Black Market

"To think that Death's Gaze is this strong... They fell for the illusion that I wanted them to see as if it was completely natural. Of course, them being too weak made it even seem stronger than usual. I know for a fact that my illusion definitely wasn't perfect in the eyes of someone who cultivates, but it's nonetheless a very good start! Like this, I can get test subjects much easier than before. If everything goes according to plan, they should be on their way to the hideout where they will enter a nonexistent house with a basement that is very well isolated. I wonder if there's a maximum range to this skill. In theory, there shouldn't be any range limit since I inserted the illusion with certain instruction in their minds, but it's still important to test it out. This is probably the only test I can't do inside the hideout, so doing it now is the best timing. If the first batch is a success, I'll be able to make them walk into their own cell or cage with them thinking they struck it rich. This ability is truly amusing. Actually, if this works, I may be able to get some really obedient butlers...", Beta said to himself in an inaudible voice.

This little test alone already made him very happy. The anticipation of what was to come excited him to the point where he was showing a creepy evil smile while occasionally laughing "hehe" every now and then. If anyone saw his expression as well as know about his destination which was the black market, they would be scared for their lives. After all, ever since young, everyone was told to be careful when living in the same city as cultivators. They especially stressed to be wary of strange young kids and creepy old men. If they happened to be cultivators, death only awaits them. With Beta's strange smile and laugh, he was the perfect picture of "number one person not to mess with or you'll be sorry".

Shortly before reaching the black market, Beta stopped himself and made sure to cover his body completely as well as his face with a cloth mask. Not even his shoes were spared from being wrapped around with a black cloth. It was a strange sight even for those who frequented that place and had seen more newcomers than any others. However, it did its job. No one knew who the person completely wrapped in cloth was. The only clue they had was his height and build, because of which, they were able to deduce that he was still rather young.

Beta didn't care about those staring at him and quickly searched through the shops. Though he seemed like a complete newcomer due to his eagerness when it comes to shopping, the truth was that he didn't want to waste his time and just wanted to get it over with. He still got more things to do later on after all. Plus, he didn't find it that bad to attract their attention, especially the ones who wanted to take advantage of him. He thinks that they will be a great addition to his collection in his basement.

But then Beta noticed something strange. It seemed that there were fewer shops than the last time he visited. Just when he was about to ask someone why that was the case, he thought of a reason himself. The Slum Angel. Many people with illegal activities disappeared and of those who were still left, not everyone wanted to continue in this kind of business for fear of the Slum Angel that would make them disappear.

"Ahh… I didn't really think that this will get blown out of proportion. Hopefully, in the future, some brave ones will come back and fill up the black market again…" said Beta while scratching his head.

Even though the number of shops and stalls still open were few in numbers, Beta didn't give up with his goal. He slowly continued his search and not long after, he finally found what he was looking for - chains and handcuffs. Through a small window in the door of one of the shops, he saw that the one selling them was a slave trader who seemed to always be smiling as he stood at the counter.

Beta entered the room confidently as if trying to show that it was nothing new for him to enter this kind of shop. As expected, the slave trader didn't only have chains and cuffs, but also slaves. These slaves were simply put in cages which were stacked on each other on both sides to the counter. The faces of the people in these cages looked more dead to him than the several people he had killed before.

Their minds were clearly completely broken and they long since don't care what happened to them anymore. Women and men alike were almost completely naked, some were even lying in a puddle of their own urine. Beta found it disgusting to look at these people. Even if he were to rescue them, they wouldn't be able to live outside anymore. They would be nothing more than zombies. Actually, even their need for food might not make them move anymore.

The slave trader was obviously observing Beta and his reaction to his slaves. He had never seen someone like Beta before so he was curious about the cloaked young man. Depending on Beta's reaction, he might refuse to conduct business with him. But then when he saw Beta's eyes, he understood right there and then that Beta felt no pity nor any kind of feeling towards his "products".

He used to have occasional righteous customers who wanted to free his slaves so he despised that kind of thing happening again. But with Beta's attitude, he knew that a good business deal will happen. So, as a result of his deductions, he became more amiable and welcoming to Beta who walked to the counter after having a look of the place.

"Welcome, Sir! What would you like to buy?", greeted the slave trader behind the counter.

Now that Beta was up close, he was able to see the man's face clearly. He looked just like anyone else in the slums with the only difference being that he had a rather bushy mustache.

"I'd like to take a look at your goods.", Beta said calmly. He then looked behind him and added, "Ones that are at least a bit livelier."

Beta's plan was to just get some chains and handcuffs. But he worried that the slave trader might be suspicious of him in that case. Another reason for it was that Beta still needed people to experiment his beast organs with. If he were to take a slave and save them from this place, the probability of them staying loyal after gaining strength was much higher than it was with the people on the streets. Only people that had experienced life at the absolute bottom would be able to appreciate this kind of favor. If they turned out strong enough to kill the slave trader by themselves, their loyalty would even rise another level. But that was something in the future and not he would have to think of now.

"Hahaha! You really have a good eye for this kind of stuff, don't you, Sir? Alright, I'll show you the better stuff!", the slave trader said, looking a little happier. The livelier the slave, the more money he would gain.

They entered another area of the shop without much delay and the slave trader then showed Beta some of his 'better goods'. As expected, they were still not much livelier. After all, a small shop like this couldn't possibly be well versed in training slaves. According to him, many even liked the lifeless ones because they obeyed, no matter what the command may be.

After some time, Beta stood in front of a cage and was looking at a little girl who was lying inside the cage with torn clothes. Next to her was the body of a boy that seemed to be no longer breathing. When the slave trader saw Beta's gaze on the boy, he quickly explained that it's her brother who probably died due to giving most of his food to his sister.

The way the slave trader explained the situation to Beta seemed like it was something that happened too often in his shop. Not even minding the fact that he lost a "product" again due to negligence. He just casually looked at the remaining girl in the cage and said that he would clean the cage up as soon as possible so that at least he can salvage the girl's value.

"Can you give me a moment, please?", Beta asked while looking at the girl with a pensive look on his face.

"Only five minutes!" The slave trader answered without caring about it much. It wasn't the first time that he was asked this kind of request. There were several people who wanted to test the goods before buying them so he didn't find it suspicious at all. He gave Beta the key to the cage while giving a meaningful smile and then left the room to give them privacy.

Beta waited for the slave trader to be completely out of earshot before he opened the cage and slowly got closer to the girl. He then looked at her and saw that some tears were running down her cheeks as she looked at him. He took notice of her because she was one of the few in here that still had a slight hint of life hidden in their eyes. Beta squatted down and looked at her straight in the eye while lowering the mask that covered his face.

"Do you want a chance at a better life?", Beta asked as he looked at her with his usual warm smile.

He thought that by being in the same level while showing his face and smile would work. Yet, she didn't answer. Beta tried again and continued to lure the girl in.

"Do you want strength to protect yourself from these kinds of situations?", Beta asked but with a more sincere face this time.

Once again, no answer was given. He stared at her for a minute before a thought suddenly appeared which might be the best lure.

"Do you want the strength to be able to avenge your brother?", Beta asked again while showing a confident face.

This time, Beta saw a reaction in her. Her lips slowly started moving as if she was saying "Yes".

"If you come with me, you will either die or be reborn with abilities that some humans can only dream about. If you stay here, your only option is to die after losing your mind like all the others here. Which one do you choose?", said Beta while trying to test her determination.

"I'll follow you.", the girl weakly said but her eyes showed great desire to slaughter.