participants, most were not really strong. It's not surprising if you think about it. Most of these kids will only start learning how to fight in this school. The only training, they have had so far, included body training and maybe some family martial arts. Only one stood out, Domian. He was a little boy with a fierce glare. His favorite weapon is the sword and he was able to effortlessly win against every opponent he got. Brian had a similar fate. He used his saber to win all the battles he encountered, even if it was less effortless. As for Beta, after what happened earlier, every opponent he got forfeited before they even entered the arena. Beta didn't mind it as it would mean that he didn't have to trouble himself coming up with a way to not kill or cripple the weaklings in one hit. That was a whole new experience for Beta. He had never had to hold back. He always fought with full power.

It took three hours before something interesting finally happened.

"Arena 12 is free! Brian vs. Domian!"