Martial Abode

At this point in time, Beta remembered that there was still a promise that had to be fulfilled. Right after the second test, Marlon promised him to let him pick a staff martial art from the Martial Abode. In the beginning, Beta was still wondering why that teacher never looked for him, so he couldn't help but tag him as a liar. But now it seems that the teacher was sent away on a mission not long after the entrance test. Thus, the news actually gave Beta hope that he might still be able to get what he was promised - a free martial art. Hence, Beta wanted to directly rush out of class to look for him, but he was stopped by Lores.

"Before you all go and prepare, let me say a bit more as a heads-up. We will depart tomorrow, so you still have a bit time in case you change your mind. Once you're in the ruins, you will be a squad led by Beta who is placed first at the moment. If there is anyone that would like to challenge his position, do it now. Inside the ruins, there's no time for this child's play and your full cooperation is needed to complete the mission. Disharmony in a team will create more trouble for us, so I plead you to be mindful of where you'll be and what you're there for.", Lores said with a serious face. If there were any mishaps due to something like this, it could cost the lives of everyone within the squad.

Although Lores said that, he didn't really expect a problem to come up. He, too, knew what his class had been through within the last year and that, as a team, they worked together very well. As if agreeing to Lores' thoughts, everyone stayed silent. No one took the initiative to get Beta's spot nor even the confidence to go against him. In their hearts, they really couldn't think of anyone else that can replace Beta as the number one in their class.

Beta himself, even though he knew the outcome, was a bit touched. Because now it truly verified that he was the one and only leader and that they accepted him willingly. On their expressions, he saw that there wasn't the slightest unwillingness. It was one thing to let someone be superior to you for a fixed amount of time, and another to wholeheartedly accept someone as your superior and even be happy with it. It also, somehow, reminded Beta of how his friends, Brian and Domian, wholeheartedly trusted him with their lives. It wasn't a new feeling but still, it brought him a little bit of happiness deep inside.

Both, Beta and Lores, looked proudly at this scene. Lores never thought he'd be blessed to the point where he couldn't even be any prouder of them. Because his class was really too incredibly outstanding, having so many talents and yet no discord between them. Indeed, a single talent is scary, but a well-trained squad of talents is simply a nightmare to others. No matter what dangers they may face in the future, as long as they work together as a squad, everything can be resolved. Truly a demon army with a devil as their leader.

Soon, Lores was finally finished and let them roam free. Everyone then went to their dorms and started a last-minute training while some went to the market in order to stock up on equipment. Beta stood next to Brian and Domian and was just about to do the same as the others when suddenly Marlon came around the corner. When he saw Beta, he had the same expression that Beta had earlier.

"Beta! I almost forgot about you! I've heard you made it first. I was preoccupied so I couldn't yet fulfill my promise. You know what, how about we go now? Do you have time? Seems like your class just dismissed so unless you have other plans...", Marlon said with a laugh.

"Sure!", Beta answered without thinking much. The sooner he got to enter the Martial Abode, the better.

He then continued, "Brian, Domian, I'll take a little detour. We'll see each other tomorrow again."

"Go and get something good!", Brian said.

"Don't stay up and train all night, we'll need all the strength we can get.", Domian commented.

Beta's expression changed a little as he heard that remark. "He really knows me..." he thought with a slight sigh. Beta agreed to it anyway and followed Marlon at his side. As they walked along the pathway, Marlon suddenly looked at Beta seriously.

"Be careful in the future. Your teacher covered you for quite a while now but rumors are coming up"

"Hm? May I ask what you are talking about?", Beta asked, visibly confused about the current situation. He didn't know why Marlon said that out of nowhere and neither did he know why.

"Lores kept a tight lock on you being a Void Elementalist for a long time but stories about a man in the slums came up. There were also students who saw big gaping holes in some trees in the forest next to the academy. By now, it's not a secret anymore that a young Void Elementalist finally surfaced. It will slowly spread to the outside world and once bigger powers get to know of your element, they will definitely try to recruit you. Most of the times, they can be really adamant so if they don't succeed, it's very likely that they may either force or simply kill you in order to let their enemies get no chance to get you.", Marlon said seriously.

Beta fell in silence hearing that. Since he had not used his void element in any tournament or other presentations of power except for his own class, it was still possible to cover it up. But through his actions, others noticed some things and somehow managed to connect the dots. The fight against the bandit leader in the slums was probably watched from certain hiding spots by any onlooker and any kid that went into the forest would've noticed that there were some trees with holes in them due to the use of soulpower.

Beta was so nonchalant with his situation that he forgot the cruel reality of the outside world he barely knew. The fact that rare things were always coveted, especially so when it was a goose that laid golden eggs, like Beta. If they had the method to create void bags, they would become rich using him. Just that thought made him clench his fist, slightly blaming his young, weak self. If he were any stronger, those scum wouldn't even be able to lay their filthy greedy hands on him.

"I will be careful in the future. But of course, I can't hide forever. So, at some point, I have to face them anyway. Although it is true that I should postpone that until I'm strong enough, I'm not that naive to think that every organization would treat me well and cover for me. I wouldn't be allowed to grow either because once I'm strong enough to leave that place, it is clear that I wouldn't hesitate to do so without looking back. For now, I can only resign myself to fate and do what I can. Actually, doing something like hiding my identity would only make it harder. Once they arrive here, they will definitely inspect people with suspicious behavior, so it would not be smart to try hiding. Instead, why don't I become a shining star? I will do it just like before, stomp everyone with martial arts only. If I never show my soulpower, they will at most assume that I'm using the earth element to strengthen my body or something. Who'd think that the brute that beats everyone up is actually a revered Void Elementalist? If they try to recruit me, it will probably only be because of my strength at that point.", Beta said amusedly, thinking about his future plans.

Marlon was stunned at first that a kid could come up with something like that but soon a smile bloomed on his face.

"You do realize that your plan has several holes, don't you? I'm sure that they would like to check your element before inviting you into their organization. Are you sure that you won't have to fight using your soulpower? At school, it might still be possible, but what if you meet others within the ruins?", Marlon said, his smile getting bigger in anticipation on how the sly kid in front of him will answer next.

"If that happens, I'll just have to kill every witness.", Beta answered in a cold, almost robotic voice while shrugging as if it was something normal.

Marlon simply laughed at his answer and didn't dwell on it any longer. There was also a noticeable sweat lingering on his forehead. He swiftly wiped it with his sleeve and looked up as he then exclaimed, "Ahem! We're finally here."

In front of them stood a simple building which could be mistaken for a normal house. Beta was a little surprised as he thought that the 'Martial Abode' should look a little bit different. Due to its grand name, it made him imagine that it was a huge building with several halls inside with books that laid on layered tables covering most of its place. Instead, what was in front of him was only a simple common house with smoke rising up from its chimney. As soon as they entered, Beta saw several rooms with bookshelves and a few chairs in them.

"Read through the books of that room over there and choose which one you like. We don't have much time, so you better decide quickly.", Marlon said before sitting down, already holding a cup of tea which was placed on a table next to him beforehand.

Hearing the urgency in his voice, Beta followed his instructions and entered the room up ahead. Just like the other parts of the house, it had a wooden floor. The room had a red carpet which made the whole room feel warm, just like the floor in front of it. There weren't any other decorations to make the room more comfortable either but it was cozy and it serves its purpose somehow.

After giving the room a quick look around, Beta then picked up a book from one of the bookshelves and started reading on one of the leather armchairs close by. Next to him was a little table with a candle on it which emitted a scent that invigorated his mind. Just like this, Beta read through several books, finding things like "Dragon Staff Technique" which caught his interest. But once he read through the book, he was severely disappointed. It had some good points, but overall, it was too shallow and didn't allow for much growth. Only when Marlon reminded him that the time was almost up, did Beta finally find a book which content satisfied him greatly.

"This is really good! But..."